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1. zdenerwowany ktoś, nerwowa atmosfera 2. nerwowy (odnoszący się do systemu nerwowego) 学び始める
She was a thin, nervous girl. She was of a nervous disposition. A nervous condition/disorder/disease. He was full of nervous energy, like a racehorse who hadn't run in a while.
1. kompetentny, sprawny 2. potrafiący coś zrobić 学び始める
You are capable of better work than this. He's quite capable of lying to get out of trouble. She's a very capable teacher. I'll leave the organization in your capable hands.
1. troskliwy 2. zadumany, zamyślony 3. przemyślany o decyzji 学び始める
They sat in thoughtful silence. The hotel manager was very kind and thoughtful. A player who has a thoughtful approach to the game.
1. bezczelny 2. zawadiacki np. uśmiech 学び始める
You cheeky monkey! A cheeky grin.
przezorny, roztropny, ostrożny, rozważny, rozsądny 学び始める
opposite: imprudent A prudent businessman. A prudent decision/investment. It would be imprudent to invest all your money in one company.
urażony, dotknięty, obrażony 学び始める
She was resentful at having been left out of the team. A resentful look.
nieuważny, roztargniony, nieogarnięty, zapominalski 学び始める
synonim: forgetful Grandpa’s becoming quite absent-minded. She has become very forgetful in recent years. He was soon forgetful of all dangers.
1. obojętny, niezainteresowany 2. beztroski, niefrasobliwy 学び始める
He drove on, apparently unconcerned about the noise the engine was making. Young people are often unconcerned with political issues.
ograniczony, o wąskich horyzontach 学び始める
narrow-minded/closed-minded synonim: bigoted
wybuchowy, szybko irytujący się 学び始める
She gets very bad-tempered when she's tired.
też spetryfikowany + a petrified forest I'm petrified of snakes. A petrified expression.
1. zadowolony, usatysfakcjonowany 2. happy or willing to do something 学び始める
You're coming? I'm so pleased. We are always pleased to be able to help. I was pleased to hear you've been promoted.
przerażony, przestraszony 学び始める
She sounded relieved. They exchanged relieved glances.
pilny, staranny, sumienny, gorliwy (np. uczeń) 学び始める
a diligent student/worker