質問 |
答え |
When the class was making fun of me, only the teacher backed me up. 学び始める
to support or defend someone
The ice cream machine at McDonald’s often breaks down. 学び始める
to stop working, especially in reference to machines
Roy called around to find a nearby mechanic. 学び始める
to contact multiple people
We called the party off. / We called off the party. 学び始める
to cancel a planned event
I need a few minutes to calm down after that match. 学び始める
to relaxafter an energetic or irritated state
I’ll check the contract out. / I’ll check out the contract. 学び始める
to examine a person or thing
Reading always cheers me up on a rainy day. 学び始める
to make someone happy, especially if they were previously sad
Our hockey team cleaned up at the tournament and went home undefeated. 学び始める
to be extremely successful in an endeavor such as business, sports, or gambling
John cleaned the living room up. / John cleaned up the living room 学び始める
I never liked seafood but came around after trying fried calamari. 学び始める
to change one’s opinion or see a new point of view
After more than fifty years of partnership, nothing could come between them. 学び始める
to interfere with a relationship between two people
After traveling, Chandra came down with a cold. 学び始める
We missed a day of school, so at least some good came out of our boring class trip. 学び始める
to happen as a consequence of another event
Everyone talked about how much they enjoyed the movie, but the run time never came up in the conversation. 学び始める
to arise as a topic of discussion or receive attention
While I was walking along the fence, a cow came up and licked my face. 学び始める
Don’t worry about a problem until it comes up. 学び始める
to present itself or occur, as of an event or situation
Sahar comes up with her best story ideas at night, so she writes them down before she forgets them. 学び始める
to think of an idea, especially as the first person to do so, or to produce a solution
If I’m ever making a mistake, I can count on my friends to warn me. 学び始める
to rely or depend on someone or something
to attack or punish someone harshly
Ever since last month’s accident, police have been cracking down on drunk driving. 学び始める
I’ll dive into that new TV show later tonight. 学び始める
to eagerly begin a pursuit or activity
Abed dressed up for the award ceremony. 学び始める
After thinking for a day, he ended up taking the job 学び始める
to eventually reach some conclusion or destination
My new dress completely fell apart after just two washes. 学び始める
He endured all kinds of harassment at work without flinching but fell apart when his cat got sick. 学び始める
to experience acute mental or emotional distress
Bruce filled his water bottle up to the brim. / Bruce filled up his water bottle to the brim. 学び始める
to put into a container as much as it can contain
We didn’t find out the news until we got back from dinner... 学び始める
to discover or learn something
The professor spoke for hours, but they didn’t get anything across to the students. 学び始める
to successfully communicate or explain something
You’ll never get ahead at this company unless you follow the rules. 学び始める
My dog gets along with everyone as long as they’re not a cat. 学び始める
to be on harmonious terms with someone
In this city, it’s impossible to get around without a car. 学び始める
to travel from place to place
I’ll get around to that project after the playoffs. 学び始める
to do something eventually
I can’t quite get at this itch on my back. 学び始める
to reach or gain access to something
These graphs are getting at the fact that we’ll be bankrupt by next week. 学び始める
to indicate or suggest something
Lucio liked to go to the lake every weekend, just to get away. 学び始める
The boss’s nephew gets away with things that none of the other employees would. 学び始める
to commit a crime or misdeed without incurring any negative consequences
Rodger got his pencil back from Greta. / Rodger got back his pencil from Greta. 学び始める
Laila promised herself that she would get back at whoever had started the rumor. 学び始める
to take revenge on someone
When Sheila lost her job, the family got by with only their savings. 学び始める
to survive or manage at a minimum level
Vicente may be formal at work, but he sure knows how to get down to hip 学び始める
to enjoy oneself without inhibitions, especially with music or dancing
Kima always gets everyone down with her stories from the hospital. 学び始める
to depress or discourage someone
The president spoke quickly at the press conference, and reporters were struggling to get all his comments down. / The president spoke quickly at the press conference, and reporters were struggling to get down all his comments. 学び始める
to record something by taking notes
Once everyone arrives, we’ll get down to picking teams. 学び始める
to begin or start something, especially something basic or fundamental
After the value of Bitcoin started going up, lots of people wanted to get in on cryptocurrency. 学び始める
I don’t want to get into our finances now. We’ll talk after our guests leave. 学び始める
to discuss something thoroughly
Babysitting the Cohles was a nightmare, but at least Jabar got some money out of it. 学び始める
to take some benefit from a situation
Drinking a lot of water helps in getting over an illness. 学び始める
to recover from or overcome something
Alessandra can’t get through a morning without coffee. 学び始める
to complete or endure an unpleasant experience
People who don’t clean up after their dogs really get to me. 学び始める
to annoy or bother someone
The volleyball team is getting together for dinner after practice. 学び始める
Mindy gave her prized doll collection away. / Mindy gave away her prized doll collection. 学び始める
to donate something or give something for free
Carin felt like giving up every time she saw the scoreboard. 学び始める
to accept defeat, quit, or surrender
Minh gave chocolate up because of his migraines. / Minh gave up chocolate because of his migraines. 学び始める
to stop consuming or doing something, often a habit
A group of students went against the school dress code yesterday and wore ripped jeans. 学び始める
to disobey, contradict, oppose, or fight something
Because of the snow, we can’t go ahead with the festival. 学び始める
to proceed or move forward
Even though Cedric hated weight lifting, he went along with it because his coach suggested it. 学び始める
to agree with or pretend to agree with
Carlos trains so hard because he is going for an Olympic gold medal. 学び始める
to try to achieve something
The workers will go on digging until they hit a water pipe. 学び始める
Marie went over the study guide one last time before the test. 学び始める
to review or look at something
The teacher wants us to hand in our essays by email. 学び始める
to submit something, especially an assignment
I wanted to become an architect, but my bad grades held me back. 学び始める
to prevent someone from doing something
Keep this pace up and you’ll set a new record! 学び始める
to continue doing something
Orna left the graph out of the presentation. / Orna left out the graph from the presentation. 学び始める
Kamal let Marco down when he arrived late. / Kamal let down Marco when he arrived late. 学び始める
Don’t let go of the rope until I’m safe. 学び始める
to release or free something
Close the door or you’ll let the flies in! / Close the door or you’ll let in the flies! 学び始める
to allow something or someone to enter
Let me know as soon as Leslie texts back. 学び始める
to tell someone something
Thank you for looking after me when I was sick. 学び始める
to take care of someone or something
I looked up to this YouTuber until I read about their scandal. 学び始める
to admire or idolize someone
It’s easy to mix up Chris Pine and Chris Pratt. 学び始める
to confuse two or more things with one another
Eugene pulled the document up on his computer. / Eugene pulled up the document on his computer. 学び始める
to retrieve or bring something nearer
I always put my backpack on before leaving the house. / I always put on my backpack before leaving the house. 学び始める
Somehow Paz could put up with Janice’s cynical attitude. 学び始める
to tolerate or condone something
Isabella ran out of toilet paper at the worst possible time. 学び始める
to use all of or drain the supply of something
I’ll see to watering the plants while you’re gone. 学び始める
to make sure something is done
Since no one had invited me to join their study group, I set a group up myself. / Since no one had invited me to join their study group, I set up a group myself. 学び始める
to arrange or organize something
Panya didn’t need to shoot so many three pointer. She was just showing off 学び始める
to display abilities or accomplishments in order to impress others
Don’t forget to shut the water off after your shower. / Don’t forget to shut off the water after your shower. 学び始める
to turn off, especially a machine
Li takes after his father when it comes to politics. 学び始める
to resemble someone, especially of children about their parents
Please take the garbage out before dinner. / Please take out the garbage before dinner. 学び始める
to move something outside
When his parents suggested selling his Pokémon cards, Yosef thought the idea over. / When his parents suggested selling his Pokémon cards, Yosef thought over the idea. 学び始める
Could you throw that old burrito away? / Could you throw away that old burrito? 学び始める
May I top your beverage off? / May I top off your beverage? 学び始める
to refill something to the top
My crush turned me down after I asked them out. 学び始める
to reject or say no to someone
Billie eagerly waited on the table of new customers, hoping for a big tip. 学び始める
to serve someone, especially at a restaurant
They decided to wait out the rain before going on a walk. 学び始める
to wait until an even to or period is over