質問 |
答え |
najedzony / pełny / lustro do podłogi 学び始める
full / full / full-length mirror I didn't feel like having another piece of cake because I was full. / Her essay was full of spelling mistakes. / I am dreaming of buying a full-length mirror to my bathroom.
pacjent / cierpliwy / pacjent umysłowo chory 学び始める
patient / patient / mental patient The patient has been operated of for 5 hours now. / Be patient! Lunch will be ready in half an hour! / A mental patient is said to have run away from hospital yesterday.
zabić / złagodzić ból / zabić czas 学び始める
kill / kill the pain / kill time Have you heard that somebody tried to kill our President? / The doctor gave me some pills to kill the pain. / I don't know what to do to kill time. I'm dying od boredom.
palić / wykrywacz dymu / wędzić 学び始める
smoke / smoke detector / smoke Do you smoke? No, I don't. I gave up two months ago. / To feel safe you need to have a smoke detector installed. / My grandma used to smoke meat in the garden. It tasted delicious.
zamienić się w słuch / cały czas / ogólnie rzecz biorąc 学び始める
be all ears / all the time / all in all What's going on? Tell me, I'm all ears. / I wish you would stop complaining all the time. / All in all, there advantages and disadvantages of this issue.
traktować / niespodzianka / leczyć 学び始める
It's wrong of you to treat her as if she didn't understand anything. / As a special treat, I will take you to the best restaurant in the city. / To treat this bacterial infection, you must use special antibiotics.
teatr / blok operacyjny / pielęgniarka operacyjna 学び始める
theatre / operating theatre / theatre nurse I fancy going to the theater tonight. We habe not been there for ages! / The doctor has been in the operating theatre for two hours now. / Where's the theatre nurse? We are about to start the operation!
Kate is out of work. She is on the breadline. / My phone didn't work so I had to get a new one. / People aren't allowed to drink alcohol at work. It's forbidden!
najbardziej / wykorzystać życie do maksimum / większość 学び始める
most / make the most of life / most He is the most charming man I have ever met. / You should make the most of your life, don't waste time worrying. / I've noticed that most of my friends are keen on rock music.
prowadzić (np. dziennik) / zachować formę / trzymać się z daleka 学び始める
keep / keep fit / keep away I used to keep a diary when I was a teenager. / I go to the gym in order to keep fit and stay healthy. / You had better keep away from my children.
poczucie humoru / zdrowy rozsądek / nie mieć sensu 学び始める
sense of humor / common sense / make no sense My husband has a great sense of humor. He is witty and funny. / Use a little common sense with what you are doing! / Your story doesn't make sense. I don't believe it.
musieć przyznać / przyjąć (pacjenta do szpitala) / wpuścić 学び始める
I must admit. I can't stand getting up at dawn. / The hospital didn't admit me although I had a pain in my chest. / The guard will not admit a person who is under age.
rozdział / jednostka (oddział) / jednostka (miary) 学び始める
The test will cover only the first unit. / The injured woman was taken to the nearest emergency unit. / A centimeter is a unit of length.
kłamać / kłamstwo / lerzeć 学び始める
Don't lie! You must have revealed this secret. / If they tell a lie, I will discover it at once. / Why don't you lie down on the sofa? You need some rest.
sprawdzać (np. temperaturę) / zasięgnąć rady / mieć miejsce 学び始める
take / take advice / take place The nurse will take your temperature and blood pressure. / If I were you, I would take his advice. / The contest will take place on the fouth of July.
klub fitnes / kij do golfa / klub książki 学び始める
fitness club / golf club / book club How about going to the health club? I feel like working out. / I think we should get him a new golf club. I'm sure he will like it. / I know him well. We used to belong to the same book club.
prubować / jechać busem / pozostało 学び始める
have a go / go by bus / to go Why don't you have a go at climbing this mountain? / Wouldn't it be faster to go by bus? I don't fancy cycling. / There are only two weeks to go before I get my driving license.
trener / autokar / trener 学び始める
I will never forget my coach. She knew how to get the best results. / I hate traveling by coach because it is often delayed. / The company hired a coach to improve our language skills.
Her heart started to beat faster whe she saw her ex-boyfriend. / Germany beat Poland by 5-1. I wish I hadn't watched the match. / My mum always tells me to beat the carpets before Easter.
trzymać kciuki / palce / wytykać palcem 学び始める
keep fingers crossed / fingers / point fingers Good luck! I will keep my fingers crossed! / I cut my two fingers as I was chopping the onion. / Stop pointing fingers at each other! Shame on you.
krótka wycieczka do miasta / łamać obietnicę / wtrącać się 学び始める
city break / break a promise / break in A city break is a short holiday spent in a city exploring new places. / If you break the promise, I will never trust you again. / Don't break in! I can't stand people interrupting me.
konkurencyjna cena / współzawodniczący / wyczynowy sport 学び始める
competitive price / competitive / competitive sport This company always offer competitive prices. / Mark is one of the most competetive people I have met so far. / This is a competitive sport, so it's not suitable for you.
rozsądna cena / odpowiedni poziom języka Niemieckiego / rozsądny człowiek 学び始める
reasonable price / reasonable German / reasonable person I don't think it is a reasonable price for such a second-hand car. / The woman answered me in reasonable German. / Steve turned to be a reasonable man.
łagodny / łagodna zima / łagodna choroba 学び始める
mild / mild winter / mild disease A mild person doesn't get angry and is very gentle. / Let's be frank - the winter has been mild this years. / Fortunately, it was a mild form of cold, nothing serious.
ucieczka / uniknąć o włos nieszczęścia / uciec 学び始める
escape / to have narrowly escape / to escape The criminal is said to have been planning the escape for 2 years. / She had a narrow escape, getting out of the burning house. / Although I did my best to escape that metting, everything went wrong.
wynik / skończyć się problemami / wynikać 学び始める
result / result in problems / result What is the result of your english test? Are you satisfied with it? / Let's hope that your behavior won't result in serious problems. / Your doubts result from the fact that you aren't familiar with it.
waga / łuski rybie / gama (w muzyce) 学び始める
After I had weighted myself, I put the scales in the bathroom. / Before frying the fish, scrape off the scales with a knife. / You should practice your scales at last five times a week.
systemy słoneczne / układ słoneczny / panele słoneczne 学び始める
solar systems / solar system / solar panels They are looking for life forms in other solar systems. / I've always been keen on the environment and the solar system. / How do solar panels work if there is some snow on them?
dotyczyć / budzić niepokój / budzić niepokój 学び始める
concern / concern / concern This issue doesn't concern you so leave the room immediately. / Their daughter's mental state used to concern them greatly. / The results of the election are of concern to all voters.
zgadzać się w pewnym stopniu / stopień naukowy / morderstwo pierwszego stopnia 学び始める
agree with someone to some degree / degree / first degree murder I can agree with you to some degree. / To get a degree you have to graduate from university. / Ha was charged with first degree murder.
liście herbaty / liście / zostaje 学び始める
tea leaves / leaves / leaves You are reading the tea leaves. Let's be serious! / There are lots of leaves in the garden. Rake them now. / Peter often leaves dirty socks on the floor. It's his bad habit.
Can you see the tree ever there? It has such a large trunk. / An elephant's nose that is used to lift food and water is a trunk. / The statue shows the head and the trunk of and old woman.
opuścić / porzucić / pustynia 学び始める
Karolina had to desert her house when she was 18. / How could he desert his family for another woman? / When you are in the desert, water is worth its weight in gold.
szczyt kariery / szczyt sezonu / szczyt góry 学び始める
career peak / season peak / mountain peak Mark has reached the peak of his football career. / We never go to Zakopane in the peak season, it's too expensive. / He has climbed the highest peak of the Himalayas.
poziom wody / piętro / poziom 学び始める
water level / level / level The melting ice caused a rise in sea level. / We needed to get to level nine so we had to take a lift. / This game requires a high level of concentration.
nawyk / habit / uzależnienie 学び始める
I have the habit of eating between meals. I have to stop it. / A habit is worn by nuns and monks. / My brother tried to break his drug habit but he didn't succeed.
peron / buty na koturnach / platforma 学び始める
platform / platform shoes / platform Which platform does the train to Warsaw leave from? / Could I borrow your platform shoes? They would match my jeans. / She was standing on the platform giving her speech.
tablica / rada szkoły / gry planszowe 学び始める
board / school board / board games Look at the board. There are words you are suppose to learn. / When will the schoold board take place? / Do you fell like comming over and playing a board game.
What shall we do? What is another step? / I didn't notice the last step and fell. I twisted my ankle. / Be careful! You are going to step on my foot.
zrobić / robi różnicę / upewnić się 学び始める
make / make a difference / make sure To make a reservation, call the reception and press 5. / You can do it or not. It doesn't make any difference. / Before leaving the house make sure that the door is locked.
chata z drewnianych bali / kajuta / kabina pasażerska 学び始める
cabin / cabin / passenger cabin We are going to buy a log cabin in the mountains. / A small room where you can sleep in a ship is called a cabin. / They got seats in the first-class cabin of the plane.
ochrona / strzec / pies strzegący 学び始める
security guard / guard / guard dog Where is the security guard? He should be here now! / Parents want to guard their kids from the outside world. / A man with a guard dog was making his rounds at the airport.
bagażnik / uruchamiać / kopać 学び始める
The stolen goods were found in the boot of Mark's car. / First boot the computer up and then anter your password. / Don't boot my cat or I will call the police!
talerz / tablica rejestracyjna / srebro stołowe 学び始める
plate / license plate / silver plate The plate is broken. Can I have another one? / The number plate of your car is dirty. I can't see anything. / The knives and forks are silver plate. They are valuable.
hala odlotów / fotel wypoczynkowy / komfortowy bar 学び始める
departures lounge / lounge chair / comfortable lounge We were waiting for our flight at the departure lounge. / I love this lounge chair. It's so comfortable. / The lounge was full of the hotel guests.
pokazać okolicę / popisywać się / pokaz 学び始める
show around / show off / show You must visit me. I will show you around. / Don't show off! Behave yourself! / The show was cancelled due to technical problems.
kantor / wymieniać / program wymiany 学び始める
exchange office / exchange / exchange program The exchange office is our hotel is open twenty hours a day. / I would like to exchange 300 euros to dollars. / Poland will launch an exchange programe with American students.
rozbić namiot / odstręczać / kłaść 学び始める
put up a tent / put off / put down Do you have an idea how to put up a tent? / The smell of hospitals has always put me off. / Don't put these old newspapers on the shelf. Throw them away.
podróż służbowa / potknąć się / podstawić nogę 学び始める
business trip / trip / trip My mum has been on a business trip since last Monday. / My grandma hurt her knee when she had a trip on the stairs. / Stop lying! I didn't trip you while you were running.
gips / obsadzać rolę / rzucać cień 学び始める
cast / cast a role / cast a shadow Kate has broken her leg and she has it in a cast. / The director said that the role was difficult to cast. / The candle cast a scary shadow on the wall and I couldn't sleep.
miałby / grywał / wolałby 学び始める
would have / would play / would rather If Frank wasn't so shy, he would have friends. / My brother would play computer games every day when he was a kid. / I would rather read books than watch films.
metka / oznaczać / np. czyż nie 学び始める
tag / tag / question tag (e.g. isn't it) Look at the tag. There is always information about the item. / First tag these products and then put them on the top shelf. / Don't forget to put the question tag at the end of the sentence.
arkusz papieru / arkusz egzaminacyjny / gazeta 学び始める
sheet of paper / exam paper / paper Can you give me a sheet of paper, please? / The past exam paper is avaliable in the library. / My paper is delivered to my house every morning.
bombonierka / kartonowe pudło / zysk osiągnięty przez film 学び始める
box of chocolates / cardboard box / box-office I feel sick, I have eaten a whole box of chocolates. / Pack the shopping in the cardboard box. Save the planet. / The film was a huge box-office success.
koncert na żywo / mieszkać / żyć 学び始める
live concert / live / live My favorite band's live performance starts at 8. / They live in the suburbs but they work in the city center. / I have to live on 100 dollars this month. I'm broke.
lektura szkolna / umieścić / mieć miejsce 学び始める
set book / set / to be set "Pan Tadeusz" is a set book in Polish schools. / Where would you like to set the bathroom? / The film is set in Berlin in late 1970s.
głośność / tom / objętość 学び始める
Can you turn the volume down? I'm trying to work. / The second volume of her book was published last month. / I wonder what the volume of the fuel tank is.
sprubować / wysokiej klasy jedwab / ujęcie 学び始める
give a shot / shot silk / shot I've never tried plaing chess but I think I give it a shot. / This dress is made of blue shot silk. I must buy it. / We have to repeat this shot. Where is the lead character?
There was a rusted tank in the middle of the forest. / You must clean your tank at least once a month. / The flames reached the fuel tank and the car blew up.
telenowela / dać w łapę / mydło 学び始める
soap opera / soap someone / soap Ann has never missed a single episode of her favorite soap opera. / She won't help you unless you soap her. / People usually use soap to wash their hands.