辞書 ロシア - 英語

русский язык - English

сфера 英語で:

1. sphere sphere

The earth is shaped like a sphere.
Our sphere of influence has expanded so much since then.
He tried to enlarge his sphere of influence.
God is an infinite sphere whose center is everywhere and circumference is nowhere.
Every star is a sphere.
The subject is out of his sphere.
In the sphere of thought, absurdity and perversity remain the masters of the world, and their dominion is suspended only for brief periods.
Many countries are having difficulties in the economic sphere.
Everyone admitted that the earth is a sphere.
The earth is just a sphere suspended in space.

2. scope scope

out of scope
Project scope is composed of a list of aims, costs, deadlines, deliverables which are needed to deliver a project, successfully.
I tracked down the enemy through the sniper scope.
Their scope and shape is unclear.
The scope of his interest is really impressive.
She can only view things in a narrow scope.
scope of work
The second thing to keep in mind, is that people have a natural tendency to want to protect scope, time, or money when these triple constraints are discussed
initial audit scope
The full scope of the problem is not yet known.
Therefore, it is necessary to correct its scope by making a structural change.
We did not cover several issues in our article: they are outside its scope.
You stay in a car, while I go scope things out
A coverage area is a combination of functional domains, Organizations, Locations and Job Fields that together determine the scope of information available to a specific user group.
The scope of your bachelor's thesis is too broad. I think you should narrow it down.