質問 |
答え |
I am prone to procrastination. 学び始める
There is a huge gap in terms of earnings between me and my boss. 学び始める
I am burdened with an excessive amount of duties. 学び始める
My mother was neglecting so I felt neglected. 学び始める
She has an abusive husband. 学び始める
I have an entranched fear that everybody could realise that I am worse that they think. 学び始める
The survey was carried out in January. 学び始める
Badanie zostało przeprowadzone w styczniu.
My eating of chocolate is habitual 学び始める
My friend teaches kids how to juggle. 学び始める
It's very likely that we will lose the championship. 学び始める
Jest bardzo prawdopodobne, że przegramy mistrzostwo.
Talking over the phone is inappropriate at work. 学び始める
Sometimes I have depressive disorder. 学び始める
All my life I pursue loosing weight. 学び始める
My husband drives me crazy deliberatly. 学び始める
We should feel more self-gratitude. 学び始める
In my childhood the roles were reversed. 学び始める
I am very compasionate towards other but not towards myself. 学び始める
I feel like Alice amid monsters. 学び始める
I feel intimidation during parents meeting. 学び始める
I feel resentment when I don't eat enough and my weight is still the same. 学び始める
Last year we made a commitment to reduce weight. 学び始める
W zeszłym roku podjęliśmy zobowiązanie do zredukowania wagi.
I have willingness but I don't have enough strength. 学び始める
I hate being peacemaker for my children. 学び始める
I am incapable of crying. 学び始める