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質問 English 答え English
Why did you move to UK
Looking for a job
is this your first job in the UK?
no, I have worked for 3 mounths as a housekeeping in the hotel
Why do you want to work here (YHA)?
Because my friend works here, and he says it’s really good place
What qualities do you have that makes you good candidate for this job? Jakie masz cechy, które czynią cię dobrym kandydatem do tej pracy?
I am hard working, realiable, helpful, flexible
Can you tell me about your professional experience? Czy możesz mi powiedzieć o swoich doświadczeniach zawodowych?
- I worked as waiter in the restaurant and shop assistant in the shop for kids in Poland
Did you work in customer service?
Yes, in both of my job, as a waiter and customer asistant in the shop
What in you opinion great customer service is about?
- Be nice, be smiling, be kind, be helpful
What in your opinion is the difference between good and great customer service?
when costumer wants to come back
Do you have any passions, interests?
Sports, photography, modelling
What qualities do you have that make you a good tam player? Jakie masz cechy, które czynią cię dobrym graczem zespołowym?
- I am helpful, reliable, always be ready to help, be flexible, actively listen
Tell me a little about yourself?
I came from Poland and I’ve been living in oxford for 8 months. My first job in UK was in a hostel as team member, I live with my friends and a dog
What are your biggest weaknesses?
My biggest weakness is that I’m a perfectionist. I get too much into details even if it’s not necessary.
What are your biggest strengths? (jaka jest twoja najwieksza zaleta)
I quickly adapt to the new situations and duties, I’m able to act well both in team and as individual. I am very dedicated and hardworking, for example I’m never late for work
Where do you see yourself in five years?
Apart from my work I would like to travel a lot.
Out of all the candidates, why should we hire you? b(czemu ze wszystkich pracownikow powinismy ciebie zatrudnic)
I’m fully committed to what I do, I am hard working and I am never late at work
