Spresso Prueba 6

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質問 答え
Isaías said, I (tensé, ó torcí un musculo) in my back lifting some aluminium sheets.
1.- sprain. 2.- strain. 3.- pull a muscle.
Isaias dijo, me (pulled a muscle) en mi espalda levantando unas hojas de aluminio.
Tensar, torserce un músculo. to hurt (a muscle, tendon, or ligament) by stretching it too much.
Isaías said, I (pulled a muscle) in my back lifting some aluminium sheets.
We arrived late at the venue, but (tubimos suerte) - there were still a few tickets left.
1.- lock out, 2.- lock up, 3.- luck out.
llegamos tarde al recinto, pero (lucked out) todabia habian pocos boletos.
lucked out = to have good luck.
We arrived late at the venue, but (lucked out) - there were still a few tickets left.
Diana (tubó suerte hacia dentro en encontrar) a good job.
1.- lock out, 2.- luck into, 3.- luck out.
Diana (lucked into) un buen trabajo.
Tener suerte en encontrar algo. to find or get something because of good luck.
Diana (lucked into) a good job.
Gina pulled a muscle, but now she's (anda de pie) otra vez.
1.- up and running 2.- up and around 3.- up and about.
Gina se torcio un musculo, pero ahora ella anda (up and about) otra vez.
Estar levantado, andar de pie y caminando. (up and about). out of bed and doing things.
Gina pulled a muscle, but now she's (up and about) again.
Is the door (cerrada con el pasador)?. Yes, mom I (cerré con el pasador) the door.
1.- bolster. 2.- latch. 3.- bolt.
La puerta esta (bolted)?. Si mama, yo la (bolted).
Cerrar con la atrancadera, atrancar, cerrar con el cerrojo. to fasten (something) tightly: to lock (something) with a bolt.
Is the door (bolted) ?. Yes, mom I (bolted) the door.
Mom told my brother not to (debore) his food.
1.- gobble down 2.- bolt down. 3.- guzzle down.
Mama le dijo a mi hermano que no (bolt down) su comida.
Tragar, deborar rapidamente. to eat (food) quickly.
Mom told my brother not to (bolt down) his food.
Irving (se levantó de pedo) from the chair.
Pararse rapidamente. go away from a place to run away suddenly and quickly.
1.- bolster up. 2.- latch up. 3.- bolt up.
Irving se (bolted up) de la silla.
She bolted awake when the alarm sounded. She bolted to her feet.
Irving (bolted up) from the chair.
Do you think we could (persuadirlo) (co - - him into) singing?.
Persuadir, convencer, coaxar. to influence or persuade (a person or animal) to do something by talking in a gentle and friendly way.
1.- put sb up to. 2.- coax. 3.- coax into.
Cres que podemos (coax him into) para que cante?.
He's stubborn, but please try to (coax) him into lending you some money.
Do you think we could (coax him into) singing?.
The children (se movierón silenciosamente) (sn - -) downstairs, early on Christmas morning, to see if Santa had been.
moverse sigisilosamente. to move quietly and secretly in order to avoid being noticed.
1.- snuck. 2.- sneak up on. 3.- sneak into. 4.- sneak.
Los niños (snuck) hacia la planta baja temprano en la Navidad por la mañana para ver si santa habia estado.
As a teenager Sammy would sneak out at night to visit her boyfriend.
The children (snuck) downstairs, early on Christmas morning, to see if Santa had been.
Pepin (se aproximó sigisilosamente sobre) (sn - -) his sister and shouted ‘Boo!’.
1.- sneak up on. 2.- snuck. 3.- sneak. 4.- sneak into.
Pepin (sneaked up on) su hermana y gritó ‘Boo!’. - - - sneak up on.
Aproximarse, acercarse sigilosamente sobre alguién, caerle algo o alguién de sorpresa. to move towards somebody very quietly so that they do not see or hear you until you reach them.
Pepin (sneaked up on) his sister and shouted ‘Boo!’.
When Jennifer Aniston was single, she must have had many (pretendientes, admiradores).
1. - swain. 2.- suitor. 3.- admirer.
Cuando Jeniffer Aniston era soltera, ellla debio haber tenido muchos (SWAINS).
When Jennifer Aniston was single, she must have had many (SWAINS).
Authorities (encarcelarón a el Chapo) upstairs in a cell that was barely large enough to move around in.
1.- Lock sb up. 2.- Luck sb up. 3.- Luck sb out.
Authorities (encarcelarón a el Chapo) up ?
Las autoridades (locked el Chapo up) en el piso de arriba en una celda que apenas era lo suficiente grande para moverse adentro.
Authorities (locked el Chapo up) upstairs in a cell that was barely large enough to move around in.
The police (lo dejó libre) (le - -) with a warning.
1.- Buy Off. 2.- Let sb Off. 3.- Let sb Out.
La policia (let him off) con una advertensia.
Dejar libre, dejar salir libre, absolver, encontrar no culpable. to not punish someone who has committed a crime or done.
The police (let him off) with a warning.
The fire (volvió a encenderse) after fire fighters thought it was extinguished.
1.- Spread out. 2.- grow wider. 3.- Flare up.
El incendio (flared up) después que los bomberos pensarón que se habia extinguido.
Estallar, brotar, salir de repente, volver a prenderse, ó regresarse.
The fire (flared up) after fire fighters thought it was extinguished.
Many believe that Trump (sobornó) the police so that he would not be investigated for the murder.
Sobornar, comprar a alguién. to give money to (someone) for illegal or dishonest help.
1.- Buy sb Off. 2.- Pay sb Off. 3.- Bribe.
Mucha gente cree que Trump (bought off) la policia para que asi él no sería investigado.
Many believe that Trump (bought off) the police so that he would not be investigated for the murder.
Greg (notificó) about a drunk driver in the highway.
Alertar, avisar a alguién. to give useful or secret information to (someone).
1.- Luck sb Up. 2.- Tip sb Off. 3.- Let sb Off.
Greg (tipped police off) acerca de un conductor ebrio en la autopista.
Someone tipped them off that there would be a robbery.
Greg (tipped police off) about a drunk driver in the highway.
Water was (goteando) from the pipe.
Gotear. to let something (such as a liquid or gas) in or out through a hole in a surface.
1.- leak. 2.- leak out. 3.- leak away.
El agua estaba (leaking) de la pipa.
Oil leaked out of the car. Kike’s truck leaked gasoline all over the driveway.
Water was (leaking) from the pipe.
Mr. Ashton accused police of (filtrar) information to the press.
Filtrar información, revelar información. If a secret document or piece of information leaks or is leaked out, someone lets the public know about it.
1.- leak. 2.- leak out. 3.- leak away.
El señor Ashton acusó a la policia de (leaking) información a la prensa.
We don't know how the transcript leaked.
Mr. Ashton accused police of (leaking) information to the press.
His friends (lo convencierón para) (put - -) playing the prank.
Subirle a Ponerle a convencer a, persuadir a alguién para que haga algo. to convince (someone) to do (something stupid or foolish).
1.- convince. 2.- coax into. 3.- put up to.
Sus amigos lo (put him up to) jugar una broma.
Who put you up to this son?. Rick was questioned by police but would not reveal who put him up to the crime.
His friends (put him up to) playing the prank.
Saturday's baseball's game was (suspendido por lluvia) and today’s game was (suspendido por lluvia) too.
1.- cancel. 2.- rain out. 3.- call off.
El juego del sabado fue (rained out) y el juego de hoy también fue (rained out).
Saturday's baseball's game was (rained out) and today’s game was (rained out) too.
The dog ran off, and she (se apresuró) after him.
Andar apresuradamente, darse una apresurada, to go somewhere quickly. I must dash, I’ve got to be home by seven.
1.- hurry. 2.- dash. 3.- chase away.
El perro salió huyendo y ella (dashed) tras el.
The dog ran off, and she (dashed) after him.
Raul please, (atornilla) that metal plate so that it doesn't vibrate.
1.- bolster up. 2.- bolt down. 3.- screw down.
Raul por favor (bolt down) esa placa de metal para que no vibre.
Raul please, (bolt down) that metal plate so that it doesn't vibrate.
He bolted down his dinner and (salió de prisa por) the door.
Salir de pedo, salir de prisa, salir rapidamente. exit in a hurry.
1.- run off. 2.- leave out. 3.- rush out.
El deboró su cena y (rushed out) la puerta.
He bolted down his dinner and (rushed out) the door.
The dog (salió huyendo) and she dashed after him.
Salir huyendo, salir corriendo, salir de huida.= run off.
1.- run off. 2.- leave off. 3.- go away.
El perro (ran off) y ella se apresuró tras él.
The dog (ran off) and she dashed after him.
