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rozróżniać, dyskryminować 学び始める
discriminate, discriminate against to be able to see the difference between two things or people. Synonim differentiate Police dogs can discriminate between the different smells.
stronniczość, uprzedzenia 学び始める
1. schwytać (np. złodzieja, wroga) 2. uchwycić, oddawać (np. piękno przyrody na zdjęciu) 3. zdominować (rynek), zawładnąć (rynkiem) 学び始める
zachwycać, zchwyt oczarować, oczarowywać 学び始める
extreme pleasure and happiness or excitement: 1. He listened to the music with an expression of pure rapture on his face. 2. The prime minister's supporters greeted her speech with rapture.
1. wciągające doświadczenie, 2. pochłaniający, zajmujący, wciągający 学び始める
seeming to surround the audience, player, etc. so that they feel completely involved in something: 1. an immersive theatrical experience 2. The new game is more immersive.
zajmować się kimś, opiekować się kimś, pielęgnować kogoś (np. chorego) 学び始める
to help someone or deal with something: 1. Doctors tried to attend to the worst injured soldiers first. 2. I always have so many things to attend to when I come into the office after a trip abroad.
to be doing something: What are you up to at the moment?
to talk to someone again, usually on the phone, in order to give them some information or because you were not able to speak to them before: I'll get back to you later with those figures.
dorastać do czegoś (np. do wykonywania jakiejś pracy) 学び始める
to develop into a particular type of person or thing: He's grown into a fine, responsible young man.
to not punish someone who has committed a crime or done something wrong, or to not punish them severely: Instead of a prison sentence they were let off with a fine.
nawalać, nie funkcjonować poprawnie (np. o sprzęcie) 学び始める
If a machine or part of the body acts up, it does not perform as well as it should: My car always acts up in cold weather.
powtarzać coś wielokrotnie (w celu podkreślenia znaczenia lub wyjaśnienia) 学び始める
to say something again, once or several times: 1. The government has reiterated its refusal to compromise with terrorists. 2. [+ that ] She reiterated that she had never seen him before.
wytłumaczyć, uzasadnić PV 学び始める
to explain the reason for something 1. how do you account for being late 2. how do you account for costs increase
If a law, plan, or deal goes through, it is officially accepted or approved: A city council member said that the proposals for the new shopping centre were unlikely to go through.
to remove problems or find solutions: 1. We're still trying to iron out some problems with the computer system. 2. We hope they can iron out their differences and get on with working together.
to increase the amount or size of something: The distributors will probably bump up the price of the software when the next version is released.
wywnioskować, wydedukować 学び始める
to form an opinion or guess that something is true because of the information that you have: 1. What do you infer from her refusal? 2. [+ that ] I inferred from her expression that she wanted to leave.
to involve yourself in a situation when your involvement is not wanted or is not helpful: 1. It's their problem and I'm not going to interfere. 2. I'd never interfere between (US with) a husband and wife.
obciążyć kogoś odpowiedzialnością za coś 学び始める
1. wygląd 2. pojawienie się, przybycie, obecność 学び始める
an occasion when someone appears in public: 1. It was his first appearance on television/television appearance as president. 2. She will be making a public appearance, signing copies of her latest novel.
1. wykorzystywać informacje, sięgać do zasobów 2. opierać się na czymś, wywodzić się z czegoś 学び始める
to use information or your knowledge of something to help you do something: 1. His novels draw heavily on his childhood. 2. She had a wealth of experience to draw on.
1. pogodzić się z czymś 2. stawić czoła czemuś, poradzić sobie z czymś 学び始める
to accept that a difficult situation exists: She's going to have to face up to the fact that he's not going to marry her.
podjąć coś, podchwycić coś (np. temat) 学び始める
PV zrewanżować się komuś, wynagrodzić komuś 学び始める
I promise that I will make up to you for what I've done.
to arrive or appear somewhere, usually unexpectedly or in a way that was not planned: 1. Do you think many people will turn up? 2. She turned up at my house late one night.
odwzajemnić, oddać przysługę 学び始める
reciprocate, pay a favour back
unfair or cruel treatment over a long period of time because of race, religion, or political beliefs: 1. They left the country out of fear of persecution. 2. refugees escaping from political persecution
lekarz pierwszego kontaktu 学び始める
GP (general practitioner)
loteria, zakłady pieniężne, totalizator 学び始める
a type of gambling, often on a horse race, in which people pay a small amount of money and choose a particular horse, team, etc. The person who chooses the winning horse, team, etc. receives all the money paid by everyone else.
the act of praising someone, often in a way that is not sincere, because you want something from them: I was really pleased when he said how well I'd done, because he isn't known for flattery.
PV poprzeć kogoś, popierać kogoś 学び始める
to support somebody in their actions or decisions Many celebrities backed Hillary Clinton up in the 2016 elections.
PV robić coś, porabiać coś 学び始める
What have you been up to recently? What are you up to at the moment?
PV okutać, otulać (kołdrą do snu) 学び始める
PV ukrywać coś przed kimś 学び始める
You can't keep this information from her.
having only a short distance from the top to the bottom: The stream was fairly shallow so we were able to walk across it.
dowiedzieć się, dowiedzieć się, dowiedzieć się 学び始める
find out, learn, get to know
uprzejmy, dobry, życzliwy, miły 学び始める
He was kind enough to help me with the housework.
PV 1. iść, wychodzić, opuszczać jakieś miejsce, wyjeżdżać 2. włączyć się (o alarmie, dźwięku w jakimś urządzeniu) 学び始める
1. Children bought some sweets and went off happy. 2. I don't know why the burglar alarm went off. 3. go off lights
dogadywać się z kimś, zgadzać się z kimś 学び始める
to support an idea, or to agree with someone's opinion: Kate's already agreed, but it's going to be harder persuading Mike to go along with it.
prawdziwość tego oświadczenia 学び始める
veracity of that statement the quality of being true, honest, or accurate:
If two or more people get along, they like each other and are friendly to each other: I don't really get along with my sister's husband.
wzbraniać się, poddaj się, zrezygnować 学び始める
shy away, give up, resigne Most people shy away from such jobs, but we need them all.