質問 |
答え |
The biting of a malum malus for prognostication of the future hasn't been recommended for decades. 学び始める
Specifically because of its wild inaccuracy. 学び始める
your father was one of the Church of Night's greatest thinkers. 学び始める
He wanted you to follow in his footsteps. 学び始める
Find answers to your questions. Challenge them. 学び始める
podać w wątpliwość, zakwestionować
The moon is certain to be glorious. 学び始める
chwalebny, cudowny, wspaniały
She'll be there, Your Excellency. With bells on, won't you, Sabrina? 学び始める
entuzjastyczny, gotowy do drogi
Grant was trembling with excitement. 学び始める
A witch's mark, without question. 学び始める
Think of what he might've accomplished. 学び始める
wykonać, osiągnąć, zrealizować
She's a very accomplished pianist/painter/horsewoman. He was accomplished in all the arts. 学び始める
bugs chirring 学び始める
But, then, Dad surpassed him. 学び始める
The critics scoffed at his paintings. 学び始める
I dream that I am walking into the Greendale woods, in the peak of dry season. 学び始める
with a lit torch in each hand 学び始める
so that I'd watch the whole forest burn, like so much kindling. 学び始める
Look who just stopped by for a visit! 学び始める
You came by to talk comics? 学び始める
wpaść (do kogoś z wizytą)
spoon clinking 学び始める
I do too, but why don't we play it by ear, hmm? What was that all about? 学び始める
wymyślić coś na poczekaniu
That's entirely intentional, you realize. 学び始める
chrząknięcie, stękać, burknąć
who were ripping our WICCA posters down. 学び始める
zerwać z czegoś, zdzierać