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Shakeira Offelias said, I can’t manage to GET RID OF of this headache. Sacudirse de encima, lograr quitarse de ensima algo, ajitar Apagado algo. to get rid of an illness or something that is causing you problems. (see also: get over). 学び始める
Shakeira Offelias said, I can’t manage to SHAKE OFF of this headache. ----- SHAKE OFF. I can’t manage to SHAKE OFF of this headache. Ceci said, I've had this cough for weeks and I just can't seem to SHAKE it OFF. --------------- SHAKE OFF something. Miguel Herrera said, one of our players twisted his ankle, but he kept running and managed to SHAKE OFF the injury and keep on playing.
Showy Offelias said, Lorenzo was there, BRAGGING his new Mustang car to everyone. Presumir, alardear, showear, fanfarronear. to show people something that you are very proud of so that they will admire it. 学び始める
Showy Offelias said, Lorenzo was there, SHOWING OFF his new Mustang car to everyone. ----- SHOW OFF. Arnold Schwarzenegger must have been doing some bodybuilding at the gym. We saw him SHOWING OFF his new muscles at the pool. --------------- SHOW OFF somebody/something OFF.
Mrs Cutty Offelias said that Flavio had his finger MUTILATED in an accident at work. Amputar, cortar de tajo, mutilar, cortar por completo. to remove something from something larger by cutting. 学び始める
Mrs Cutty Offelias said that Flavio had his finger "cut off" in an accident at work. ------ CUT OFF. Flavio had his finger "cut off" in an accident at work... Louis Miguel’s leg was so badly damaged, the doctors had to "cut it off". --------------- cut off.
Mrs Cutty Offelias said that Hilary INTERRUPTED her while she was in the middle of speaking with Bill. Interrumpir a alguién al hablar en persona o por telefono con alguien. to interrupt somebody who is speaking with someone or on the telephone by breaking the connection. (see also: hang up). 学び始める
Mrs Cutty Offelias said that Hilary CUT her OFF while she was in the middle of speaking with Bill. ----- CUT OFF. Mr Trump said, my explanation was "cut off" by loud protests. ---------- cut somebody off. Hilary "cut me off" while I was in the middle of speaking said Trump.
Mrs Cutty Offelias said that her parents DISINHERITED their alcoholic son and he wasn't even mentioned in their will. Deseheredar sb, cortarle el suministro sb Apagado, dejar fuera de una herencia. to refuse to let somebody receive any of your property after you die. to disinherit. 学び始める
Mrs Cutty Offelias said that her parents "cut off" their alcoholic son and he wasn't even mentioned in their will. ------- CUT sb OFF. The parents "cut off" their alcoholic son and he wasn't even mentioned in their will... Jose Jose "cut his older son off" without a penny. ----- cut somebody off.
Mrs Cutty Offelias said that Flavio was very drunk in a bar and said to the bar tender, so you're telling me I've had too much to drink and now you're DISALLOWING me, right?. Cortarle a Alguién el suministro de alchol, no dar mas alchool a alguién. to not allow someone to buy any more alcoholic drinks in a bar because they have already drunk too many. 学び始める
Mrs Cutty Offelias said that Flavio was very drunk in a bar and said to the bar tender, so you're telling me I've had too much to drink and now you're CUTTING me OFF right?. ------- CUT sb OFF. Failo cut off his alcoholic little brother and sent him to sleep... Obama said, I told the airline representative, please bring me another beer and she just "cut me off". ------ CUT someone OFF. Flavio was very drunk in a bar and said to the bar tender, so you're telling me I've had too much to drink and you're "cutting me off", right?.
Mrs Cutty Offelias said that his family UNFRIEND all contact with him after the incident. Cortar a Alguién la amistad, distanciarse de Alguién, apartarse de Alguién. to unfriend, to defriend, to stop having a close or friendly relationship with someone. 学び始める
Mrs Cutty Offelias said that his family CUT OFF all contact with him after the incident. ------ CUT sb OFF. His family cut off all contact with him after the incident... Why did all his friends suddenly cut Donal off?. ---- CUT someone OFF.
Mrs Cutty Offelias said that While Bush was in jail in Iraq, he was IN CONFINEMENT from his family and friends. Incomunicar, aislar, manter incomunicado. to prevent somebody/something from leaving or reaching a place or communicating with people outside a place. 学び始める
Mrs Cutty Offelias said that While Bush was in jail in Iraq, he was CUT OFF from his family and friends. ------ CUT OFF. While Bush was in jail in Iraq, he was "cut off" from his family and friends... The Obama family lived on a small island in the Pacific Ocean, "cut off" from the rest of the world. --------- CUT OFF.
Mrs Cutty Offelias said that Smithy didn’t pay her bills, so the power company DISCONNECTED her electricity service. Desconectar el servicio de, cortar el servicio de. to stop providing something. 学び始める
Mrs Cutty Offelias said that Smithy didn’t pay her bills, so the power company CUT her electricity OFF. ----- CUT OFF. Carmela Zalazar didn’t pay her bills, so the power company "cut her electricity off"... Ismael said, NICOR company cut off our gas service last week... --------------- CUT OFF.
Mrs Cutty Offelias said, did you see that guy?. He just MOVED SUDDENLY the car in front of us. Cortar el paso, meterse enfrente de otro vehiculo peligrosamente. to suddenly drive in front of another vehicle in a dangerous way. 学び始める
Mrs Cutty Offelias said, did you see that guy?. He just CUT OFF the car in front of us. ------ CUT OFF. Offelia said, did you see that guy?. He just "cut off" the car in front of us... Batman said, some idiot "cut me off" at the light. ---------- CUT OFF.
Mrs Cutty Offelias said, we got DISCONNECTED in the middle of the call. Cortarse la linea telefonica. if someone or something cuts you off when you are talking on the telephone, they make the telephone line stop working. 学び始める
Mrs Cutty Offelias said, we got CUT OFF in the middle of the call. ------- CUT OFF. We got cut off in the middle of the call....... Mauricio was talking to his kids on the phone when he was "cut off", so he had to call them again. ---------- CUT OFF.
Miss Auctiondion Offelias said, In order to pay his debts my friend had to BID FOR his collection of paintings. Subastar algo. to sell something at an auction. 学び始める
Miss Auctiondion Offelias said, In order to pay his debts my friend had to AUCTION OFF his collection of paintings. ------ AUCTION OFF. AUCTION OFF. ------- Six examples of his work will be auctioned for charity tomorrow night. Some of the land was auctioned off last year. ------ AUCTION OFF.