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entity /ˈentəti; US / noun [countable] (pl. entities) something that exists separately from sth else and has its own identity The kindergarten and the school are in the same building but they’re really separate entities. ▶ jednostka istota
2[countable] entrance (into/onto sth) the act of coming or going into a place, especially in a way that attracts attention He made a dramatic entrance onto the stage. ▶ wejście entrance /ˈentrəns / noun 1 [c] the entrance (to/of sth) the door, gate or opening where you go into a place I’ll meet you at the entrance to the theatre. ▶ wejście wjazd W Amer. ang. używa się w tym samym znaczeniu słowa entry. OPPOSITE exit
złapać w pułapkę, uwięzić 学び始める
2entrap sb (into doing sth) to trick sb, and encourage them to do sth, especially to commit a crime, so that they can be arrested for it ▶ podstępnie zachęcić kogoś do popełnienia nielegalnego czynu, którego konsekwencją będzie zaaresztowanie entrap /ɪnˈtræp/ verb (entrapping; entrapped) [transitive, often passive] (formal) 1 to put or catch sb/sth in a place or situation from which they cannot escape She felt entrapped by her family’s expectations. ▶ (przen.) złapać w pułapkę usidlić
□ entrepreneurial /ˌɒntrəprəˈnɜ: riəl; US / adj. entrepreneurial skills ▶ przedsiębiorczy entrepreneur /ˌɒntrəprəˈnɜ:(r)/ noun [countable] a person who makes money by starting or running businesses, especially when this involves taking financial risks ▶ przedsiębiorca
entrust /ɪnˈtrʌst; US / verb [transitive] (formal) entrust A with B/entrust B to A to make sb responsible for sth I entrusted Rachel with the arrangements for the party. I entrusted the arrangements for the party to Rachel. ▶ powierzać
2[uncountable] entry (to/into sth) the right to enter a place an entry visa The immigrants were refused entry (odmówiono imigrantom zezwolenia na wjazd) at the airport. The sign says ‘ No Entry’ (wstęp wzbroniony). ▶ wstęp wjazd noun (pl. entries) 1[countable] the act of coming or going into a place The thieves forced entry (włamali się) into the building. ▶ wejście wkroczenie SYNONYM entrance
envelope /ˈenvələʊp; ˈɒn-; US; / noun [countable] ⇨ POSŁUCHAJ NAGRAŃ PRZYKŁADÓW the paper cover for a letter ▶ koperta
envious /ˈenviəs; US / adj. envious (of sb/sth) wanting sth that sb else has She was envious of her sister’s success. ▶ zazdrosny zawistny SYNONYM jealous ⇨ verb, noun envy □ enviously /; US / adv. ▶ zazdrośnie zawistnie
2(the environment) [sing.] the natural world, for example the land, air and water, in which people, animals and plants live We need stronger laws to protect the environment. ▶ środowisko naturalne environment /ɪnˈvaɪrənmənt; US / noun 1[countable, uncountable] the conditions in which you live, work, etc. A bad home environment can affect a child’s progress at school. a pleasant working environment ▶ otoczenie środowisko
środowiskowy, dotyczący środowiska 学び始める
—environmentally /-təli; US / adv. environmentally-damaging (szkodliwe dla środowiska naturalnego) forms of transport environmentally-sensitive (ekologicznie znaczące) coastal areas environmentally conscious świadomy znaczenia środowiska naturalnego □ environmental /ɪnˌvaɪrənˈmentl; US / adj. environmental science nauka o środowisku ▶ środowiskowy dotyczący/wywołany wpływem środowiska/otoczenia
zwolennik działań na rzecz środowiska 学び始める
environmentalist /ɪnˌvaɪrənˈmentəlɪst; US / noun [countable] a person who wants to protect the environment ▶ zwolenni-k/czka działań na rzecz ochrony środowiska naturalnego
enˌvironmentally ˈfriendly (also enˌvironment-ˈfriendly) adj. (used about products) not harming the environment environmentally-friendly packaging ▶ ekologiczny przyjazny środowisku
envisage /ɪnˈvɪzɪdʒ; US / verb [transitive] (formal) to think of sth as being possible in the future; to imagine I don’t envisage any problems with this. ▶ wyobrażać sobie
envoy /ˈenvɔɪ; US / noun [countable] a person who is sent by a government with a message to another country ▶ wysłanni-k/czka
envy1 /ˈenvi; US / noun [uncountable] envy (of sb); envy (at/of sth) the feeling that you have when sb else has sth that you want It was difficult for her to hide her envy of her friend’s success. ▶ zazdrość zawiść ⇨ look at enviable, envious
envy2 /ˈenvi; US / verb [transitive] (envying; envies; past tense, past participle envied) envy (sb) (sth) to want sth that sb else has; to feel envy I’ve always envied your good luck. I don’t envy you that job. ▶ zazdrościć
enzyme /ˈenzaɪm; US / noun [countable] (technical) a substance, produced by all living things, that helps a chemical change happen or happen more quickly, without being changed itself Enzymes are essential to the body’s functioning. ▶ enzym
ephemeral /ɪˈfemərəl; US / adj. (formal) lasting or used for only a short time ephemeral pleasures leaflets, handouts and other ephemeral material ▶ efemeryczny krótkotrwały przemijający
epic /ˈepɪk; US / adj. very long and exciting an epic struggle/journey ▶ epicki □ epic noun [countable] The film ‘ Glory’ is an American Civil War epic. ▶ epopeja
epidemic /ˌepɪˈdemɪk; US / noun [countable] a large number of people or animals suffering from the same disease at the same time A flu epidemic broke out in February. ▶ epidemia
epilepsy /ˈepɪlepsi; US / noun [uncountable] a disease of the brain that can cause a person to become unconscious (sometimes with violent movements that they cannot control) ▶ epilepsja padaczka
epileptic /ˌepɪˈleptɪk; US / noun [countable] a person who suffers from epilepsy ▶ epilepty-k/czka □ epileptic adj. an epileptic fit She’s epileptic. ▶ epileptyczny
epilogue /ˈepɪlɒɡ; US; / noun [countable] a short piece that is added at the end of a book, play, etc. and that comments on what has gone before ▶ epilog ⇨ look at prologue
Epiphany /ɪˈpɪfəni; US / noun [countable] a Christian festival, held on the 6 January, in memory of the time when the three wise men (the Magi) came to see the baby Jesus at Bethlehem ▶ święto Trzech Króli dzień Objawienia Pańskiego
2 one part of a TV or radio story that is shown or told in several parts Don’t miss tomorrow’s exciting episode. ▶ odcinek (serialu) episode /ˈepɪsəʊd/ noun [c] 1 one separate event in sb’s life, a novel, etc. That’s an episode in my life I’d rather forget. ▶ epizod
epitaph /ˈepɪtɑ: f; US -tæf / noun [countable] words that are written or said about a dead person, especially words written on a stone where they are buried ▶ epitafium
epoch /ˈi: pɒk; US ˈepək / noun [countable] a period of time in history (that is important because of special events, characteristics, etc.) ▶ epoka
2 having the same rights or being treated the same as other people This company has an equal opportunities policy. We’ve appointed an Equal Opportunities Officer (urzędnika do spraw równouprawnienia). ▶ równorzędny equal1 /ˈi: kwəl / adj. 1equal (to sb/sth) the same in size, amount, value, number, level, etc. They are equal in weight. They are of equal weight. This animal is equal in weight to a small car. Divide it into two equal parts. ▶ równy jednakowy
equal2 /ˈi: kwəl; US / noun [countable] a person who has the same ability, rights, etc. as you do to treat somebody as an equal ▶ równ-y/a sobie
2 to be as good as sb/sth He ran an excellent race, equalling the world record. Nowhere quite equals France for food. ▶ dorównywać equal3 /ˈi: kwəl; US / verb [transitive] (equalling; equalled, US equaling; equaled) ⇨ POSŁUCHAJ NAGRAŃ PRZYKŁADÓW 1 (used about numbers, etc.) to be the same as sth 44 plus 17 equals 61 is written: 44 + 17 = 61. ▶ równać się
równość, równouprawnienie 学び始める
equality /iˈkwɒləti; US / noun [uncountable] the situation in which everyone has the same rights and advantages Absolute equality is probably impossible to achieve. racial equality ▶ równouprawnienie równość OPPOSITE inequality
equalize (also equalise) /ˈi: kwəlaɪz; US / verb [intransitive] (in sport) to reach the same number of points as your opponent Wales equalized in the 87th minute to make the score two all. ▶ remisować
3(formal) (used when you are comparing two ideas or commenting on what you have just said) at the same time; but/and also I do not think what he did was right. Equally, I can understand why he did it. ▶ jednocześnie jednakże equally /ˈi: kwəli; US / adv. ⇨ POSŁUCHAJ NAGRAŃ PRZYKŁADÓW 1 to the same degree or amount They both worked equally hard. ▶ równo jednakowo 2 in equal parts His money was divided equally between his children. ▶ równo
equate /iˈkweɪt; US / verb [transitive] equate sth (with sth) to consider one thing as being the same as sth else Some parents equate education with exam success. ▶ zrównywać uważać za identyczne/podobne
equation /ɪˈkweɪʒn; US / noun [countable] (in mathematics) a statement that two quantities are equal 2x + 5 = 11 is an equation. ▶ równanie
□ equatorial /ˌekwəˈtɔ: riəl; US / adj. near theequator or typical of a country that is near theequator equatorial rainforests an equatorial climate ▶ równikowy the equator (also the Equator) /ɪˈkweɪtə(r)/ noun [sing.] the imagined line around the earth at an equal distance from the North and South Poles north/south of the Equator The island is on the equator. ▶ równik
2 a calm state of mind and a balance of emotions He sat down to try and recover his equilibrium. ▶ równowaga i: kwɪˈlɪbriəm ˌek- / [uc, sing.] 1 a state of balance, especially between opposite forces or influences The point at which the solid and the liquid are in equilibrium is called the freezing point. We have achieved economic equilibrium. ▶ równowaga
equinox /ˈi: kwɪnɒks; US ˈek-; US / noun [countable] one of the two times in the year (around 20 March and 22 September) when day and night are of equal length the spring/autumn equinox ▶ równonoc zrównanie ⇨ look at solstice
2 to prepare sb for a particular task The course equips students with all the skills necessary to become a chef. ▶ przygotowywać kogoś do wykonania określonego zadania equip /ɪˈkwɪp/ verb [transitive] (equipping; equipped) equip sb/sth (with sth) 1[usually passive] The schools in France are much better equipped than ours. The flat has a fully-equipped (z pełnym wyposażeniem) kitchen. ▶ wyposażać zaopatrywać
Equipment jest rzeczownikiem niepoliczalnym. Mówiąc o jednym przedmiocie używa się zwrotu a piece of equipment: a very useful piece of kitchen equipment. equipment /ɪˈkwɪpmənt; US / noun [uncountable] the things that are needed to do a particular activity office/sports/computer equipment ▶ wyposażenie ekwipunek
□ equitably /-bli; US / adv. We aim to ensure that employees are all treated equitably. ▶ sprawiedliwie equitable /ˈekwɪtəbl / adj. (formal) fair and reasonable; treating everyone in an equal way an equitable distribution of resources ▶ sprawiedliwy SYNONYM fair
▶ akcje nieuprzywilejowane (przynoszące dywidendę) 3[uncountable] the money value of a property after all the charges on it, e.g. those relating to a mortgage, have been paid ▶ wartość majątku netto (po potrąceniu zobowiązań) equity /ˈekwəti/ noun 1 [uc] the value of the shares issued by a company He controls seven per cent of the equity. ▶ wartość akcji przedsiębiorstwa 2(equities) [pl.] ordinary stocks and shares that carry no fixed interest to invest in equities
The British House of Commons is roughly equivalent to the American House of Representatives. ▶ równorzędny odpowiadający równoważny □ equivalent noun [countable] There is no English equivalent to the French ‘ bon appétit’. ▶ odpowiednik equivalent /ɪˈkwɪvələnt; US / adj. equivalent (to sth) equal in value, amount, meaning, importance, etc. The price of British cars is higher than that of equivalent French or German models.
era /ˈɪərə; US; ˈerə / noun [countable] a period of time in history (that is special for some reason) We are living in the era of the computer. ▶ era
Jeżeli chodzi o wymazywanie czegoś, co zostało napisane ołówkiem, w Br. ang. używa się częściej czasownika rub out. erase /ɪˈreɪz; US -ˈreɪs / verb [transitive] (formal) to remove sth completely (a pencil mark, a recording on tape, a computer file, etc.): (figurative) He tried to erase the memory of those terrible years from his mind. ▶ wymazywać
budowa, wznoszenie gmachu 学び始める
2[uncountable] (formal) the act of building sth or standing sth straight up ▶ budowa montaż wznoszenie (np. gmachu) erection /ɪˈrekʃn; US / noun 1 [countable] if a man has an erection, his penis becomes hard and stands up because he is sexually excited to get/have an erection ▶ erekcja
ergonomic /ˌɜ:ɡəˈnɒmɪk; US / adj. designed to improve people’s working conditions and to help them work more efficiently ergonomic design ▶ ergonomiczny □ ergonomically /; US / adv. The layout is hard to fault ergonomically. ▶ ergonomicznie
□ erosion /ɪˈrəʊʒn; US / noun [uncountable] the erosion of rocks by the sea ▶ erozja podkopywanie erode /ɪˈrəʊd; US / verb [transitive, usually passive] (used about the sea, the weather, etc.) to destroy sth slowly The cliff has been eroded by the sea. ▶ erodować wyżerać podkopywać (np. znaczenie czegoś)
erotic /ɪˈrɒtɪk; US / adj. causing sexual excitement an erotic film/poem/dream ▶ erotyczny
□ erratically /-kli; US / adv. ▶ w sposób nieprzewidywalny nieregularnie na wszystkie strony erratic /ɪˈrætɪk; US / adj. (used about sb’s behaviour, or about the quality of sth) changing without reason; that you can never be sure of Marc Jones is a talented player but he’s very erratic. ▶ nieprzewidywalny niezrównoważony
error /ˈerə(r); US / noun ⇨ POSŁUCHAJ NAGRAŃ PRZYKŁADÓW 1[countable] (formal) a mistake The telephone bill was too high due to a computer error. an error of judgement mylny osąd to make an error ▶ błąd pomyłka ⇨ note at mistake
3 (used about a person) to suddenly become very angry George erupted when he heard the news. ▶ wybuchać □ eruption /; US / noun [countable, uncountable] a volcanic eruption ▶ wybuch erupt /ɪˈrʌpt; US / verb [intransitive] 1 (used about a volcano) to explode and throw out fire, burning rocks, smoke, etc. ▶ wybuchać 2 (used about violence, shouting, etc.) to start suddenly The demonstration erupted into violence. ▶ wybuchać
The terrorist attacks escalated tension in the capital. ▶ wzrastać wzmagać (się) powiększać (się) 2 (to cause sth) to become greater or higher; to increase The cost of housing in the south has escalated in recent years. ▶ wzmagać (się) escalate /ˈeskəleɪt; US / verb [intransitive, transitive] 1escalate (sth) (into sth) (to cause sth) to become stronger or more serious The demonstrations are escalating into violent protest in all the major cities.
escalation /ˌeskəˈleɪʃn; US / noun [countable, uncountable] ▶ eskalacja powiększanie się wzrost
escalator /ˈeskəleɪtə(r); US / noun [countable] moving stairs that carry people between different floors of a shop, etc. ▶ schody ruchome
escapade /ˌeskəˈpeɪd; US / noun [countable] an exciting experience that may be dangerous ▶ eskapada
2[intransitive, transitive] to manage to avoid sth dangerous or unpleasant The driver of the car escaped with minor cuts. David Smith escaped injury when his car skidded off the road. to escape criticism/punishment ▶ unikać escape1 /ɪˈskeɪp / verb 1[intransitive] escape (from sb/sth) to manage to get away from a place where you do not want to be; to get free They managed to escape from the burning building. Two prisoners have escaped. ▶ uciekać
□ escaped /; US / adj. The police have caught escaped prisoner. ▶ zbiegły
2[uncountable, sing.] something that helps you forget your normal life For him, listening to music is a means of escape. an escape from reality ▶ ucieczka escape2 /ɪˈskeɪp/ noun 1 [countable, uncountable] escape (from sth) the act of escaping(1,2) There have been twelve escapes from the prison this year. When the guard fell asleep they were able to make their escape. ▶ ucieczka wyciek uniknięcie
▶ eskorta konwój straż 2(formal) a person who takes sb to a social event ▶ osoba towarzysząca escort1 /ˈeskɔ: t; US / noun [countable] 1[with sing. or pl. verb] one or more people or vehicles that go with and protect sb/sth, or that go with sb/sth as an honour an armed escort He arrived under police escort.
escort2 /ɪsˈkɔ: t; US / verb [transitive] to go with sb to protect them or to show them the way The President’s car was escorted by several police cars. Philip escorted her to the door. ▶ eskortować towarzyszyć odprowadzać
Eskimo /ˈeskɪməʊ; US / noun [countable] (pl. Eskimo or Eskimos) a member of a race of people from northern Canada, and parts of Alaska, Greenland and Siberia. ▶ Eskimos/ka Uwaga! Eskimosi wolą, gdy nazywa się ich Inuits.
Specialist dictionaries may be required to understand some of the more esoteric texts. ▶ ezoteryczny esoteric /ˌesəˈterɪk; US ˌi: sə-; US / adj. (formal) likely to be understood or enjoyed by only a few people with a special knowledge or interest a programme of music for everyone, even those with the most esoteric taste
especial /ɪˈspeʃl; US / adj. [only before a noun] (formal) not usual; special This will be of especial interest to you. ▶ wyjątkowy szczególny
The car is rather small, especially if you have a large family. He was very disappointed with his mark in the exam, especially as he had worked so hard for it. ▶ zwłaszcza szczególnie especially /ɪˈspeʃəli; US / adv. 1(abbr. esp.) more than other things, people, situations, etc.; particularly She loves animals, especially dogs. Teenage boys especially can be very competitive.
3 very (much) It’s not an especially difficult exam. ‘ Do you like jazz?’ ‘ Not especially.’ ▶ szczególnie SYNONYM particularly 2 for a particular purpose or person I made this especially for you. ▶ specjalnie W tym znaczeniu można też stosować słowo specially. Jest ono mniej formalne.
espionage /ˈespiənɑ:ʒ; US / noun [uncountable] the act of finding out secret information about another country or organization ▶ szpiegostwo ⇨ verb spy
essay /ˈeseɪ; US / noun [countable] an essay (on/about sth) a short piece of writing on one subject a 1 000-word essay on tourism ▶ wypracowanie esej
essayist /ˈeseɪɪst; US / noun [countable] a person who writes essays to be published ▶ eseist(k)a
2[countable, uncountable] a substance (usually a liquid) that is taken from a plant or food and that has a strong smell or taste of that plant or food coffee/vanilla essence ▶ esencja wyciąg essence /ˈesns; US / noun 1 [uncountable] the basic or most important quality of sth The essence of the problem is that there is not enough money available. Although both parties agree in essence, some minor differences remain. ▶ istota (czegoś)
It is essential that all school-leavers should have a qualification. It is essential to book in advance if you are travelling by coach. Local clubs are an essential part of village life. ▶ niezbędny konieczny istotny ⇨ note at important essential /ɪˈsenʃl; US / adj. completely necessary; that you must have or do essential services essential medical supplies Maths is essential for a career in computers.
essentially /ɪˈsenʃəli; US / adv. when you consider the basic or most important part of sth The problem is essentially one of money. ▶ zasadniczo SYNONYM basically
2 to make sth exist (especially a formal relationship with sb/sth) We must establish good relations with the local newspaper. The government is trying to establish closer links between the two countries. ▶ ustanawiać tworzyć establish /ɪˈstæblɪʃ; US / verb [transitive] 1 to start or create an organization, a system, etc. The school was established in 1875. Before we start on the project we should establish some rules. ▶ zakładać (np. organizację) ustalać (np. zasady)
4 to discover or find proof of the facts of a situation The police have not been able to establish the cause of the crash. ▶ ustalać określić 3establish sb/sth (as sth) to become accepted and recognized as sth She has been trying to establish herself as a novelist for years. The festival has become established as one of the most popular events in the town. ▶ ustalać wyrobić pozycję
2(the Establishment) [sing.] the people in positions of power in a country, who usually do not support change ▶ establishment 3[unc] the act of creating or starting a new organization, system, etc. the establishment of new laws on taxes ▶ założenie establishment /ɪˈstæblɪʃmənt/ n 1 [c] (formal) an organization, a large institution or a hotel an educational establishment placówka oświatowa ▶ zakład firma
2 (Brit) an industrial estate osiedle przemysłowe a housing estate osiedle mieszkaniowe ▶ osiedle 3 all the money and property that sb leaves when they die Her estate was left to her daughter. ▶ majątek mienie estate /ɪˈsteɪt; US / noun [countable] 1 a large area of land in the countryside that is owned by one person or family He owns a large estate in Scotland. ▶ posiadłość majątek
agent sprzedaży nieruchomości 学び始める
esˈtate agent (US realtor /ˈri:əltə(r); US /ˈreal estate agent) noun [countable] a person whose job is to buy and sell houses and land for other people ▶ pośrednik sprzedaży nieruchomości agent sprzedaży nieruchomości ⇨ note at house
esˈtate car (US station wagon) noun [countable] a car with a door at the back and a long area for luggage behind the back seat ▶ kombi
esteem /ɪˈsti: m; US / noun [uncountable] (formal) great respect; a good opinion of sb ▶ szacunek
aesthete (US also esthete) /ˈesɵi: t ˈi: s-; US / noun [countable] (formal) a person who has a love and understanding of art and beautiful things ▶ estet(k)a Czasami wyraża dezaprobatę.
2an estimate (for sth/doing sth) a written statement from a person who is going to do a job for you, for example a builder, telling you how much it will cost They gave me an estimate for repairing the roof. ▶ kosztorys estimate1 /ˈestɪmət / noun [] 1an estimate (of sth) a guess or judgement about the size, cost, etc. of sth, before you have all the facts and figures Can you give me a rough estimate of how many people will be at the meeting? ▶ oszacowanie
Work on the new bridge will cost an estimated five million pounds. ▶ oszacować (w przybliżeniu) obliczać estimate2 /ˈestɪmeɪt; US / verb [transitive] estimate sth (at sth); estimate that... to calculate the size, cost, etc. of sth approximately, before you have all the facts and figures The police estimated the crowd at 10 000.
estimation /ˌestɪˈmeɪʃn; US / noun [uncountable] (formal) opinion or judgement Who is to blame, in your estimation? ▶ opinia osąd ocena
2estranged (from sb) no longer friendly or in contact with sb who was close to you He became estranged from his family following an argument. She felt estranged from her sister. Czuła, że z siostrą stały się już sobie obce. ▶ obcy sobie estranged /ɪˈstreɪndʒd; US / adj. 1 no longer living with your husband/wife her estranged husband ▶ żyjący w separacji
estuary /ˈestʃuəri; US -eri / noun [countable] (pl. estuaries) the wide part of a river where it joins the sea ▶ ujście (rzeki)