質問 |
答え |
Co robił Matt, kiedy go zobaczyłeś? 学び始める
What was Matt doing when you saw him?
Co robił Matt, kiedy go zobaczyłeś? 学び始める
What was Matt doing when you saw him? What. was. Matt. doing. when. you. saw. him?
Tom was swimming in the pool
Tom was swimming in the pool. Tom. was. swimming.in. the. pool.
Czy Tom pływał w basenie? 学び始める
Was Tom swimming in the pool?
Czy Tom pływał w basenie? 学び始める
Was. Tom. swimming.in. the. pool? Was Tom swimming in the pool?
Czy ty też pływałeś w basenie, kiedy świeciło słońce? 学び始める
Were you also swimming in the pool when the sun was shining?
Czy ty też pływałeś w basenie, kiedy świeciło słońce? 学び始める
Were. you. also. swimming.in. the. pool. when. the. sun. was. shining? Were you also swimming in the pool when the sun was shining?
The. sun. was. shining. The sun was shining.
It. was. raining. all. day. It was raining all day.
Pracowaliśmy ciężko cały zeszły tydzień. 学び始める
We were working hard all past week.
Pracowaliśmy ciężko cały zeszły tydzień. 学び始める
We. were. working. hard. all. past. week. We were working hard all past week.
Czy się śmiałeś, kiedy on opowiadał kawał? 学び始める
Were you laughing while he was telling a joke?
Czy się śmiałeś, kiedy on opowiadał kawał? 学び始める
Were. you. laughing. while.he. was. telling. a. joke? Were you laughing while he was telling a joke?
he was telling a joke? he. was. telling. a. joke?
Podczas gdy szedłem przez park słońce świeciło. 学び始める
The sun was shining as I walked through the park.
Podczas gdy szedłem przez park słońce świeciło. 学び始める
The sun was shining as I walked through the park.
Mój brat spał, kiedy ja oglądałem film. 学び始める
My brother. was. sleeping. while. I. was. watching. the. movie.
Mój brat spał, kiedy ja oglądałem film. 学び始める
My brother was sleeping while I was watching the movie. My brother was sleeping. while. I was. watching. the movie.
Czy miałeś na sobie płaszcz, kiedy wiał wiatr? 学び始める
Were you wearing your coat when the wind was blowing? Were you wearing. your. coat. when. the. wind. was. blowing?
The. wind. was. blowing. The wind was blowing.
Was the wind blowing? Was. the. wind. blowing? Was the wind blowing?
NIe wiał wiatr, bo ŚWIECIŁO SŁOŃCE. 学び始める
The wind was not blowing, because the sun was shining.
NIe wiał wiatr, bo ŚWIECIŁO SŁOŃCE. 学び始める
The. wind. was. not. blowing., because. the. sun. was. shining. The wind was not blowing, because the sun was shining.
NIe pracowałem wczoraj rano. 学び始める
I didn't work yesterday morning.
Co oni pili? (the Past Continuous, niedokonany) 学び始める
What were they drinking? What. were. they. drinking? What were they drinking?
They weren't drinking wine. They weren't drinking wine.
Who was drinking the wine? Who. was. drinking. the. wine? Who was drinking the wine?
Simon pił sok pomarańczowy. 学び始める
Simon was drinking orange juice.
Simon pił sok pomarańczowy. 学び始める
Simon was drinking orange juice.
Maria nie piła sok pomarańczowy. 学び始める
Maria was not drinking orange juice. Maria was. not. drinking. orange. juice. Maria was not drinking orange juice.
What was Maria drinking? What. was. Maria. drinking?
Maria piła kawę na lunch. 学び始める
Maria was having coffee for lunch.
Maria piła kawę na lunch. 学び始める
Maria was having coffee for lunch. Maria. was. having. coffee. for. lunch.
What were they having for dinner? What. were. they. having. for. dinner?
What were they talking about?
What were they talking about? What. were. they. talking. about? What were they talking about?
Oni rozmawiali o polityce. 学び始める
They were talking about politics. They. were. talking. about. politics. They were talking about politics.
a politician. a politician. a politician
Oni nie rozmawiali o sprawach służbowych. 学び始める
They didn't talk about business matters.
Oni nie rozmawiali o sprawach służbowych. 学び始める
They didn't talk about business matters.
Jak się czułeś podczas spotkania? 学び始める
How did you feel during the meeting?
NIe czułem się dobrze podczas spotkania. 学び始める
I Didn't feel well during the meeting.
Who was making a snowman.
Who was making a snowman. Who was making a snowman. Who. was. making. a. snowman.
Were you making a snowman?
Ja nie lepiłem bałwana, tylko jeździłem na nartach. 学び始める
I wasn't making a snowman, I was skiing.
Ja nie lepiłem bałwana, tylko jeździłem na nartach. 学び始める
I wasn't. making. a. snowman., I. was. skiing. I wasn't. making. a. snowman., I. was. skiing.
Czy oni jeździli na nartach? 学び始める
Were they skiing? Were they skiing?
Czy oni jeździli na nartach? 学び始める
Were. they. skiing? Were they skiing?
Oni nie jeździli na nartach. 学び始める
They weren't skiing. They weren't skiing. They weren't skiing.
Czy oni robili coś szczególnego? 学び始める
Were they doing anything special?
Czy oni robili coś szczególnego? 学び始める
Were they doing anything special? Were. they. doing. anything. special? Were they doing anything special?
Oni nie robili nic szczególnego. 学び始める
They weren't doing anything special.
Oni nie robili nic szczególnego. 学び始める
They weren't doing anything special. They. weren't. doing. anything. special.
Kto czytał wczoraj ciekawą książkę, kiedy padał deszcz? 学び始める
Who was reading an interesting book yesterday while it was raining? Who was reading an interesting. book. yesterday. while.it. was. raining?
Podczas gdy śpiewaliśmy kolędy, padał śnieg. 学び始める
While we were sining Christmas carols, it was snowing. While we were sining. Christmas. carols., it. was. snowing. While we were sining Christmas carols, it was snowing.
Was it snowing yesterday?
Was it snowing yesterday? Was it snowing yesterday?
it was snowing. it was snowing. it was snowing.
NIe padał śnieg, ale padał deszcz. 学び始める
It wasn't snowing, but it was raining.It. wasn't. snowing., but.it. was. raining. It wasn't snowing, but it was raining.