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ukrócić coś, podjąć zdecydowane kroki przeciw
clamp down on sth, curb something, take decisive action against it
ograniczyć coś (np. palenie, ryzyko, wydatki)
cut down/back on sth, limit something, reduce something
nie zgadzać się
to disagree, be at odds (with)
My boss is at odds with Mary. | They're at odds over the funding of the project. | Her version of events was at odds with (= very different from) the police report.
the act of encouraging a particular activity, especially one that causes trouble
-mongering (suffix) (i. e war-mongering, panic-mongering.
They accused him of rumour-mongering/scandal-mongering. | Fear-mongering often takes the place of thoughtful and objective analysis.
zaszufladkować coś, sklasyfikować - potocznie
to pigeonhole something, to classify sth
He is a film producer who can't be conveniently pigeonholed. | We decided to drop in our name because we didn't want to be pigeonholed as an internet company.
the person who encourages a particular activity, especially one that causes trouble
warmonger, panic-monger, doom-monger
They're nothing but a bunch of war-mongers.
wbić klin między kogoś a kogoś (coś a coś)
to damage the good relationship that two people or groups of people have
drive a wedge between someone and someone (something and something)
It doesn't make sense to let things that happened in the past drive a wedge between us now.
chcieć coś np. kupić, uganiać się za czymś, szukać czegoś
be after sth
The police are after him. | I'm after a tie to go with this shirt. | I'm sure she's after my husband. | He's after Jane's job (= wants it for himself). | Being a movie star has been difficult and isn't really what I was after.
to be careful and not take risks (idiom)
to play it safe
To play safe, I'd allow an extra ten minutes, just in case.
