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demand or specify (a requirement), typically as part of a bargain or agreement. wymagać, postulować, zastrzec. 学び始める
bezspornie, niezaprzeczalnie, niewątpliwie 学び始める
He is inarguably the best
a covering worn over the eye to protect it if it is damaged or sore 学び始める
official permission for something or the state of having satisfied the official conditions of something: 学び始める
zbić, dać klapsa, zrobić lanie 学び始める
czy on miał kiedyć szansę u ciebie means have a chance with, stand a chance 学び始める
did he ever have a shot with you
a force that pushes something forward: 学び始める
nie przeżył, nie udało mu się 学び始める
meat cut from the breast of an animal, typically a cow. mostek, bekon 学び始める
the exact number of people in a place, or the act of counting them: 学び始める
there is something wrong in a situation 学び始める
To be available to read or watch; to be posted. Said of online news articles, blog posts, videos, etc 学び始める
I'm making a follow-up video, which should be up later today.
slang - pieprzyć kogoś, oszukać kogoś, wydymać (sex) 学び始める
too interested in what other people are doing and wanting to discover too much about them ciekawski 学び始める
astonish or deeply shock. zdumieć, oszałamiać 学び始める
wykonalny (feasible), zdolny do życia 学び始める
nieszczęśliwy wypadek 学び始める
to arrive at a particular place or event, usually late: (turn up) 学び始める
hey rolled up at the party two hours late and rather drunk.
Zgłoszono wyjątek zgodnie z implementacją Zgodnie, według 学び始める
An exception was thrown according to the implementation
złośliwy (malicious), szkodliwy 学び始める
pogrążać, (skok do wody, nurek) 学び始める
that threaten to plunge the world into a “digital dystopia”.
He was justifiably proud of his achievements. People are justifiably angry.
to change a plan, business, or system that is unsuccessful and make it successful 学び始める
We could end up with a digital dystopia if we don’t turn things around.
ma poparcie więcej niż... 学び始める
has the backing of more than 150 organisations
Dalsze zasady zobowiązują\obligują firmy do... 学び始める
Further principles oblige companies to make internet access
delikatny (gentle), czuły 学び始める
involving doing or saying the same thing several times, especially in a way that is boring: powtarzalne 学び始める
to arrive for a gathering or event or to appear or be seen ujawnić, pokazać coś (zazwyczaj nieprawidłowego), pojawić się gdzieś (na zebraniu) 学び始める
He showed up late for the meeting. The virus does not show up in blood tests. showed them up as frauds. showed up my ignorance.
Bon appetite, enjoy your meal
extend the duration of. 学び始める