pytania do odpowiedzi ustnej ŚWIAT PRZYRODY

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質問 答え
1. What's the weather like in your country?
1. What's the weather like in your country?
2. What's your favourite season of year? Why?
2. What's your favorite season of the year? Why?
3. Do you like animals? Why?/Why not?
3. Do you like animals? Why?/Why not?
4. Are you afraid of any animals or insects? Why?/Why not?
4. Are you afraid of any animals or insects? Why?/Why not?
5. Do like visiting the zoos? Why?/Why not?
5. Do like visiting the zoos? Why?/Why not?
6. Would you like to have an exotic animal at home? Why?/Why not?
6. Would you like to have an exotic animal at home? Why?/Why not?
7. What's your favourite film about animal? Why?
7. What's your favorite movie about animals? Why?
8. Do you like spending your time close to nature? Why?/Why not?
8. Do you like spending your time close to nature? Why?/Why not?
9. How do you feel when you are close to nature/ in a beauty spot?
9. How do you feel when you are close to nature/ in a beauty spot?
10. Do you do anything to protect the environment? Why?/Why not?
10. Do you do anything to protect the environment? Why?/Why not?
11. What's the worst natural disaster you've ever heard about in the news?
11. What's the worst natural disaster you've ever heard about in the news?
12. How can we help during natural disasters?
12. How can we help during natural disasters?
13. Would you like to work as a rescue worker in a disaster zone? Why?/Why not?
13. Would you like to work as a rescue worker in a disaster zone? Why?/Why not?
14. If you could what would you do to help endangered animals?
what would you do to help endangered animals?
15. Should we keep animals in zoos? Why?/Why not?
15. Should we keep animals in zoos? Why?/Why not?
16. How can we benefit from planting more trees?
16. How can we benefit from planting more trees?
17. Is the environment important to young people? Why?/Why not?
17. Is the environment important to young people? Why?/Why not?
18. What is the biggest threat to today's world: natural disasters or human-caused disasters? Why?
18. What is the biggest threat to today's world: natural disasters or human-caused disasters? Why?
19. Is space exploration important? Why/Why not?
19. Is space exploration important? Why/Why not?
Describe an environmentally friendly activity in which you took part. Elon
21. Describe the last time you visited a place of natural beauty.
21. Describe the last time you visited a place of natural beauty.
22. Tell me about a situation when you or someone you know had a funny adventure with an animal.
22. Tell me about a situation when you or someone you know had a funny adventure with an animal.
23. Tell me about a situation when you or someone you know experienced extreme weather conditions.
23. Tell me about a situation when you or someone you know experienced extreme weather conditions.
24. What can we do to keep our environment clean?
24. What can we do to keep our environment clean?
25. Which do you think is the most dangerous
water or noise pollution? Why?
26. Are people in Poland environmentally conscious? Why?/Why not?
26. Are people in Poland environmentally conscious? Why?/Why not?
27. What are the possible consequences of polluting the Earth?
27. What are the possible consequences of polluting the Earth?
28. What places in Poland can be attractive to tourists who are interested in nature?
28. What places in Poland can be attractive to tourists who are interested in nature?
29. Which jobs are most affected by different weather conditions? In what way?
29. Which jobs are most affected by different weather conditions? in what way?
30. How important is it to respect nature? Why do you think so?
30. How important is it to respect nature? Why do you think so?
