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To be under the weather
When was the last time you were a bit under the weather or off colour?
czuć się źle, źle się czuć
mean that you’re not feeling 100%, you’re not very well. It could be because you have a cold or some other minor illness.
To be/feel off colour
I can't come to work today becouse I feel off colour
czuć się źle, źle się czuć
mean that you’re not feeling 100%, you’re not very well. It could be because you have a cold or some other minor illness.
A bit of grit might go in your eye.
piasek, żwir
small particles of rock, sand or salt. It’s often used to prevent cars or pedestrians from slipping on ice
A speck of dust
This is the right term for one piece of dust. Normally dust is uncountable but we make it countable using the partitive
To swell up
If you sprain an ankle your ankle swells up.
When parts of your body swell up they become larger probably due to the body reacting to something.
These are the parts that cover the eye. Upper eyelid and lower eyelid.
She fluttered her long eyelashes seductively.
These are the hairs that you find at the end of your eyelids.
This is the hair above your eyes,
źrenica (część oka)
This is the black bit in the middle which can be dilated or constricted.
This is the part that has colour
The corner of your eye
Kącik oka
Sometimes we see things out of the corner of our eye, or we get things stuck in the corner of our eye.
To phone in sick/ To call in sick
zglosic chorobowe
This is just the standard way to refer to calling work because you’re sick.
A sickie
To throw a sickie To pull a sickie To take a sickie To do a sickie
chorobowe (unformal)
These are all ways of referring to when you call work and tell them you can’t come in because you are ill. There’s also the suggestion that you might be faking it, if you use this expression (sickie).
Mental health days / duvet days
Dni zdrowia psychicznego / dni z kołdrą
if you can’t face Monday morning. This is something in Australia apparently.
To sound a bit muffled
Muffle your voice a bit to make yourself sound ill.
brzmiec jak chory
I’m not sure what to think about Phil. He seems a bit dodgy or something.
podejrzany, krętacki, szemrany, śliski (np. biznes, osoba)
If something is dodgy it is dishonest and unreliable. It’s a very common word in British English. It’s slang but very common.
To hang up (the phone)
I hung him up and he called me back
Rozłączyć się (telefon)
This means to end the call by putting the phone down, or pressing “end call”
To hang up on someone
When I told her I thought we should break up she hung up on me.
Rozłączyć się z kimś
This is when you’re talking to someone and for whatever reason you just stop the call suddenly. Maybe the person said something insulting
To pick up (the phone)
I called Paul but he didn’t pick up.
Odebrać (telefon)
This one means just to answer the phone.
A wuss
I don’t want to go out, it’s raining. Oh, don’t be such a wuss!
cykor, cienias, dupa wołowa
a weak or useless person. Someone pathetic.
To take the piss
Come on mate, you’re taking the piss now
robic se jaja
make fun of someone” or “take the mickey out of someone”
To let something go
I've been trying for months so it's time to let it go.
dac sobie spokoj
In this case to let something go means to choose not to punish or criticise someone.
Ace, Wicked
1. That film was ace, wasn’t it!? 2. We went to this wicked theme park at the weekend.
As, Wicked
These are both slang words very common to our generation. They both mean “great!” They’re both adjectives.
Driving in a car with you is always a hairraising experience.
jeżący włosy na głowie (np. opowieść)
This means frightening and dangerous, but exciting
To talk out loud
To laugh out loud, To read out loud, To think out loud
Głośno mówić
If you do something out loud, it means you do it not just in your head, but so other people can hear you.
To think on your feet
You might have to think on your feet a bit at the end of the presentation.
myśleć szybko, szybko się zastanowić, szybko podejmować decyzję
This means to just think without preparation, while you are doing something.
A learning curve
For example, learning a language is very challenging at the beginning, so there’s a steep learning curve at the start
Krzywa uczenia się
A learning curve is a visual representation of the challenge of learning a new skill.
A steep learning curve
The games are so well designed that the learning curve is really short
Stroma krzywa uczenia się
To give something a go
To have a go (at something) To give something a try To try your hand at something
Aby coś spróbować
All of these things mean to try something you’re not sure you’ll be able to do, or something you’ve never done before.
An avid reader
I’m an avid reader.
Zapalony czytelnik
someone who reads a lot
A bookworm
He reads two books every week - he is a real bookworm.
Mól książkowy
someone who reads a lot.
Cobbled together
The book seemed a bit cobbled together.
sklecać naprędce
Means put together badly as if it was done too quickly. So it means created quickly but badly. The phrase is used in a negative way, as a criticism.
To stick with something
If the book seems boring at the start, stick with it. It gets better after a while.
Trzymać się czegoś
This means to continue doing something and not give up.
It absolutely infuriates me when people queue jump at the supermarket.
If you’re infuriated it means you’re really angry with something. Something infuriates you.
To lay it on thick
They really lay it on thick in these American dramas don’t they?
koloryzować, wyolbrzymiać, przesadzać
This means to add too much of something, in this case emotional depth.
Star Wars is full of hammy acting and dodgy dialogue, but I love it!
przesadny (np. gra aktorska)
Normally we describe actors’ performances as hammy when they’re full of obviously fake emotion.
The documentary seemed so contrived. I don’t believe for a second that he met all those people by chance. I think it was all staged.
nienaturalny, wystudiowany
If something is contrived then it seems false and not natural. Fake. Created.
Pushing the emotional angle
Przesuwanie emocjonalnego punktu widzenia
If you push the emotional angle in your story, it means you emphasise the emotional elements, probably to get an emotional reaction from the audience.
One dimensional
Arguably Star Wars is full of onedimensional characters who are either evil, brave, heroic, selfinterested and so on.
This is a negative expression, used to express criticism that something is too simple, lacks depth, lacks sophistication.
A gimmick
In the case of The Beastie Boys the gimmick was their style and attitude just being outrageous to attract attention.
sztuczka, chwyt (np. reklamowy, marketingowy)
A gimmick is an unusual and unnecessary feature of something, which is used just to draw people’s attention
A novelty
Once upon a time McDonald’s was a bit of a novelty in the UK.
A novelty is similar to a gimmick in that it attracts attention, but it’s different in that it’s only interesting because it’s new.
Who gives a toss about ...?
kogo to obchodzi?!
This means “who cares?”I
A one hit wonder
Everyone thought the Beastie Boys would just be a onehit wonder.
artysta jednego przeboju
This is a band that only has one big successful record. They have one hit and then they disappear.
To be ahead of your/its time
Someone like David Bowie was ahead of his time
wyprzedzac swoje czasy
If something is ahead of its time it means it is doing the most advanced and innovative things before everyone else.
To get away with something
I don’t know how they got away with sampling The Beatles
Uciec od czegoś
This means to do something wrong or against the rules, but to escape punishment.
Frenetic Frantic
Paul’s Boutique is quite frenetic and frantic because the songs are very short and things move from one song to the next very quickly.
So it means doing things very quickly in a disorganised or stressed way.
To crack up (at something)
Have you ever cracked up or burst out laughing in an inappropriate situation?
rozśmieszyć kogoś, rozbawić kogoś, rozweselić kogoś
To crack up means to laugh uncontrollably.
To hit someone up
Hit me up on facebook mate
skontaktować się z kimś
This is a slang expression meaning to contact someone.
Pushing outwards
isc do przodu / chalendzowac golsy
Pushing outwards means just making progress, making new deals, growing. But it also doesn’t mean anything.
To have something lined uprządku
organizować coś, przygotowywać coś
if something is lined up it means it is organised and arranged,
To have someone on board
It’s great to have you on board.
Mieć kogoś na pokładzie
This expression means that you are part of the team.
Stick something up the flagpole
We’ll stick that up the flagpole and see who dances.
zakomunikowac cos
If you put a flag up the flagpole you can communicate something to everyone.
To play a record and see who dances
We’ll stick that up the flagpole and see who dances.
zagrac i popatrzec kto jak zareaguje
this phrase means to suggest something to everyone and see who gives a positive reaction
To be on trend
Być na czasie
this means to be trendy, or to be something that a lot of people are interested in at the moment
Take something to the next level /
Everyone’s trying to take their English to the next level.
Przenieś coś na wyższy poziom
a common phrase to mean level up, get higher, more successful, make progress
What are you on?
brales cos?
This means “what drugs are you taking?” which means “You’re mad!”
To get chewed up
My mixtape got chewed up in your walkman, man!
just means to completely chew something, or chew something until it is destroyed or damaged by the chewing.
Tough shit
But I don’t want to go to school! Well, tough. You’re going.
Ciężkie gówno
If you say this, you’re basically saying you have no sympathy for someone. You’re basically saying, yeah, life is tough sometimes, deal with it. It can be shortened to just tough.
To cane something
1. Stop caning that cigarette. 2. Calm down a bit. I’ve been caning my data connection recently.
zejezdzac cos
To cane something means to use it hard.
In good nick
My phone’s in pretty good nick because I’ve been using this phone cover.
W dobrym stanie
This means in good condition.(slang)
