⇨ look at model 2 a model of a human body, used for displaying clothes in shops ▶ manekin
sposób, sposób zachowania 学び始める
2[sing.] the way that sb behaves towards other people to have an aggressive/a relaxed/a professional manner ▶ sposób zachowania manner /ˈmænə(r); US / noun 1 [sing.] the way that you do sth or that sth happens Stop arguing! Let’s try to act in a civilized manner. ▶ sposób
Their children have no manners (nie potrafią się zachować). table manners odpowiednie zachowanie się przy stole ▶ zasady zachowania się (dobre/złe) maniery 3(manners) [pl.] a way of behaving that is considered acceptable in your country or culture In some countries it is bad manners to show the soles of your feet (pokazywanie podeszwy swoich stóp jest oznaką złego wychowania).
2[c, u] something clever that you do in order to win sth, trick sb, etc. political manoeuvre(s) ▶ fortel podstęp 3(manoeuvres) [pl.] a way of training soldiers when large numbers of them practise fighting large-scale military manoeuvres ▶ manewry manoeuvre1 (US maneuver) /məˈnu: və(r); US / noun 1 [countable] a movement that needs care or skill Parking the car in such a small space would be a tricky manoeuvre. ▶ manewr
manoeuvre2 (US maneuver) /məˈnu: və(r); US / verb [intransitive, transitive] to move (sth) to a different position using skill The driver was manoeuvring his lorry into a narrow gateway. ▶ manewrować
manpower /ˈmænpaʊə(r); US / noun [uncountable] the people that you need to do a particular job There is a shortage of skilled manpower in the computer industry. ▶ siła robocza
mansion /ˈmænʃn; US / noun [countable] a very large house ▶ rezydencja dwór pałac
□ manually /-juəli; US / adv. The camera’s automatic focus is broken, so you have to operate it manually. ▶ ręcznie fizycznie manual1 /ˈmænjuəl; US / adj. using your hands; operated by hand Office work can sometimes be more tiring than manual work. a skilled manual worker Does your car have a manual or an automatic gearbox? ▶ ręczny fizyczny
manual2 /ˈmænjuəl; US / noun [countable] a book that explains how to do or operate sth a training manual a car manual ▶ podręcznik instrukcja obsługi
□ manufacture noun [uncountable] The manufacture of chemical weapons should be illegal. ▶ produkcja wytwarzanie wyrób manufacture /ˌmænjuˈfæktʃə(r); US / verb [transitive] to make sth in large quantities using machines a local factory that manufactures furniture ▶ produkować/wytwarzać (maszynowo)
manuscript /ˈmænjuskrɪpt; US / noun [countable] 1 a copy of a book, piece of music, etc. before it has been printed ▶ maszynopis rękopis 2 a very old book or document that was written by hand ▶ rękopis manuskrypt
Jednak w zdaniach pytających i przeczących many nie brzmi już formalnie: I don’t know many cheap places to eat. • Are there many hotels in this town? Many czy a lot of? Many w zdaniach oznajmujących brzmi bardzo formalnie: Many schools teach computing nowadays. W języku mówionym, a także w nieformalnym języku pisanym, używa się a lot of: A lot of schools teach computing nowadays. 学び始める
(used to ask about the number of people or things, or to refer to a known number) How many children have you got? How many times have you been there? How many came to the meeting? I don’t work as many hours as you. many /ˈmeni determiner, pron. [used with plural ] 1 a large number of ths Have you made many friends at school yet? Not many of my friends smoke. Many of the mistakes were just careless. There are too many mistakes in this essay. ▶ wiel-e/u dużo
3[in compounds] having a lot of the thing mentioned many-coloured a many-sided shape wielościan ▶ wielo- 4(many a) [used with a singular noun and verb] a large number of I’ve heard him say that many a time (nieraz). ▶ niejeden wiele
a road map mapa samochodowa/drogowa a street map (plan miasta) of Oxford a relief map mapa plastyczna (często dwuwymiarowa) I can’t find Cambridge on the map. to read a map ▶ mapa plan map1 /mæp; US / noun [countable] a drawing or plan of (part of) the surface of the earth that shows countries, rivers, mountains, roads, etc. a map of the world
map sth out to plan or arrange sth in a careful or detailed way He has his career path clearly mapped out. ▶ opracowywać coś map2 verb [transitive] (mapping; mapped) The region is so remote it has not yet been mapped. ▶ sporządzać mapę/plan PHRASAL VERB
maple /ˈmeɪpl; US / noun [countable] a tree that has leaves with five points and that produces a very sweet liquid that you can eat maple syrup ▶ klon klonowy klonina
marathon /ˈmærəɵən; US -ɵɑ: n / noun [countable] 1 a long running race, in which people run about 42 kilometres Have you ever run a marathon? ▶ maraton bieg maratoński 2 an activity that lasts much longer than expected ▶ (przen.) maraton
2[countable] a small ball ▶ kolorowa kula ze szkła marmurkowego używana do gier dziecięcych 3 (marbles) [pl.] the children’s game that you play by rolling marbles along the ground trying to hit other marbles ▶ gra w kulki marble /ˈmɑ: bl; US / noun 1 [uncountable] a hard attractive stone that is used to make statues and parts of buildings a marble statue This staircase is made of marble. ▶ marmur marmurowy
2[intransitive] to walk in a determined way He marched in (wkroczył) and demanded an explanation. ▶ kroczyć 3[transitive] to make sb walk or march somewhere The prisoner was marched away. ▶ prowadzić kogoś krokiem marszowym march1 /mɑ: tʃ; US / verb ⇨ POSŁUCHAJ NAGRAŃ PRZYKŁADÓW 1[intransitive] to walk with regular steps (like a soldier) The President saluted as the troops marched past (wojska defilowały). ▶ maszerować
2 a journey made by marching The soldiers were tired after their long march. ▶ marsz march2 /mɑ: tʃ; US / noun [countable] ⇨ POSŁUCHAJ NAGRAŃ PRZYKŁADÓW 1 an organized walk by a large group of people who are protesting about sth a peace march ▶ pochód ⇨ look at demonstration
3 the amount of profit that a company makes on sth ▶ marża 4[usually sing.] an amount of space, time, etc. that is more than you need It is a complex operation with little margin for error (z małym marginesem błędu). ▶ margines (np. bezpieczeństwa) margin /ˈmɑ: dʒɪn / noun [c] 1 the empty space at the side of a page in a book, etc. ▶ margines brzeg strony 2[usua sing.] the amount of space, time, votes, etc. by which you win sth He won by a wide/narrow/comfortable margin. ▶ przewaga różnica
5 the area around the edge of sth the margins of the Pacific Ocean We need to give more help to people on the margins of society (na marginesie społeczeństwa). ▶ (s)kraj krawędź
marginal /ˈmɑ: dʒɪnl; US / adj. small in size or importance The differences are marginal. ▶ marginesowy nieznaczny □ marginally /-nəli; US / adv. In most cases costs will increase only marginally. ▶ marginesowo nieznacznie
□ marginalization /; US / (also marginalisation) noun [uncountable] the marginalization of the elderly ▶ usuwanie na dalszy plan marginalizacja marginalize (also marginalise) /ˈmɑ: dʒɪnəlaɪz; US / verb [transitive] to make sb feel as if they are not important and cannot influence decisions or events; to put sb in a position in which they have no power ▶ usuwać na dalszy plan marginalizować
ˌmargin of ˈerror noun [usually sing.] an amount that you allow when you calculate sth, for the possibility that a number is not completely accurate The survey has a margin of error of 2.5%. ▶ margines błędu
marigold /ˈmæriɡəʊld; US / noun [countable] an orange or yellow garden flower. There are several types ofmarigold. ▶ nagietek
marina /məˈri: nə; US / noun [countable] a place where pleasure boats can be tied up and protected from the sea and bad weather ▶ przystań jachtowa
marinate /ˈmærɪneɪt; US / (also marinade) verb [intransitive, transitive] if you marinate food or itmarinates, you leave it in amarinade before cooking it ▶ marynować (się) marinade /ˌmærɪˈneɪd; US / noun [countable, uncountable] a mixture of oil, wine, spices, etc. in which meat or fish is left before it is cooked in order to make it softer or to give it a particular flavour ▶ marynata
marine1 /məˈri: n; US / adj. [only before a noun] 1 connected with the sea marine life ▶ morski 2 connected with ships or sailing marine insurance ▶ morski
marionette /ˌmæriəˈnet; US / noun [countable] a puppet whose arms, legs and head are moved by strings ▶ marionetka
marital /ˈmærɪtl; US / adj. [only before a noun] connected with marriage marital problems ▶ małżeński
ˌmarital ˈstatus noun [uncountable] (formal) (used on official documents) if you are married, single, divorced, etc. ▶ stan cywilny
maritime /ˈmærɪtaɪm; US / adj. connected with the sea or ships ▶ morski
marjoram /ˈmɑ: dʒərəm; US / noun [uncountable] a plant whose sweet-smelling leaves are used in cooking ▶ majeranek
2 to spoil the appearance of sth by making a mark on it The white walls were dirty and marked. ▶ plamić 3 to show where sth is or where sth happened Flowers mark the spot where he died. ▶ oznaczać określać mark1 /mɑ: k; US / verb [transitive] 1 to put a sign on sth We marked the price on all items in the sale. I’ll mark all the boxes I want you to move. The route is marked in red. ▶ oznaczać oznakowywać
6 to look at sb’s schoolwork, etc., show where there are mistakes and give it a number or letter to show how good it is Why did you mark that answer wrong? He has 100 exam papers to mark. ▶ oceniać 5 to be a sign that sth new is going to happen This decision marks a change in government policy. ▶ oznaczać 7 to stay close to a player of the opposite team so that they cannot play easily Hughes was marking Taylor. ▶ kryć (przeciwnika)
2 something that shows who or what sb/sth is My horse is the one with the white mark on its face. ▶ znak kreska plamka znamię 3 a written or printed symbol that is a sign of sth a question/punctuation/exclamation mark ▶ znak mark2 /mɑ: k; US / noun [countable] ⇨ POSŁUCHAJ NAGRAŃ PRZYKŁADÓW 1 a spot or line that spoils the appearance of sth There’s a dirty mark on the front of your shirt. If you put a hot cup down on the table, it will leave a mark. ▶ plama znak
5 a number or letter you get for school work that tells you how good your work was She got very good marks in the exam. The pass mark is 60 out of 100. Ocena dostateczna zaczyna się od 60 punktów. to get full (najlepsze) marks ▶ stopień ocena 4 a sign of a quality or feeling They stood in silence for two minutes as a mark of respect. ▶ dowód oznaka
8 a particular model or type of sth the new SL 53 Mark III ▶ model Uwaga! Słowa mark nie wolno stosować, mówiąc o samym produkcie lub o jego producencie. Używa się wówczas brand lub make: What make is your car? • What brand of coffee do you buy? 6 the level The race is almost at the half-way mark. ▶ poziom pułap 7 an effect that people notice and will remember The time he spent in prison left its mark on him. He was only eighteen when he first made his mark in politics. ▶ ślad piętno
2(Brit. also ˈmarker pen) a pen with a thick felt tip You can write on the whiteboard with these marker pens. ▶ flamaster marker /ˈmɑ: kə(r); US / noun [countable] 1 something that shows the position of sth A marker flag shows (flaga oznacza) where the water is dangerous. ▶ znacznik znak
on the market available to buy This is one of the best cameras on the market. ▶ na rynku w sprzedaży 学び始める
2[countable] business or commercial activity; the amount of buying and selling of a particular type of goods The company currently has a 10% share of the market. the property/job market the world market in coffee ▶ (fin.) rynek zbyt market1 /ˈmɑ: kɪt; US / noun ⇨ POSŁUCHAJ NAGRAŃ PRZYKŁADÓW 1 [countable] a place where people go to buy and sell things a market stall/trader/town a cattle/fish/meat market ▶ rynek targ
ˌmarket ˈforces noun [pl.] a free system of trade in which prices and wages rise and fall without being controlled by the government ▶ tendencje rynkowe
market research / investigation of the market ˌmarket reˈsearch noun [uncountable] the study of what people want to buy and why to carry out/do market research ▶ badanie rynku
marking /ˈmɑ: kɪŋ; US / noun [countable, usually pl.] shapes, lines and patterns of colour on an animal or a bird, or painted on a road, vehicle, etc. ▶ plamy cętka łata
2[uncountable] the symbols used in computer documents which give information about the structure of the document and tell the computer how it is to appear on the computer screen, or how it is to appear when printed a markup language ▶ znaczniki markup /ˈmɑ: kʌp; US / noun 1 [usually sing.] an increase in the price of sth based on the difference between the cost of producing it and the price it is sold at an average markup of 10% The markup on food in a restaurant is at least 100%. ▶ marża
marmalade /ˈmɑ: məleɪd; US / noun [uncountable] a type of jam that is made from oranges or lemons toast and marmalade for breakfast ▶ dżem pomarańczowy/cytrynowy
maroon /məˈru: n; US / adj. of a dark brownish-red colour ▶ rudawobrązowy ⇨ look at auburn, chestnut, crimson, scarlet □ maroon noun [uncountable] ▶ kolor rudawobrązowy
2[countable] a wedding ceremony The marriage took place at a registry office in Birmingham. ▶ ślub ⇨ note at wedding ⇨ verb get married (to sb) or marry (sb) marriage /ˈmærɪdʒ; US / noun ⇨ POSŁUCHAJ NAGRAŃ PRZYKŁADÓW 1[countable, uncountable] the state of being husband and wife They are getting divorced after five years of marriage. a happy marriage a mixed marriage ▶ małżeństwo stan małżeński
ˌmarriage of conˈvenience noun [countable] a marriage that is made for practical, financial or political reasons and not because the two people love each other ▶ małżeństwo z rozsądku
Ewa’s married to Mark. Ewa jest żoną Marka. ▶ żonaty zamężna married /ˈmærid; US / adj. 1married (to sb) having a husband or wife a married man/woman/couple They’re planning to get married (planują się pobrać) in summer. They’ve been married (są małżeństwem) for nearly 50 years.
marrow /ˈmærəʊ; US / noun 1 = bone marrow 2 [countable, uncountable] (Brit.) a large vegetable with green skin that is white inside ▶ kabaczek
Częściej używa się zwrotu get married: When are Jo and Mark getting married? • Many people live together without getting married. • Are you getting married in church or at the registry office? Uwaga! Mówi się get married TO sb, a nie with sb. 学び始める
2 [transitive] to join two people together as husband and wife We asked the local vicar to marry us. ▶ udzielać ślubu dawać ślub marry /ˈmæri; US / verb (marrying; marries; past tense, past participle married 1[intransitive, transitive] to take sb as your husband or wife They married when they were very young. When did he ask you to marry him? ▶ pobierać się brać ślub
marsh /mɑ:ʃ; US / noun [countable, uncountable] an area of soft wet land ▶ bagno błota moczary □ marshy /; US / adj. ▶ błotnisty bagnisty
ˌmartial ˈlaw noun [uncountable] a situation where the army of a country controls an area instead of the police during a time of trouble to declare/impose/lift martial law The city remains firmly under martial law. ▶ stan wojenny
□ martyrdom /ˈmɑ: tədəm; US / noun [uncountable] ▶ męczeństwo martyr /ˈmɑ: tə(r) / noun [c] 1 a person who is killed because of what they believe ▶ męczenni-k/ca 2 a person who tries to make people feel sorry for them Don’t be such a martyr! You don’t have to do all the housework. ▶ (przen.) męczenni-k/ca
□ marvel verb [intransitive] (marvelling; marvelled, US marveling; marveled) (formal) marvel (at sth) We marvelled at how much they had managed to do. ▶ podziwiać zdumiewać się marvel /ˈmɑ: vl; US / noun [countable] a person or thing that is wonderful or that surprises you The new building is a marvel of modern technology. It’s a marvel that no one was killed in the accident. ▶ cud fenomen
marvellous (US marvelous) /ˈmɑ: vələs; US / adj. very good; wonderful a marvellous opportunity ▶ cudowny zdumiewający
Marxism /ˈmɑ: ksɪzəm; US / noun [uncountable] the political and economic thought of Karl Marx ▶ marksizm □ Marxist /-ɪst; US / 1 noun [countable] ▶ marksist(k)a 2 adj. Marxist ideology ▶ marksistowski
marzipan /ˈmɑ: zɪpæn; ˌmɑ: zɪˈpæn; US ˈmɑ: rtsəpæn; ˈmɑ: rz- / noun [uncountable] a food that is made of sugar, egg and almonds. Marzipan is used to make sweets or to put on cakes. ▶ marcepan
mascara /mæˈskɑ: rə; US -ˈskærə / noun [uncountable] a beauty product that is used to make your eyelashes dark and attractive ▶ tusz do rzęs
mascot /ˈmæskət; US -skɑ: t / noun [countable] a person, animal or thing that is thought to bring good luck ▶ maskotka
W języku angielskim rzeczowniki rodzaju masculine odnoszą się zazwyczaj tylko do ludzi lub zwierząt rodzaju męskiego, a feminine tylko do ludzi lub zwierząt rodzaju żeńskiego: ‘ He’ is a masculine pronoun. 学び始める
masculine /ˈmæskjəlɪn; US / adj. with the qualities that people think are typical of men a deep, masculine voice Her short hair makes her look quite masculine. ▶ męski płci męskiej
mash /mæʃ; US / verb [transitive] to mix or crush sth until it is soft mashed potatoes ▶ tłuc ubijać
mask1 /mɑ: sk; US mæsk / noun [countable] something that you wear that covers your face or part of your face. People wear masks in order to hide or protect their faces or to make themselves look different a surgical/Halloween mask ▶ maska
masked /mɑ: skt; US mæskt / adj. wearing a mask a masked gunman ▶ zamaskowany w masce mask2 /mɑ: sk; US mæsk / verb [transitive] to hide a feeling, smell, fact, etc. He masked his anger with a smile. ▶ maskować
□ masochist /-ɪst; US / noun [countable] ▶ masochist-a/ka —masochistic /ˌmæsəˈkɪstɪk; US / adj. ▶ masochistyczny masochism /ˈmæsəkɪzəm; US / noun [uncountable] the enjoyment of pain, or of what most people would find unpleasant He swims in the sea even in winter – that’s sheer masochism! ▶ masochizm ⇨ look at sadism
masonry /ˈmeɪsənri; US / noun [uncountable] the parts of a building that are made of stone ▶ kamieniarka mason /ˈmeɪsn; US / noun [countable] 1 a person who makes things from stone ▶ kamieniarz
noun [c] a way of behaving that hides the truth or sb’s true feelings ▶ maskarada □ masquerade verb [intransitive] masquerade as sth Two people, masquerading as doctors, knocked at the door and asked to see the child. ▶ podawać się za kogoś/coś
2 (the masses) [pl.] ordinary people when considered as a political group a TV programme that brings science to the masses ▶ masy rzesze noun 1 [countable] a mass (of sth) a large amount or number of sth a dense mass of smoke • (informal) There were masses of people at the market today. ▶ masa mnóstwo
4 (Mass) [countable, uncountable] the ceremony in some Christian churches when people eat bread and drink wine in order to remember the last meal that Christ had before he died to go to Mass ▶ msza 3 [uncountable] (in physics) the quantity of material that sth contains the mass of a planet ▶ masa
mass2 /mæs; US / adj. [only before a noun] involving a large number of people or things mass unemployment a mass meeting wiec a mass (seryjny) murderer ▶ masowy
mass3 /mæs; US / verb [intransitive, transitive] to come together or bring people or things together in large numbers The students massed in the square. ▶ gromadzić (się)
massacre /ˈmæsəkə(r); US / noun [countable] the killing of a large number of people or animals ▶ masakra rzeź jatka □ massacre verb [transitive] ▶ masakrować urządzać rzeź/jatkę
massage /ˈmæsɑ:ʒ; US məˈsɑ:ʒ / noun [countable, uncountable] the act of rubbing and pressing sb’s body in order to reduce pain or to help them relax to give sb a massage ▶ masaż □ massage verb [transitive] ▶ masować robić komuś masaż
masseur /mæˈsɜ:(r); US / noun [countable, uncountable] a person whose job is giving people massage ▶ masażyst(k)a
massive /ˈmæsɪv; US / adj. very big a massive increase in prices ▶ ogromny wielki SYNONYM huge □ massively /; US / adv. ▶ ogromnie
ˌmass-proˈduce verb [transitive] to make large numbers of similar things by machine in a factory mass-produced goods ▶ produkować masowo/seryjnie □ mass production /; US / noun [uncountable] ▶ produkcja masowa/seryjna
mast /mɑ: st; US mæst / noun [countable] 1 a tall wooden or metal pole for holding a ship’s sails or a flag ▶ maszt 2 a tall pole that is used for sending out radio or TV signals ▶ maszt
mastectomy /mæˈstektəmi; US / noun [countable] (pl. -ies) a medical operation to remove a person’s breast ▶ mastektomia
master1 /ˈmɑ: stə(r)/ noun [c] 1 a person who has great skill at doing sth a master builder mistrz murarski an exhibition of work by French masters ▶ mistrz
master2 /ˈmɑ: stə(r); US ˈmæs- / verb [transitive] 1 to learn how to do sth well It takes years of study to master a foreign language. ▶ opanowywać nabierać biegłości/wprawy w czymś 2 to control sth to master a situation ▶ panować nad czymś
□ mastermind verb [transitive] The police failed to catch the man who masterminded the robbery. ▶ być mózgiem czegoś mastermind /ˈmɑ: stəmaɪnd; US ˈmæs- / noun [countable] a very clever person who has planned or organized sth The mastermind behind the robbery was never caught. ▶ mózg (np. akcji)
ˌmaster of ˈceremonies noun [countable] (abbr. MC) a person who introduces guests or entertainers at a formal occasion ▶ mistrz ceremonii
masterpiece /ˈmɑ: stəpi: s; US ˈmæs- / noun [countable] a work of art, music, literature, etc. that is of the highest quality The novel is regarded by many critics as a masterpiece. ▶ arcydzieło
ˈmaster’s degree (also master’s) noun [countable] a second or higher university degree. You usually get a master’s degree by studying for one or two years after your first degree Master of Arts (MA) Master of Science (MSc) ▶ stopień magistra
2mastery (of/over sb/sth) control over sb/sth The battle was fought for mastery of the seas. ▶ panowanie/władza (nad kimś/czymś) mastery /ˈmɑ: stəri; US ˈmæs- / noun [uncountable] 1mastery (of sth) great skill at doing sth His mastery of the violin was quite exceptional for a child. ▶ biegłość (w czymś) wprawa (w czymś)
masturbate /ˈmæstəbeɪt; US / verb [i, t] to make yourself or sb else feel sexually excited by touching and rubbing the sex organs ▶ masturbować (się) onanizować się □ masturbation /ˌmæstəˈbeɪʃn; US / noun [uncountable] ▶ masturbacja onanizm
2 a small piece of material that you put under sth on a table a table mat a beer mat a mouse mat ▶ podstawka podkładka mat /mæt; US / noun [countable] 1 a piece of carpet or other thick material that you put on the floor a doormat wycieraczka (przed drzwiami) ▶ dywanik mata
4[sing.] a match (for sb/sth) Those shoes aren’t a very good match with your dress. Bill and Sam are a good match (dobrze pasują do siebie). They should be very happy together. ▶ osoba/rzecz dopasowana (do kogoś innego/czegoś innego) 学び始める
2 [countable] an organized game or sports event a tennis/football match They beat us last time but we hope to win the return match (mecz rewanżowy). ▶ mecz match1 /mætʃ; US / noun ⇨ POSŁUCHAJ NAGRAŃ PRZYKŁADÓW 1[countable] a small stick of wood, cardboard, etc. that you use for starting a fire, lighting a cigarette, etc. a box of matches to light/strike a match zapalać/pocierać zapałkę ▶ zapałka
That dress really suits you. Match, go with sth i go (together) używa się, kiedy rzeczy harmonizują ze sobą kolorem lub kształtem: a scarf with gloves to match • Does this jacket go with this skirt? • Those colours go well together. Suit używa się, kiedy coś na kimś ładnie wygląda: 学び始める
2[transitive] to find sb/sth that is like or suitable for sb/sth else The agency tries to match single people with suitable partners. I don’t think Mike and Emma are very well matched as a couple. ▶ kojarzyć (np. ludzi) dopasowywać match2 /mætʃ; US / verb 1[intransitive, transitive] to have the same colour or pattern as sth else; to look good with sth else That shirt doesn’t match your jacket. Your shirt and jacket don’t match. ▶ harmonizować (z czymś) pasować (do czegoś)
dopasowywać coś do czegoś 学び始める
match something against something match up (to sb/sth) to be as good as sb/sth The film didn’t match up to my expectations. ▶ dorównywać komuś/czemuś dorastać do czegoś match sth against sth to compare sth with sth else in order to find things that are the same or similar New information is matched against existing data in the computer. ▶ dopasowywać coś do czegoś
matchbox /ˈmætʃbɒks; US / noun [countable] a small box for matches ▶ pudełko (od) zapałek
matching /ˈmætʃɪŋ; US / adj. [only before a noun] (used about clothes, objects, etc.) having the same colour, pattern, style, etc. and therefore looking attractive together a pine table with four matching chairs ▶ pasujący (do siebie) dopasowany
matchstick /ˈmætʃstɪk; US / noun [countable] the thin wooden part of a match ▶ zapałka
3[uncountable] facts or information that you collect before you write a book, article, etc. She’s collecting material for her latest novel. ▶ materiał źródła 学び始める
2[countable, uncountable] a substance that can be used for making or doing sth raw materials teaching/building materials writing materials artykuły piśmienne This new material is strong but it is also very light. ▶ materiał surowiec material1 /məˈtɪəriəl; US / noun ⇨ POSŁUCHAJ NAGRAŃ PRZYKŁADÓW 1[countable, uncountable] cloth (for making clothes, etc.) Is there enough material for a dress? ▶ materiał tkanina
□ materially /-riəli; US / adv. Materially they are not better offf. Their comments have not materially afffected out plans. ▶ materialnie istotnie material2 /məˈtɪəriəl; US / adj. 1 [only before a noun] connected with real or physical things rather than the spirit or emotions We should not value material comforts too highly. ▶ materialny cielesny
materializm, materialista 学び始める
—materialistic /məˌtɪəriəˈlɪstɪk; US / adj. ▶ materialistyczny materialism /məˈtɪəriəlɪzəm; US / noun [uncountable] the belief that money and possessions are the most important things in life ▶ materializm □ materialist /-ɪst; US / noun [countable] ▶ materialist(k)a
materialize (also materialise) /məˈtɪəriəlaɪz; US / verb [intransitive] to become real; to happen The pay rise that they had promised never materialized. ▶ materializować się dochodzić do skutku
2[only before a noun] related through your mother’s side of the family your maternal grandfather ▶ ze strony matki po kądzieli maternal /məˈtɜ: nl; US / adj. 1 behaving as a mother would behave; connected with being a mother maternal love/instincts ▶ matczyny macierzyński
maternity /məˈtɜ: nəti; US / adj. connected with women who are going to have or have just had a baby maternity clothes ubranie ciążowe maternity leave urlop macierzyński the hospital’s maternity ward oddział położniczy ▶ macierzyński położniczy