質問 |
答え |
invent sth new by using lot of imagination 学び始める
suggest or think of an idea or plan 学び始める
way that shows lack of hope or inability to change a situation 学び始める
sth that is closely related to sth else and happens at the same time as it or as a result of it 学び始める
needing a oarticukar person in order to continue or to succeed 学び始める
sudden, clear understending or realisation about sth, offen leading to a new perspective or solution to a problem 学び始める
sth that is temporally put aside or given lower priority 学び始める
think diferent from what is usual 学び始める
behaviour that aligns with social norms and expectations 学び始める
try to persuade someone to do business with you 学び始める
descripe someone whose emotions change frequently and unpredictable 学び始める
to be excited or strongly interested in sth 学び始める
small pieces of equipment 学び始める
technophile, computer geek, nerd 学び始める
fair, independant and not influenced by others 学び始める
to intentionally abandon, ignore or leave someone 学び始める
tendency to better remember the first items 学び始める
primacy and recency effect
ability to remember or keep information’s over time 学び始める
to attract a specific grouo of people based on their needs 学び始める
to appeal to a target audience
being in a vertical or straight position 学び始める
atrractive or interesting 学び始める
make money from people that visit a webside by encouraging them to buy sth 学び始める
words and phrases used by people in the same profession, difficult for others to understand 学び始める
a sudden clear understanding of sth 学び始める
someone who studies a subject in detail in order to discover new things 学び始める
using the most modern machines and methods in industry or business 学び始める