On the road 8

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zlekceważyć (prawo, zasadę, zwyczaj, tradycję)
Ona zlekceważyła prawo i poniosła konsekwencje.
to flout
Orsola Rosso flouts convention to save her family from ruin. If you flout the rules, you'll be fired. She flouted the law and paid the piper.
udoskonalić (umiejętność), doprowadzić do perfekcji
to hone
Skipping like a stone through the centuries, we follow Orsola as she hones her craft through war and plague, tragedy and triumph, love and loss.
fascynujący, czarujący
Tracy Chevalier is a master of her own craft, and The Glassmaker is vivid, inventive, spellbinding: a virtuoso portrait of a woman, a family and a city that are as everlasting as their glass.
zrobiony, wykonany, uczyniony / obrobiony (o metalu) / kuty
As finely wrought as a dazzling Murano bead' I
1) oślepiający (np. o słońcu), rażący (o świetle) 2) oszałamiający (np. przepych, wygląd), imponujący (np. widok), olśniewający
As finely wrought as a dazzling Murano bead'. Wow! You look dazzling, girl.
potocznie: uciekać, wiać / You could ~ because you're in a rush to get somewhere, or you ~ because you're scared of something. Humans~, but we can also use it to describe animals leaving quickly.
So funny – George is terrified of spiders. Whenever he sees one, he ~s – he's off!
We've got mice in our loft, but every time I go up there, they just skedaddle – we can't catch them. Come on, guys. We need to stop wasting time and skedaddle, otherwise we're going to miss the flight!
nie mający sobie równych
second to none
'The king of the page-turning thriller'. Harris's cleverness, judgment and eye for detail are second to none'
gładko, płynnie, idealnie
Seamlessly weaving fact and fiction in a way that no writer does better, Precipice is the thrilling new novel from Robert Harris.
odciąć fundusze, zaprzestać finansowania
pull the plug
If the viewing figures drop much more, the TV network will probably pull the plug on the whole series. Pulling the Plug on Ukraine
wyrównać szanse, wyrównać szanse dla wszystkich
Czas wyrównać szanse dla małych firm.
level the playing field
It's time to level the playing field for small businesses.
A '~' is something that you go to a lot, or in a particular situation. / odpowiedni, sprawdzony, sprawdzający się, przynoszący oczekiwane efekty
I'm so annoyed because my programme that's my go-to for relaxing in the evening has been cancelled, and now I don't know what I'm going to do.
a go-to
When I'm trying to get warm in the winter, my hot water bottle is my go-to. There's a small butcher near my home which is my go-to for fresh lamb chops.
a hot water bottle
