It was a tiny cocker spaniel. 学び始める
The puppy peeped out at her. 学び始める
Jock and Trusty lived nearby. 学び始める
Trusty was a brown bloodhound. 学び始める
The dog rushed off to show her blue collar. 学び始める
You are a full grown lady now. 学び始める
zakłopotany / zdezorientowany
A baby is a cute little bundle of trouble. 学び始める
Walking towards her was a scruffy but handsome mongrel called Trump. 学び始める
The baby was born that spring. 学び始める
Jim and Darling were overjoyed. 学び始める
The cats were mischievious. 学び始める
They were upsetting the gold fish bowl. 学び始める
Cats made it look as though it was all Lady's fault. 学び始める
Cats made it look as though it was all Lady's fault. 学び始める
Darling seemed cross with her. 学び始める
Darling seemed cross with her. 学び始める
The cats frightened the canary. 学び始める
They ripped the curtains. 学び始める
They ripped the curtains. 学び始める
She managed to wriggle free and leapt of the shop's counter. 学び始める
She managed to wriggle free and leapt of the shop's counter. 学び始める
She managed to wriggle free and leapt of the shop's counter. 学び始める
She managed to wriggle free and leapt of the shop's counter. 学び始める
Cars and lorries whizzed by. 学び始める
Lady dashed down the corner. 学び始める
Lady was nearly knocked down by a car. 学び始める
A pack of stray dogs jumped out. 学び始める
Lady fled down the alley. 学び始める
A huge fence blocked her way. 学び始める
He was a very fierce fighter. 学び始める
He forced the other dogs back. 学び始める
She was shaking with fear. 学び始める
They soon spotted a beaver. 学び始める
They soon spotted a beaver. 学び始める
He was gnawing through some logs to build a dam. 学び始める
He was gnawing through some logs to build a dam. 学び始める
Tramp persuaded the beaver to use his strong, sharp teeth to bite through Lady's muzzle. 学び始める
Tramp persuaded the beaver to use his strong, sharp teeth to bite through Lady's muzzle. 学び始める
She decided to buy a muzzle to restrain the little dog. 学び始める
The stars began to twinkle in the sky. 学び始める
Lady and Tramp shared a delicious meal. 学び始める
Lady began to chew a strand of spaghetti. 学び始める
They were both eating the same strand of spaghetti. 学び始める
Lady blushed and gazed dreamily. 学び始める
Tramp took Lady for a stroll in the park. 学び始める
As a reminder of the evening, the two put their paw prints in wet cement. 学び始める
She was determined to go home. 学び始める
Tramp agreed to show Lady the way back. 学び始める
As they approached Lady's home, Tramp spotted a hen house. 学び始める
Feathers flew everywhere. 学び始める
Tramp squeezed under a fence. 学び始める
They splashed through a stream. 学び始める
They jumped over a ditch. 学び始める
She had been caught by a dog catcher. 学び始める
Lady was taken off to the dog pound. 学び始める
Lady's eyes filled with tears. 学び始める
The door of her cell clanged shut behind her. 学び始める
Lady was suprised to find out that all the other dogs knew about Trump. 学び始める
It seemed he had a lot of other girlfriends. 学び始める
Lady felt sad and dissapointed. 学び始める
Aunt Sarah came to collect Lady. 学び始める
She chained Lady to a kennel in the garden. 学び始める
She chained Lady to a kennel in the garden. 学び始める
Lady refused to speak to him. 学び始める
She noticed two eyes glinting in the shadows. 学び始める
She noticed two eyes glinting in the shadows. 学び始める
The rat was scurring towards the house. 学び始める
In a flash, Tramp was inside the house. 学び始める
Trum run up the stairs and through the nursery door. 学び始める
Therat was about to jump into the baby's cot. 学び始める
Aunt Sarah had heard the commotion. 学び始める
The dead rat was hidden behind the curtain. 学び始める
Sarah immediately blamed them. 学び始める
Sarah immediately blamed them. 学び始める
She pushed tramp into a cupboard with her broom. 学び始める
She locked her in a damp cellar. 学び始める
Aunt Sarah ordered them to come. 学び始める
As Tramp was being led to the pound wagon. 学び始める
Lady began barking wildly. 学び始める
Trusty was following the scent of the pound wagon. 学び始める
Luckily, Jim Dear had realised that Tramp had rescued the babby. 学び始める
Luckily, Jim Dear had realised that Tramp had rescued the babby. 学び始める
Luckily, Jim Dear had realised that Tramp had rescued the babby. 学び始める
Trusty's leg was mending well. 学び始める
He looked fondly at the three of them. 学び始める