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Steve was despondent about his Failure And felt that he will never achieve success.
Na większości statków pasażerowie, którzy zezwalają swoim dzieciom na wędrowanie w miejscach przeznaczonych wyłącznie dla dorosłych, mogą otrzymać upomnienie, mandat lub inne upomnienie 学び始める
On most ships, passengers who allow their children to loiter in adult only venues may be reprimanded, fined, or otherwise admonished
He tried to disguise his voice on the phone but I could tell it was him. She disguised herself in a wig and glasses. We disguised the fact that we were disappointed. Noun. He wore a disguise of glasses, a fake mustache, and a cap.
His interest seemed to increase when she clutched the sheets to conceal her state of undress... Maybe he was trying to protect her, but more likely he was simply trying to conceal the problem
We cannot linger over the details of this plan. Granted, Howie's mother might linger for weeks but she's still his only flesh and blood.
When my husband died, I lived in a state of despondency for over a year... Exercise is a great way to fight despondency because working out tends to brighten a person's spirits.
Unfortunately I was consigned to the lower position on the company
W średniowieczu mury budowli weneckich budowano niezmiennie z cegły. 学び始める
During the middle ages the walls of Venetian buildings were constructed invariably of brick.
"he was injured and therefore unable to play"
Kiedy wstał, poczuł ukłucie zapalenia stawów. Nadal czuję od czasu do czasu ukłucie w nodze od wypadku. Poczułam ukłucie winy. Muszę przyznać się do odrobiny zazdrości. 学び始める
He felt a twinge of arthritis when he stood up. I still feel an occasional twinge in my leg from the accident. I felt a twinge of guilt. I must admit to a twinge of envy.
The care for his welfare led his father to decide to move to a better neighborhood.
Ogarnęła ją niewytłumaczalna złość na polityka... Może szukał jej z jakiegoś niewytłumaczalnego powodu 学び始める
Inexplicable anger at the politician surged through her... Maybe he sought her out for some inexplicable reason
To jest nieuniknione/nieuchronne. 学び始める
This is inevitable / inevitable.
Policja nie chce przesądzać o śledztwie... W miejscu pracy wystąpiły uprzedzenia, których kulminacją była rezygnacja rok temu 学び始める
The police do not want to prejudice an investigation... There was prejudice in the workplace culminating in her resignation a year ago. We don't want to prejudice law enforcement against doing the right thing.
Czasownik. Została oskarżona o oczernianie byłego szefa. Rzeczownik. Jest oskarżona o pomówienie. Był celem oszczerstwa. Słyszeliśmy niezliczone oszczerstwa o niej. 学び始める
Verb. She was accused of slandering her former boss. Noun. She is being sued for slander. He was a target of slander. We've heard countless unsupported slanders about her.
on my 21st birthday day I'll stop eating red meat; thereafter I won't be eating red meat.
No deity or Immortal or living human ever welcomed or accepted Death, but the souls always had.
Her despicable behavior earned her nothing but some time in jail.
The people who do the most important work and carry the biggest responsibility have to receive the largest remuneration, too.
Don't trust her with valuable or confidential information because she is very whimsical. Most scientists are stereotyped to be whimsical people. Don't blame my husband for forgetting simple things. He has always been a whimsical person.
Ponieważ wiele słów w tym zdaniu jest w zasadzie niepotrzebnych, naprawdę dobrym pomysłem byłoby zredagowanie ich nieco dla zwięzłości. 学び始める
Brief, Succince, Short, Compact, Terse Because a great many of the words in this sentence are basically unnecessary, it would really be a very good idea to edit somewhat for conciseness.
Treściwość Listy zostały zredagowane dla jasności i zwięzłości. Opowiedział tę historię z godną podziwu zwięzłością. 学び始める
The letters were edited for clarity and conciseness. He told the story with admirable conciseness.
felietoniści gazet udzielają zwięzłych rad. W końcu dotarli do sedna dyskusji. 学び始める
newspaper columnists give pithy advice. They finally got to the pith of the discussion.
Jest to kwestia sporna od dziesięcioleci. Odbyła się kontrowersyjna debata na temat wykorzystania genetycznie zmodyfikowanych upraw 学び始める
It has been a contentious issue for decades. There was contentious debate over the use of genetically modified crops
Rzeka jest zawsze obciążona dużą ilością mułu, który w sezonie powodziowym osadza się na otaczającej równinie, co znacznie poprawia jej żyzność. 学び始める
The river is always charged with a great quantity of silt which during flood season is deposited over the surrounding plain to the great enhancement of its fertility
wepchała sie na nas 学び始める
Była zalana przesłaniami poparcia, 学び始める
She was inundated with messages of support,
Powtarzamy nasze poprzednie przesłanie o byciu bardziej świadomym naszego otoczenia i trosce o innych. 学び始める
We reiterate our former messaging about being extra aware of our surroundings and considerate of others.
Na pewno się o coś martwi 学び始める
He's certainly apprehensive about something
Doria was a man of indomitable energy and a great admiral.
Koloryzować, Wyolbrzymiać 学び始める
verb increase the power, status, or wealth of. "an action intended to aggrandize the Frankish dynasty" enhance the reputation of (someone) beyond what is justified by the facts. "he hoped to aggrandize himself by dying a hero's death"
Burzycielski, Przewrotny 学び始める
adjective. Seeking or intended to subvert an established system or institution. Noun. a subversive person. "the government claimed we were subversives or terrorists"
pierszeństwo, poprzedzanie 学び始める
Precedence (noun) Definition: Having importance or priority Example Sentences: – You can’t have a value structure without a hierarchy. They’re the same thing because a value structure means one thing takes precedence over another. –...
1. having a varied or diverse quality
Epidemia zdrowotna wywołała panikę u wielu osób, gdy odrodzenie gruźlicy niedawno zainfekowało dziesięć osób. 学び始める
A health-related epidemic resulted in a panic of many people when a resurgence of tuberculosis recently infected ten people.
Premier Szkocji Nicola Sturgeon zapowiedziała, że odbędą się rozmowy ze szkocką policją w celu wypracowania sposobu realizacji polityki. 学び始める
Scotland's First Minister Nicola Sturgeon said discussions would take place with Police Scotland to work out how the policy will be implemented.
wdrażanie, realizacja, wykonanie 学び始める
she was responsible for the implementation of the plan"
So-called "air bridges" - agreements with countries that have low infection rates allowing tourists to travel without quarantining - will not be in place initially, the government said.
to a moderate degree as compared to something else; relatively.
Chase, or recreational activity... with deadly consequences
1. My daughter and I usually disagree about which clothing items are apposite for school.2. During the debate, the candidate implied his opponent’s employment plan was not apposite for the country.
Synonyms: relevant, fitting, fit, material So give me some pertinent facts. She had asked some pertinent questions.
Pomyślnie stopione zarodki zaczynają się rozszczepiać po 48 godzinach, dzieląc się na małą kulkę komórek. 学び始める
The successfully fused embryos begin to cleave after 48 hours, dividing into a small ball of cells.
There was widespread unemployment and corruption.
Synonyms: difference, gap, inequality, distinction Disparities in pay between men and women. The great disparity of wealth between rich and poor countries.
If you are reluctant to do something, you are unwilling to do it and hesitate before doing it, or do it slowly and without enthusiasm. The police are very reluctant to get involved in this sort of thing.
He has always been a lot less reluctant than people think to take on more work.
The containment of something dangerous or unpleasant is the act or process of keeping it under control within a particular area or place. Fire crews are hoping they can achieve full containment of the fire before the winds pick up... Containment of the disease.
Synonyms: unobtrusive, hidden, unnoticeable, I'll try to be as inconspicuous as possible. He had ridden out of Cambridge, inconspicuous among the hundreds of young cyclists.
Nie był świadkiem jej egzekucji, ale on i pozostali są współwinni jej śmierci. Matka, która nie zgłasza nadużycia, jest współudziałem. 学び始める
He did not witness her execution, yet he and the others are complicit in her death. A mother who does not report the abuse is said to be complicit.
Ich głowice wystarczą, by kilkakrotnie unicestwić świat 学び始める
Synonyms: destroy, eliminate, devastate, Their warheads are enough to obliterate the world several times over.
Synonyms: reprimand, caution, censure, rebuke They admonished me for taking risks with my health. [She admonished him gently, 'You should rest, not talk so much.
Too much emphasis is placed on research
Łupieżca 学び始める
They'll be keen to enhance their reputation abroad. The beiges and creams of its suites are enhanced by splashes of warm colour in the cushions and throws.
stealing from shops or houses during a war or riot In the country's largest cities there has been rioting and looting.
Ciężko odpowiedzieć na to pytanie 学び始める
It's hard to answer this question