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to select things such as documents, music, products, or internet content to be included as part of a list or collection, or on a website: 学び始める
a curated library of short movies available online
full of activity, or very busy and fast: gorączkowy, szaleńczy 学び始める
My schedule was hectic, but I had a good time.
unacceptable or bad behaviour by someone in a position of authority or responsibility złe kierowanie, zachowanie 学び始める
Carlos Ghosn is accused of "significant acts of misconduct", including under-reporting his pay package.
Judge Nenney Shushaidah presides over five trials a day and can hear up to 80 cases a week.
unpleasant, unkind, cruel, or more severe than is necessary: ostry, niemiły 学び始める
Islamic law, also known as Sharia law, is often associated by critics with harsh punishments and hardline attitudes
rosnąć w siłę, podnosić się 学び始める
Malaysia practises a moderate form of Islam but conservative attitudes have been on the rise and the use of Sharia law is growing as well
at odds, in contradiction to
certain to fail, die, or be destroyed: przesądzony, stracony 学び始める
Theresa May's Brexit deal is doomed - Sir Michael Fallon
a strong first position from which further progress can be made 学び始める
Spain far-right Vox party gains foothold in Andalusia election
Now you can use the string pb on the command line in lieu of the whole URL
Over the past year, the number of market entities in Shenzhen reached 3.06 million, becoming the only city to surpass the three million mark in the country.
declare that (something) is not valid or legally binding. uniewaznić 学び始める
can be accepted or endured znośna 学び始める
The comfortable seats on the bus make the long trip bearable
The luxury cars that the company makes are the cream of the crop.
simple; including only what is basic or important 学び始める
As a way to save money, Julia wants to set a bare-bones budget for her everyday expenses
to connect or attach something to a device by electrical or wireless connection 学び始める
Guests can now stay connected anywhere in the resort by hooking up to the free Wi-Fi.
a confusing or unorganized mix of different things 学び始める
The team came up with a hodgepodge of ideas for the magazine's theme.
podważać, osłabić, nadszarpnąć 学び始める
We avoid relationships that impair out independence
uczciwość, nieskazitelność, prawość 学び始める
podpierać, podbudować, podmurować 学び始める
a way of thinking about something, especially expressed in a publicly stated opinion: postawa (attitude) 学び始める
The signal this stance sends to minorities is certainly not encouraging
to fail to take advantage of an opportunity: odpuścić, nie podejmować czegoś 学び始める
If you are given the opportunity for an assignment, you should never pass it up
wystawić na niebezpieczeństwo, narazić 学び始める
No one wants to put their finest athletes at risk and this would jeopardize lives.
... nie otrzyma pakietu odpraw w wysokości 120 po śledztwie... 学び始める
Les Moonves, the former boss of CBS, will not receive a $120m (£95m) severance package after an inquiry into alleged sexual misconduct.
a substance that grows on your teeth if you do not brush them regularly 学び始める
a piece of information, typically one given in a discreet or confidential way. poufna informacja 学び始める
to move slowly with gradual movements or in gradual stages, or to make someone or something move in this way przesuwać się powoli 学び始める
continuing for a long time: bez końca 学び始める
The noise just went on and on
mieć w sobie coś charakterystycznego 学び始める
have a certain air about oneself
w sensie coś go wyróżnia 学び始める
nie owijać w bawełnę, być szczerym 学び始める
the condition of being excited, annoyed, or not satisfied about something, esp. about something that is not very important 学び始める
what's the fuss about 2 nordstream gas pipelines. Let’s see what all the fuss is about.
If someone's behaviour is '...', it is unacceptable: 学び始める
it is beyond the pale to assert Jews in the Warsaw Ghetto fought against the ‘Polish and Nazi regimes.
to say that something is certainly true 学び始める
He asserts that she stole money from him.