辞書 ウクライナ - 英語

українська мова - English

пропускати 英語で:

1. skip

My physics teacher doesn't care if I skip classes.
Why do you skip lunch every day?
They always skip school.
Once you skip a lesson, it's hard to catch up with your classmates.
I hate those who always skip class and ask their friends to answer the roll call for them.
If you skip my class, I will kill you.
However, skip this meal leads to deregulations of metabolism.
Look! Ann is skipping
skip - to not do a usual habit or activity / Usually, he gets up and has orange juice or just skips breakfast because he is late for class.
Managers often wish to see the result too soon and skip a vital process
I didn't read every page in the magazine. I skipped a few pages.
The fence was low enough to pass it with a skip
skip lessons
I think I'll skip lunch today - I'm not very hungry. Skip the niceness, I know you don't like me.
I skipped class and I went to the park instead; The police think that bank robbers must have skipped the country by now.

2. omit

You can omit the preposition in this phrase.
You should omit this point.
Can we omit an identifying relative clause in a sentence? No we can't omit an identifying relative clause in a sentence.
He was omitted from the team because of his behaviour.
a significant detail was omitted from your story
If we omit critical inputs...
omit the details
3 products were omitted in this shipment
However, in agreement with the competent authorities, the applicant may omit part of this information.
... agents, and those who omit themselves
Omit needless words!
You can omit the last chapter of the book.
Time is short and we must omit some of the speeches from the program.

3. overlook

Shouldn't you overlook his indiscretions and forgive him?
This is too important to overlook.
He overlooked a misspelled word.
if a house, room etc overlooks something, it has a view of it, usually from above
I think there is one kye fact you have overlooked.
She did not overlook whatever difference there was between what was right and what was wrong.
Making this matter public would have an effect on our sales, so we're going to overlook it this once.
Brenda overlooked the last step and had a bad fall
However, do not overlook the effect the Iraq war may have had. The risk is a real one and should not be overlooked. But in the future such things will not be overlooked.
To overlook is defined as to look at from a high place, or to miss something by mistake or on purpose. An example of to overlook is to view a valley from the top of a cliff. An example of to overlook is to not count one absence by a student.
The definition of an overlook is a high place that provides a view of the surroundings. An example of an overlook is a cliff above a valley. My hotel window overlooked some of the most magnificent scenery I had ever seen.
It's a two-storied house with a spacious living-room, light bedroom and study which overlooks the garden.
He seems to have overlooked one important fact.
I ​think there is one ​key ​fact that you have overlooked. Reiner himself was overlooked as ​best ​director. Our ​hotel ​room overlooked the ​harbor.
if something overlooks a place, it is above the place and has a view over it