質問 |
答え |
to extol the virtues of sth 学び始める
staying in bed longer than usual 学び始める
to have strong desires or aspirations 学び始める
zadowolony z siebie, arogancki
to think about sth carfully 学び始める
a fierce or sudden attack 学び始める
to lack scientific rigour to not be based on strict scientific methods 学び始める
nie mieć naukowej rzetelności
to have a negative effect 学び始める
to add more (often negative) criticism 学び始める
geriatyczny, dotyczący osób starszych
a person's natural sleep-wake pattern 学び始める
having tired or unfocusedd eyes 学び始める
z przekrwionymi oczami, niewsypany
a designed space for sleeping at work 学び始める
To kick off a week of sth To begin or start a specific week dedicated to something 学び始める
A suspected case of sabotage A situation where someone is believed to have intentionally damaged or disrupted something. 学び始める
Podejrzany przypadek sabotażu
To cut or break a cable completely 学び始める
A cable used for telecommunications, such as internet or phone connections. 学び始める
A designated area where economic activities are regulated, often referring to an Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ). 学び始める
The continuous transmission of digital media (such as video or audio) over the internet. 学び始める
A large and extensive system of interconnected elements. 学び始める
A large number of contributing elements or reasons. 学び始める
To be assigned a specific responsibility or duty. 学び始める
Mieć powierzone zadanie dotyczące czegoś
To be placed or installed on the bottom of the sea or ocean. 学び始める
Być położonym na dnie morskim / oceanu
To raise concern over sth To express worry or alarm about something. 学び始める
Podnieść obawy dotyczące czegoś
Beyond physical vulnerability Extending past mere physical weakness or susceptibility 学び始める
Poza fizyczną podatnością
Be susceptible to surveillance To be at risk of being monitored or watched. 学び始める
Być podatnym na inwigilację
To intercept communications To secretly listen to, block, or capture messages between people. 学び始める
Przechwytywać komunikację
A message, transmission, or exchange of information. 学び始める
A slang phrase meaning "You are very successful, confident, or impressive." 学び始める
Jesteś świetny! / Masz to coś!
The large-scale removal of trees from forests. 学び始める
The speed or extent at which forests are being cut down. 学び始める
To lead a raid to combat sth To organize and direct an attack or operation against something. 学び始める
Przeprowadzić nalot w celu zwalczania czegoś
People who cut down trees without permission or in violation of the law. 学び始める
A factory or place where logs are cut into lumber. 学び始める
Tiny wood particles produced when cutting or sanding wood. 学び始める
To achieve or complete an objective. 学び始める
To limit or reduce unauthorized tree-cutting. 学び始める
Ograniczyć nielegalne wyręby drzew
Territories traditionally inhabited by native or indigenous peoples. 学び始める
Ziemie rdzennych mieszkańców
To kick off a major campaign To start a significant promotional or activist effort. 学び始める
Processed or unprocessed wood used in construction. 学び始める
Drewno budowlane / kłody drewna
A truckload of illegal timber A large quantity of unlawfully harvested wood transported by truck. 学び始める
Ciężarówka nielegalnego drewna
To increase suddenly and dramatically. 学び始める
To plunge 66% year on year To decrease by 66% compared to the previous year. 学び始める
The extraction of oil from beneath the ocean floor. 学び始める
An area rich in different species of plants and animals. 学び始める
Region o dużej bioróżnorodności
Air contamination caused by heating systems. 学び始める
Zanieczyszczenie spowodowane ogrzewaniem
Transportation systems in cities, such as buses or trains. 学び始める
Producing no harmful pollutants. 学び始める
To try something to see how it works. 学び始める
The quality of having a lot of space. 学び始める
A propeller-driven airplane A plane powered by spinning blades. 学び始める
To level up sb’s vocabulary To improve someone's word knowledge. 学び始める
podnieść poziom słownictwa
To waste time or move slowly. 学び始める
A deep-sea fish that uses bioluminescence to attract prey. 学び始める
A meeting, often unexpected. 学び始める
To provide someone with missing information. 学び始める
To attract or trick someone into coming closer. 学び始める
Fats and oils found in living organisms. 学び始める
A member of the bear family. 学び始める
To be useful in a situation 学び始める
A frozen, snow-covered area. 学び始める
An empty or hollow center. 学び始める
Done by one side only, without agreement from others. 学び始める
To decrease a number to the nearest whole uni 学び始める
To increase a number to the nearest whole unit. 学び始める
To round a transaction to the nearest nickel To adjust the total amount to the closest five-cent increment. 学び始める
zaokrąglić transakcję do najbliższego pięciocenta
To produce new coins officially 学び始める
A small structure where people can place their drinks. 学び始める
An annoying person or small animal that causes problems. 学び始める
Something or someone that is annoying or bothersome 学び始める
You’re so money (and you don’t even know it) You’re awesome and don’t even realize it 学び始める
Jesteś świetny, a nawet o tym nie wiesz
An economic conflict between countries involving tariffs and restrictions. 学び始める
To retaliate with sth (like tariffs of their own) To respond with a similar action, like imposing counter-tariffs. 学び始める
odwetowo odpowiedzieć czymś, np. swoimi cłami
They will not have the desire to... 学び始める
To utilize the infrastructure To make use of the system of roads, buildings, and services. 学び始める
wykorzystać infrastrukturę
To reduce the amount of money a business earns. 学び始める
Wires that transmit electricity over distances 学び始める
Food preserved in metal cans. 学び始める
An expression of surprise or amazement. 学び始める
An essential part of something. 学び始める
A lightweight metal used in construction and packaging. 学び始める
Tens of millions of tons of steel More than ten million metric tons of steel. 学び始める
dziesiątki milionów ton stali
A manufacturing-focused economy An economy mainly based on producing goods in factories. 学び始める
gospodarka nastawiona na przemysł wytwórczy
A factory where steel is produced 学び始める
Trump at the time when he was running for office. 学び始める
Official permission to not follow a rule or pay a required amount. 学び始める
zwolnienie, np. z podatku
A special case where a rule does not apply. 学び始める
To temporarily stop or delay the application of tariffs 学び始める
To impose a (25%) tariff on To officially introduce a tax of (25%) on imported goods. 学び始める
nałożyć cło w wysokości 25% na
A directive issued by the President of the U.S. that has the force of law. 学び始める
rozporządzenie wykonawcze
A set or series of import/export taxes imposed on goods. 学び始める
A tricky question or puzzle that requires thinking. 学び始める
łamigłówka, zagadka logiczna
To think deeply about something. 学び始める
rozmyślać, zastanawiać się
To be annoying or bothersome 学び始める
być upierdliwym, natrętnym
The official government agency that produces coins in the U.S. 学び始める
To lay out some of the pros and cons of sth To explain the advantages and disadvantages of something. 学び始める
przedstawić zalety i wady czegoś
To make a ringing sound while being carried, like coins. 学び始める
A small store selling everyday items, usually open late. 学び始める
sklep spożywczy, całodobowy
Seeing a fish in the water. 学び始める
Being innovative or pioneering in a particular field 学び始める
Przecierający szlaki, pionierski
To reduce distractions or chaos 学び始める
(Uciszyć hałas / wyciszyć zamieszanie
To continue despite difficulties. 学び始める
Wytrwać, nie poddawać się
To become successful or popular. 学び始める
Zyskać popularność / wystartować (o pomyśle
Highly desired or sought after. 学び始める
Courageous, confident, or striking. 学び始める
To break barriers in gender norms To challenge traditional expectations regarding gender roles 学び始める
Przełamywać bariery związane z normami płciowymi
Decorative features inspired by flowers. 学び始める
To give sb a path to do sth To provide an opportunity for someone to achieve something. 学び始める
Dać komuś drogę do zrobienia czegoś
To apply chemicals to kill pests. 学び始める
To give someone confidence or control. 学び始める
Wzmacniać / dawać komuś siłę
As part of an effort to achieve something. 学び始める
To be the first to develop or explore something. 学び始める
Być pionierem / przecierać szlaki
A person who is the first to do something. 学び始める
A space mission without human crew. 学び始める
A minor accident or mistake. 学び始める
Being examined or studied by authorities. 学び始める
To become uncontrollable. 学び始める
Wymknąć się spod kontroli
Intense, burning, or passionate. 学び始める
To cause scattered fragments to fall from the sky 学び始める
Zasypywać gruzem / odłamkami
Something that happens again. 学び始める
To start rotating uncontrollably or to experience distress. 学び始める
Wpaść w korkociąg / panikę
To change the direction of an aircraft. 学び始める
To move away from a set path or norm. 学び始める
To be carried by water onto land. 学び始める
To supervise or manage a process. 学び始める
A thorough enough investigation A sufficiently detailed inquiry. 学び始める
Wystarczająco dokładne śledztwo
To sneak a bite of a snack To secretly take a small piece of food. 学び始める
to multiply something by eight 学び始める
zwiększyć coś ośmiokrotnie
a rapid increase in the value of a company’s stock 学び始める
gwałtowny wzrost ceny akcji
profits that exist on paper but have not yet been realized through a sale 学び始める
zyski papierowe, niezrealizowane
to start using a new method or innovation 学び始める
high-ranking employees responsible for financial decisions 学び始める
new, untested devices or technologies 学び始める
Historical examples abound there are many past instances 学び始める
liczne są historyczne przykłady
to move from place to place or change frequently 学び始める
zmieniać się, skakać z tematu na temat
to identify something precisely 学び始める
in a state of stagnation or inactivity 学び始める
he supply and demand for workers 学び始める
to decrease to a level lower than a certain point 学び始める
to rely on something happening 学び始める
money spent by businesses on assets like buildings or equipment 学び始める
Disconnect between X and Y a lack of connection or inconsistency between two things 学び始める
Twoje maniery / dobre maniery 学び始める
A phrase used to remind someone to be polite and well-mannered.
A feeling of worry or fear about the economy and financial future.
Być na najwyższym poziomie w historii 学び始める
To reach the highest level ever recorded.
To increase steadily and strongly.
Prawie nikt o tym nie myśli 学び始める
Not something people are thinking about.
To become lower in amount or quality.
Involving many different industries or fields.
For a prolonged period of time 学び始める
For an extended or lengthy duration
Przejęcie nieruchomości przez bank 学び始める
The legal process of taking possession of a property when the owner fails to pay a loan.
Many and varied reasons why... Wiele i różnorodne powody, dla których... 学び始める
Numerous different causes for something.
A main reason or influence behind an event.
To pull financial markets down 学び始める
To cause the value of financial markets to decrease.
To raise one’s concerns over sth Wyrazić obawy dotyczące czegoś 学び始める
To express worry about something.
Fast-paced economic changes Szybkie zmiany gospodarcze 学び始める
Rapid and significant shifts in the economy.
Cięcia wydatków federalnych 学び始める
Reductions in government expenses.
Large-scale dismissals of employees from their jobs.
To exhibit indications or evidence of something.
A discouraging impact, often causing fear or hesitation.
Trust in the stability and growth of the economy.
A full-blown recession scare Pełnowymiarowy strach przed recesją 学び始める
A serious fear of an economic downturn.
In the span of three weeks 学び始める
Within a three-week period.
Weak or easily shaken trust in something.
To cause someone to lose trust or belief.
Very quickly, almost instantly.
To have a strong desire for something.
Caused by oneself, often in a harmful way.
To cause prices to increase.
To reduce the rate of economic growth.
On again off again approach Podejście włącz-wyłącz / niestabilne podejście 学び始める
An inconsistent or intermittent method.
An economy that can recover quickly from difficulties.
To endure or survive disorder or turmoil.
A path used by traders for the exchange of goods.
To turn from liquid into vapor
Believed to be dead without confirmed evidence.
To have sb scratching their head Sprawić, że ktoś się drapie po głowie 学び始める
To confuse or puzzle someone.
Wywołać obawy dotyczące czegoś 学び始める
To cause anxiety or worry about something.
Near the shoreline of England.
Niewiskozyjny / mało lepki 学び始める
Having low resistance to flow, like water.
To spread out in a very thin layer over a large area Rozprzestrzenić się cienką warstwą na dużym obszarze 学び始める
To cover a vast space in a thin film.