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get at. to try to express. I can hear what you say but I do not know what you’re trying to get at.
Wymigać się odpowiedzialności punishment. I can’t believe the police let him get away with theft. 学び始める
Many people around the world can barely get by with the money they make. 学び始める
get by. to manage to survive/live
Sad movies always get me down. / If there is a shooting, remember to get down! 学び始める
get down: 1. to make someone depressed or to descend.
Wyjść z środka transportu I will get off at the next bus stop. 学び始める
get off: to leave a vehicle/aircraft.
Wejść do środka transportu form of transportation, 2. to have a relationship with someone. 1. I got on the bus right on time. 2. I get on well with my brothers. 学び始める
get on: 1. to enter/sit in a
Kontynuować, dalej coś robić Now the interruption is over, please get on with the meeting. 学び始める
get on with: to continue.
It took a lot of convincing but I was able to get out of Friday night’s meeting. 学び始める
get out of: to avoid responsibility / doing something you don’t want to do.
Wyzdrowieć, przezwyciężyć 1. I am so glad I got over the flu. 2. I have gotten over Joe, now I am dating Mark. 学び始める
To get over: 1. To recover from an illness, 2. To accept something that has happened and move on.
get through: to finish to complete (some work/task/book/etc)
I’ve finally gotten through this book, it wasn’t as good as they say. 学び始める
I've finally gotten through this book, it wasn't as good as they say.
Robić coś co nie powinieneś I wonder what Michael is getting up to, he is always pranking people. 学び始める
get up to: to do something you shouldn’t do.
Podróżować, znaleźć sposób na uniknięcie 1. I will have to buy a car in the US to get around. 2. In my office, they always find a way to get around the ban on sugary treats. 学び始める
get around: 1. to move from place to place, 2. To find a way to avoid something difficult or unpleasant.
My boss has gotten behind our idea 100%! 学び始める
get behind someone/something: to support a person or an idea.
I have gotten rid of everything that reminded me of Joe. 学び始める
get rid of something: to throw something away. Example:
Our new boss has finally gotten used to the weather in Poland. 学び始める
get used to: to become familiar with something.
. Isabel usually plays around and doesn’t study for her English test, but this year it got harder so she now has to get down to studying if she wants to pass. 学び始める
To get down to: to start doing something seriously