質問 |
答え |
Much of the contemporary music just sounds like noise to me.
I hereby release every one of you from my command.
wierzchni, zewnętrzny, najdalszy 学び始める
Outer layer of the cake was made out of whipped cream.
spełniać (warunek, obowiązki) 学び始める
They are no longer sure their hope will be fulfilled. He made a commitment for her, but never fulfilled it.
I bought a cable with a black outer sheath
Modern computers are very fast.
He finally agreed to go with us.
She appreciates your work and effort.
W przeciwnym wypadku, inaczej 学び始める
She must tell him, otherwise he'll be mad at her.
I've put a lot of effort into this.
I assure you that it will be safe.
first of all, most of all First of all, tell me what happened.
Let's try a different approach. This teacher uses an innovative approach of teaching.
I wasn't really conscious about what it meant. I wasn't aware of it.
You must admit he is a strange person
It took some time, but eventually I found you. Eventually, he managed to talk to his boss. I think you'll understand that eventually.
Sometimes happiness demands sacrifice. Work demands dedication.
We have to make sacrifices and go without expensive things. Many women sacrifice their career for their family.
I admire his dedication to his career.
The government's decisions have an impact on the economy. She's got a great impact on our children. The impact was so big, the driving wheel crushed his arm.
pojemność, ładowność, zdolność 学び始める
The capacity of the tank is 87 litres. Singing is beyond my capacity.
There has been a sudden growth in the number of the unemployed.
zwolnić, uwolnić, wydać (książkę) 学び始める
The terrorists released their hostages. The product release will surprise positively our clients.
Because of this cutting action, they can handle fibrous waste.
zajmować się, wykonywać; radzić sobie 学び始める
She's handling the whole HR department. Let me handle it. I know how to handle difficult situations.
They can use abrasive items too to make it stronger.
kwestia, sprawa, zagadnienie 学び始める
This is a very important issue. This issue is no simpler today than it was then. It's a difficult matter
zgoda, zatwierdzenie, aprobata, uznanie 学び始める
We can start! I've just received official approval. He smiled to me with approval.
During the long walk we found a mountain stream. During hot summer months the children played near the creek.
odrzucać (np. pomysł), zaprzeczać czemuś, nie przyjmować 学び始める
She rejected his proposal. My boss rejected my ideas. I have to reject this candidate, she is too old.
oddanie, poświęcenie, zobowiązanie 学び始める
The mother's commitment saved the life of her baby. He made a commitment for her, but never fulfilled it.
During war, people turn into monsters.
ls it your ultimate decision?
obecny, bieżący, aktualny 学び始める
I don't even have her current phone number.
We have certain tastes in common
Are you talking about actual danger?
Preempt a problem by making an effort
pogróżka, zagrożenie, groźba 学び始める
Don't worry. These are empty threats. He doesn't pose a threat to me.
Drunk drivers pose a threat to other road users.
już nie (w przeczenieach) 学び始める
I don't lie anymore. I don't have to see him anymore!
wyciągać, wyduszać, wyciąg, feagment, urywek 学び始める
She extracted this information out of me. Don't extract this from me, it's a secret. I like the smell of vanilla extract. This is my favourite extract from this book.
I think that their idea is an innovative and good one.
I've always admired you. The more I know him, the more I admire him.