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pojawiać się, wychodzić
come on
3(also Come along!) (used to tell sb to hurry up, try harder, etc.) Come on or we’ll be late! Come on! You can do better work than that. ▶ no dalej! (no) chodź/cie! no wiesz! 4 to begin I’ve got a cold coming on. ▶ (choroba) brać kogoś
start to act, play in a game of sport, etc. The audience jeered every time the villain came on. The substitute came on in the second half. pojawiać się (also come along) to make progress or to improve Your English is coming on nicely. ▶ postępować
wychodzić na jaw
come out
4 (used about a photograph, etc.) to be produced successfully Only one of our photos came out. ▶ (zdjęcie) wychodzić (dobrze) 5 to no longer hide the fact that you are homosexual ▶ wyjawić, że jest się homoseksualistą
to appear The rain stopped and the sun came out. ▶ ukazywać się wychodzić (zza chmur) 2 to be published The report came out in 1998. ▶ wychodzić (drukiem) 3 to become known It was only after David’s death that the truth came out. ▶ wychodzić na jaw
come out of something
to be removed from sth Red wine stains don’t come out easily.
wypowidać się przeciw komuś
come out against sth
to say in public that you do not like or agree with sth The Prime Minister came out against capital punishment.
dostawać np. wysypki
come out in sth
to become covered in spots, etc. Heat makes him come out in a rash.
wyrywać się z czymś
come out with something
to say sth unexpectedly The children came out with all kinds of stories.
ogarniać kogoś(uczucie)
come over sb
(used about a feeling) to affect sb A feeling of despair came over me.
odzyskać przytomność
come round
(also come to) to become conscious again ▶ odzyskiwać przytomność dochodzić do siebie  OPPOSITE  pass out 2 (used about an event that happens regularly) to happen The end of the holidays always comes round very quickly. ▶ nadchodzić
przychodzić (z wizytą)
come round (to...)
to visit a person or place not far away Do you want to come round for lunch on Saturday? ▶ przychodzić (z wizytą) zachodzić (do kogoś)
przekonać się (do czegoś)
come round (to sth)
to change your opinion so that you agree with sb/sth They finally came round to our way of thinking.
wychodzić cało z czegoś
come through something
to escape injury or death in a dangerous situation, illness, etc. to come through an enemy attack ▶
wynosić ileś
come to sth
to equal or total a particular amount The bill for the meal came to £ 35. ▶ wynosić ileś 2 to result in a bad situation We will sell the house to pay our debts if we have to but we hope it won’t come to that. ▶ dochodzić do czegoś (złego)
należeć (do pewnej kategorii)
come under sth
to be included in a particular section, department, etc. Garages that sell cars come under ‘ car dealers’ in the telephone book.
wschodzić, wyrastać
come up
3 to happen or be going to happen in the future Something’s come up at work (coś mi wyskoczyło w pracy) so I won’t be home until late tonight. I have an important meeting coming up next week. ▶ zdarzać się zbliżać się
(used about a plant) to appear above the soil ▶ (roślina) wschodzić wyrastać 2 (used about the sun and moon) to rise ▶ (słońce/księżyc) wschodzić to be discussed or mentioned The subject of religion came up. ▶ wypływać (np. w dyskusji)
natrafiać na kogoś/coś
come up against sb/sth
to find a problem or difficulty that you have to deal with I had to stop when I came up against a high fence.
dorównywać czemuś
come up to sth
to be as good as usual or as necessary This piece of work does not come up to your usual standard.
znaleźć (np. rozwiązanie problemu)
come up with sth
to find an answer or solution to sth Engineers have come up with new ways of saving energy.
powrót (np. na scenę)
a return to a position of strength or importance that you had before The former world champion is hoping to make a comeback.
noun [countable] a person whose job is to entertain people and make them laugh, for example by telling jokes
obniżenie się stopy życiowej
comedown /ˈkʌmdaʊn; US / noun [sing.] (informal) a loss of importance or social position It’s a bit of a comedown for her having to move to a smaller house.
1[countable] an amusing play, film, etc. that has a happy ending a romantic comedy ▶ komedia ⇨ look at tragedy 2[uncountable] the quality of being amusing or making people laugh There is a hint of comedy in all her novels. ▶ komizm komedia
a comet
an object in space that looks like a bright star with a tail and that moves around the sun
3[uncountable] help or kindness to sb who is suffering I tried to offer a few words of comfort. ▶ pociecha 4[sing.] be a comfort (to sb) a person or thing that helps you when you are very sad or worried You’ve been a real comfort to me. ▶ ostoja
the state of having everything your body needs, Most people expect to live in comfort in their old age. to travel in comfort ▶ komfort 2 the feeling of being physically relaxed This car has been specially designed for extra comfort.
pocieszać, podnosić na duchu
to try to make sb feel less worried or unhappy to comfort a crying child ▶ pocieszać podnosić na duchu, dodawać otuchy
wygodny, komfortowy
comfortable, comfortable
not having or causing worry He did not feel comfortable in the presence of so many women. They sat in comfortable silence. ▶ wygodny przyjemny 3 having or providing enough money for all your needs They are not wealthy but they’re quite comfortable
that makes you feel physically relaxed and in no pain; that provides you with everything your body needs Sit down and make yourselves comfortable a comfortable pair of shoes Our hotel room was large and comfortable. a comfortable temperat ▶ wygodny
wygodnie, bezpiecznie
adv. Jon was sitting comfortably in the armchair. You can’t live comfortably on such low wages. ▶ wygodnie bezpiecznie
śmieszny, komiczny
that makes you laugh; connected with amusing entertainment a comic scene in a play ▶ śmieszny komiczny zabawny
comic book
comic2 /ˈkɒmɪk; US / noun [countable] 1 = comedian 2(especially US ˈcomic book) a magazine for children that tells stories through pictures ▶ komiks
nadchodzący, najbliższy
the moment when sth new arrives or begins The coming of the computer meant the loss of many jobs. ▶ przyjście nadejście nastanie □ coming adj. [only before a noun] We’ve got a lot of plans for the coming year. ▶ nadchodzący
comma /ˈkɒmə; US / noun [countable] the mark (,) used for dividing parts of a sentence or items in a list ▶ przecinek
rozkaz, dowództwo
3[sing.] the state of being able to do or use sth well She has a good command of French. Ona dobrze włada francuskim. ▶ znajomość
an order The captain’s commands must be obeyed without question. I command you to go! (wypowiedziane przez król-a/ową) ▶ rozkaz 2[uncountable] control over sb/sth Who is in command of the expedition? to take command of a situation ▶ dowództwo
być do czyjejś dyspozycji
to be at sb's command
be at sb’s command to be ready to obey sb I’m completely at your command. ▶ być do czyjejś dyspozycji
rozkazywać, dowodzić
2[transitive] command sb/sth to control or be in charge of sb/sth to command a ship/regiment/army ▶ dowodzić 3[transitive] to deserve and get sth The old man commanded great respect. ▶ wzbudzać
command2 /kəˈmɑ: nd; US -ˈmænd / verb 1 [intransitive, transitive] (formal) command (sb to do sth) to tell or order sb to do sth The men did as their officer had commanded. I command you to leave now! ▶ rozkazywać
commandant /ˈkɒməndænt; US / noun [countable] the officer in charge of a particular group of people or institution the commandant of a prisoner of war camp Commandant Macdonald ▶ komendant
commandeer /ˌkɒmənˈdɪə(r); US / verb [transitive] to take control or possession of sth for military or police use ▶ rekwirować
dowódca, komandor
commander, commander
commander /kəˈmɑ: ndə(r); US -ˈmæn- / noun [countable] 1 a person who controls or is in charge of a military organization or group ▶ dowódca 2 (Brit.) an officer at a fairly high level in the navy ▶ komandor
dowodzący władczy
imponujący 3[only before a noun] if a building is in a commanding position or has a commanding view you can see the area around very well from it The castle occupied a commanding position (dominował) at the head of the valley.
commanding /kəˈmɑ: ndɪŋ; US -ˈmæn- / adj. 1 [only before a noun] in charge or having control of sb/sth Who is your commanding officer? ▶ dowodzący 2[usually before a noun] strong or powerful to speak in a commanding tone of voice ▶ władczy
commando /kəˈmɑ: ndəʊ; US -ˈmæn- / noun [countable] (pl. commandos) one of a group of soldiers who is trained to make sudden attacks in enemy areas ▶ komandos
czcić, uczcić, świętować
□ commemoration /kəˌmeməˈreɪʃn; US / noun [countable, uncountable] The concerts were held in commemoration (dla upamiętnienia) of the 200th anniversary of Mozart’s death. ▶ uczczenie obchód
commemorate /kəˈmeməreɪt; US / verb [transitive] to exist or take place in order to make people remember a special event a statue commemorating all the soldiers who died in the last war ▶ czcić upamiętniać obchodzić
commemorative /kəˈmemərətɪv; US -reɪt- / adj. intended to help people remember and respect an important person or event in the past commemorative stamps A commemorative plaque on the bridge records the name of the engineer. ▶ pamiątkowy
rozpoczynać formalnie
commence /kəˈmens; US / verb [intransitive, transitive] (formal) commence sth/doing sth to start or begin (sth) ▶ rozpoczynać ⇨ note at begin □ commencement /; US / noun [countable, uncountable] ▶ rozpoczęcie
uwaga, komentarz
noun [countable, uncountable] comment (on sth) something that you say or write that gives your opinion or feeling about sth I heard someone make a rude comment about my clothes. What Barbara said was (a) fair comment. ▶ uwaga
komentować, zwracać uwagę
comment2 /ˈkɒment; US / verb [intransitive] comment (on sth) to say what you think or feel about sth Several people commented on how ill David looked. Somebody commented that it didn’t seem very fair. ▶ komentować
komentarz, sprawdzenie
2[countable] a written explanation or discussion of sth such as a book or play ▶ komentarz 3[countable, uncountable] a criticism or discussion of sth This drug scandal is a sad commentary on the state of the sport. ▶ przykład
commentary /ˈkɒməntri; US / noun (pl. commentaries) 1[countable, uncountable] a spoken description on the radio or TV of sth as it is happening a sports commentary ▶ sprawozdanie komentarz
2 a person who gives a spoken description on radio or TV of sth as it is happening a sports commentator ▶ komentator/ka sprawozdawca
commentator /ˈkɒmənteɪtə(r); US / noun [countable] 1 a person who gives their opinion about sth on the radio, on TV or in a newspaper a political commentator ▶ komentator/ka
commerce /ˈkɒmɜ: s; US / noun [uncountable] the business of buying and selling things ▶ handel
handlowy, komercyjny
commercial, commercial
3[only before a noun] making or trying to make money Although it won a lot of awards, the film was not a commercial success. Politicians should not have secret commercial interests. ▶ komercyjny dochodowy
1 connected with buying and selling goods and services commercial law ▶ handlowy 2 selling sth or sold in large quantities to the public commercial airlines/products ▶ komercyjny
handlowo, komercyjnie
commercially, commercially
□ commercially /-ʃəli; US / adv. The factory was closed down because it was no longer commercially viable (nie była już opłacalna). ▶ handlowo komercyjnie
commercial2 /kəˈmɜ:ʃl; US / noun [countable] an advertisement on TV or the radio a commercial break przerwa na reklamę ▶ reklama
commercialism /kəˈmɜ:ʃəlɪzəm; US / noun [uncountable] the attitude that making money is more important than anything else ▶ komercjalizm
□ commercialization (also commercialisation) /kəˌmɜ:ʃəlaɪˈzeɪʃn; US -ʃləˈz- / noun [uncountable] ▶ komercjalizacja
verb [transitive] to try to make money out of sth, even if it means spoiling it Christmas has become very commercialized over recent years (bardzo się ostatnio skomercjalizowało). ▶ komercjalizować
handlowo, komercyjnie
commercially, commercially
□ commercially /-ʃəli; US / adv. The factory was closed down because it was no longer commercially viable (nie była już opłacalna). ▶ handlowo komercyjnie
wyrażać współczucie (formal)
/kəˈmɪzəreɪt ; US / verb [intransitive] (formal) commiserate (with sb) (on/over/for sth) to feel sorry for and show understanding towards sb who is unhappy or in difficulty I commiserated with Debbie over losing her job. ▶ wyrażać współczucie
wyrazy współczucia (formal)
/kəˌmɪzəˈreɪʃn ; US / noun [uncountable, countable] an expression of sympathy for sb who has had sth unpleasant happen to them, I offered him my commiseration. Commiserations to the losing team! ▶ wyrazy współczucia
prowizja, komisja
commission, commission
Agents get 10% commission on everything they sell. ▶ prowizja 3[countable, uncountable] money that a bank, etc. charges for providing a particular service The bureau de change charges 5% commission. ▶ prowizja
(often Commission) [countable] an official group of people who are asked to find out about sth A Commission was appointed to investigate the causes of the accident. ▶ komisja 2[countable, uncountable] money that you get for selling sth
zlecać, zamawiać
commission2 /kəˈmɪʃn; US / verb [transitive] commission sb (to do sth); commission sth (from sb) to ask an artist, writer, etc. to do a piece of work to commission an architect to design a building ▶ zlecać zamawiać
pełnomocnik, komisarz
commissioner /kəˈmɪʃənə(r); US / noun [countable] the head of the police or of a government department in some countries ▶ pełnomocnik (np. rządu) komisarz
popełniać, zobowiązywać się do
to commit, to commit to
3commit yourself (on sth) to make a decision or give an opinion publicly so that it is then difficult to change it I’m not going to commit myself on who will win the election. ▶ zajmować stanowisko w sprawie angażować się (w coś) deklarować się
1 to do sth bad or illegal to commit suicide/a crime ▶ popełniać 2commit sb/yourself (to sth/to doing sth) to make a definite agreement or promise to do sth I can’t commit myself to helping you tomorrow. ▶ zobowiązywać (się) ⇨ look at non-committal
zobowiązanie, zaangażowanie
commitment, commitment
2[uncountable] commitment (to sth) being prepared to give a lot of your time and attention to sth We are looking for a teacher with enthusiasm and commitment. I admire Gary’s commitment to protecting the environment. ▶ zaangażowanie
1 [countable, uncountable] a promise or agreement to do sth; a responsibility When I make a commitment (kiedy się zobowiążę) I always stick to it. Helen now works fewer hours because of family commitments. ▶ zobowiązanie
zaangażowany, oddany
committed /kəˈmɪtɪd adj. committed (to sth) prepared to give a lot of your time and attention to sth because you believe it is right or important a committed Christian The company is committed to providing quality products. ▶ zaangażowany, oddany
komisja, zarząd, komitet
committee /kəˈmɪti; US / noun [countable, with sing. or pl. verb] a group of people who have been chosen to discuss sth or decide sth to be/sit on a committee The planning committee meets/meet twice a week. ▶ komisja zarząd komitet
commodity /kəˈmɒdəti; US / noun [countable] (pl. commodities) a product or material that can be bought and sold Salt was once a very valuable commodity. ▶ towar
powszechny, pospolity
common, common
2common (to sb/sth) shared by or belonging to two or more people or groups; The Americans and the British share a common language. This type of behaviour is common to most children of that age. We have a common interest in gardening. ▶ wspólny
1 happening or found often or in many places; usual The daisy is a common wild flower. Pilot error is the commonest/most common cause of plane crashes. Nowadays it is quite common for people to go abroad for their holidays. ▶ powszechny
mieć coś wspólnego z kimś
have something in common
have sth in common (with sb/sth) to share sth with sb/sth else One thing we have in common is that we both hate beer. to have a lot in common with somebody ▶ mieć coś wspólnego (z kimś/czymś)
wspólne zainteresowania
ˌcommon ˈground
noun [uncountable] beliefs, interests, etc. that two or more people or groups share They have very little common ground. The peace talks broke down because the two sides failed to find any common ground between them. ▶ wspólne zainteresowania
prawo zwyczajowe
common law = case law
ˌcommon ˈlaw noun [uncountable] laws in England that are based on decisions that judges have made, not laws that were made by Parliament ▶ prawo zwyczajowe
powszechnie, zwykle
commonly, usually
commonly /ˈkɒmənli; US / adv. normally; usually ▶ powszechnie zwykle
świetlica szkolna
common room
ˈcommon room noun [countable] a room in a school, university, etc. where students or teachers can go to relax when they are not in class ▶ świetlica (dla uczniów/studentów) sala rekreacyjna (na uczelni)
zdrowy rozsądek
common sense
ˌcommon ˈsense noun [uncountable] the ability to make good sensible decisions or to behave in a sensible way Safety precautions are basically just common sense. ▶ zdrowy rozsądek
wspólny (pomieszczenie itp)
communal /kəˈmju: nl; ˈkɒmjənl; US / adj. shared by a group of people a communal kitchen ▶ (pomieszczenie itp.) wspólny
commune /ˈkɒmju: n; US / noun [countable, with sing. or pl. verb] a group of people, not from the same family, who live together and share their property and responsibilities ▶ komuna
