辞書 タイ - 英語

ไทย - English

เหี้ยม 英語で:

1. ruthless ruthless

They were begging that ruthless clerk but he wouldn't listen.
I had no idea you were so ruthless / The Mafia boss had a reputation for ruthlessness that terrified everyone around him
a ruthless leader
This new character in The Walking Dead is really ruthless!
Those guys are ruthless, covering up their tracks like that after all their wrongdoing.
If that DRO, as it collapses, somehow transforms itself from a group of secretaries, statisticians, accountants and contract lawyers into a ruthless domestic militia and successfully takes over society – and how unlikely is that!
Sometimes I'm a bit to ruthless but I'm working on it
Privately, he's a very nice chap, but in business he's completely ruthless.
A ruthless race is in prospect - a madness on the scale of the 19th-century gold rush.
Some people believe that to succeed in this world you have to be ruthless.
a ruthless decision/(in football) a ruthless tackle
If you really want to cut down on the clutter in your apartment, you can't be sentimental about keepsakes. You have to be ruthless and throw out everything that's not absolutely essential.
He said early Saturday, "We will lead the fight, and we will be ruthless."
My boss is ruthless. He uses a whip to make his employees work faster.
LGBT communities around the world are calling you a 'hero', and say that you were framed, Al-Sayib explained. "But the law enforcement agencies are all labeling you as a ruthless murderer. Which one are you, Dima?"