質問 |
答え |
His voice betrayed the worry he tried to hide 学び始める
He succumbed to the temptation of another drink. 学び始める
I reject the notion that greed can be a good thing. 学び始める
This evidence lends credence to her theory. 学び始める
uwiarygodnić, nadać wiarygodność
Your idea is an important contribution to the debate. 学び始める
My job as a journalist is to expose the truth. 学び始める
Nothing can alter the fact that we are to blame. 学び始める
They soon discovered a mutual interest in music. 学び始める
The prisoners sought to escape. 学び始める
It is an acknowledgement of the problem. 学び始める
It was only a partial solution to the problem. utterance – wypowiedź, sformułowanie I remember her few public 学び始める
I remember her few public utterances. 学び始める
I can see the fidelity of the translation to the original text. 学び始める
She did not utter a word during lunch. 学び始める
I try to elucidate what the problem is. 学び始める
The child sat mute in the corner of the room. 学び始める
Poland and Germany are contiguous. 学び始める
We have a plenitude of wealth and food. 学び始める
pełnia, mnogość, obfitość
To pose a question is to ask this question. 学び始める
The plan has been accomplished 学び始める
The renunciation of violence has been promised. 学び始める
He was unable to renounce his beliefs. 学び始める
He has always obeyed the law. 学び始める
Bonus is contingent on your hard work. 学び始める
This is a literal translation of my words. 学び始める
He clenched his fists in anger. 学び始める
I felt relief on hearing the good news. 学び始める
zrozumieć / wyjaśnić, rozwiązać
This event tests physical endurance. 学び始める
My insecurity stems from my childhood. 学び始める
Such cruel actions perpetuate injustice. 学び始める
A randomized trial uses things in a random order. 学び始める
Obstetrics is the branch of medicine concerned with the birth of children. 学び始める
Intrauterine means within the uterus. 学び始める
The school was used as a hospital for the duration of the war. 学び始める
Babies exposed to white noise sleep better. 学び始める
Names were chosen at random from a list. 学び始める
We are trying to assess how well the system work 学び始める
The allocation of food to those who need it most. 学び始める
The allocation cards were concealed in envelopes. 学び始める
Sleep was defined as a state of quiescence (= being quiet). 学び始める
They examined their exposure to noise. 学び始める
narażenie na, wystawienie na działanie
The new drug has great significance for the treatment of the disease. 学び始める
Delivery is the process of giving birth to a baby. 学び始める
The mean temperature is average, between the highest and the lowest. 学び始める
Randomisation produced two groups of babies similar in a number of characteristics. 学び始める
randomizacja, losowy rozdział badanych obiektów do grup porównawczych
The likelihood of a baby falling asleep is increased when exposed to white noise. 学び始める
Low frequency noise is an effective inhibitor of anxiety. 学び始める
The noise of hair dryers is known to settle infants. 学び始める
White noise removes arousal stimuli and calms the baby. 学び始める
It is unlikely that the use of this device will deprive infants of their required feeds. 学び始める
White noise does not suppress intrinsic stimuli. 学び始める