質問 |
答え |
Annette was always very concerned about her appearance. 学び始める
She weighed 3 kg at birth. | She's just given birth to twins. 学び始める
Imagine that you have just won a million pounds. 学び始める
the power of the media | nuclear/wind power | the power of speech ( 学び始める
They are valued members of society. | a modern industrial society 学び始める
The Aztecs were believed to have practised cannibalism as part of their religious ceremonies. 学び始める
Jo was having a chat with Sam. 学び始める
The act was passed in 1993. 学び始める
a room with a private bath | a private company 学び始める
I wish I had invited him. 学び始める
Załuję, że go nie zaprosiłem.
I think she likes me but it may just be wishful thinking. 学び始める
The bomb went off in a crowded street. 学び始める
a natural catastrophe | the catastrophic effects of the floods 学び始める
the effects of climate change on agriculture 学び始める
new technology to combat crime 学び始める
a strategy for dealing with climate change | Who deals with complaints? 学び始める
He deflected the blow with his forearm. 学び始める
Odbił cios przedramieniem.
Many dinosaurs were huge creatures. 学び始める
We can already see the effects of the vaccination programme. 学び始める
Switch off the lights and save energy. 学び始める
the last time Vesuvius erupted | a volcanic eruption 学び始める
No one knows what the fate of the hostages will be. |The rest of Europe was to suffer the same fate. 学び始める
Nikt nie wie, jaki będzie los zakładników. |Resztę Europy miał spotkać ten sam los.
In his speech he focused on the economy. | She turned the camera and focused on Martin's face. 学び始める
We need to find alternatives to fossil fuels. 学び始める
The plane was running low on fuel. 学び始める
the importance of religion to humanity 学び始める
Sherlock Holmes always carries a magnifying glass. 学び始める
A knee injury prevented him from playing. 学び始める
Blood was pumping from the wound. | Your heart pumps blood around your body. 学び始める
He has put forward some very radical ideas. 学び始める
White clothes reflect more heat than dark ones. 学び始める
the risk of serious injury | Do you enjoy taking risks? | Scientists believe there is no risk to public health. 学び始める
Add milk, then stir for five minutes. 学び始める
zamieszać (żeby się nie przypaliło)
the Earth's surface | The diver swam to the surface. 学び始める
toxic chemicals | toxic waste ( 学び始める
The island has several active volcanoes. | volcanic rocks 学び始める
I wonder where she lives these days. | I wonder what he’ll do next. 学び始める
The town was captured by enemy troops. | The energy of the sun is captured by photovoltaic cells and converted into electricity. 学び始める
Many glaciers have been getting smaller because of climate change. 学び始める
His resignation will have an impact on the company's share price. 学び始める
There has been a massive increase in unemployment. 学び始める
soap powder | curry powder 学び始める
mydło w proszku | curry w proszku
An icy wind was blowing. | The trees were swaying in the wind. 学び始める
lung cancer | He died of cancer. 学び始める
One third of the American population is obese. 学び始める
Dr Ross is very popular with his patients. 学び始める
Michael Jackson had so much plastic surgery that his appearance became completely different from when he was young. 学び始める
The informal way to say you are having rhinoplasty is to say you are having a nose job. 学び始める
He was showing symptoms of mental illness. | Chest pain can be a symptom of heart disease. 学び始める
He has aged a lot since his wife died. 学び始める
Alcohol dependency can cause serious physical effects. 学び始める
the long-term effects of smoking 学び始める
Slavery is morally wrong. 学び始める
His opponent is twice as big as he is. | opponents of Darwin's theory 学び始める
Most of the world's population live in poverty. | Only 30% of the male population have jobs. 学び始める
the rights and duties of citizens | You have the right to consult a lawyer. 学び始める
He suffers from low self-esteem and depression. 学び始める
poczucie własnej wartości
As a taxpayer, I welcome the tax cuts the government is introducing. | It will cost the taxpayer 1.3 million. 学び始める
What’s the value of the house? | Did the thieves take anything of value ( 学び始める
worth a lot of money)? | At only $45 a night $ it’s great value for money.
You must honour this agreement. | We intend to honour our commitments. 学び始める
She nursed her mother for seven years. 学び始める
Helen was promoted to senior manager. 学び始める
I've always regretted selling that car. 学び始める
Carl said he had no regrets about his decision. | The company expressed deep regret at the accident. 学び始める
Carl powiedział, że nie żałuje swojej decyzji. | Firma wyraziła głębokie ubolewanie z powodu wypadku.
Andy could barely suppress his anger. 学び始める
The boys almost drowned in the river. 学び始める
The landlord comes to collect the rent every Friday. 学び始める
This is the happiest day of my life. 学び始める
Women have a longer life expectancy than men. 学び始める
(oczekiwana) długość życia
Children should wear a life jacket at all times in the boat. 学び始める
The lifeguard jumped in and pulled the child out of the pool. 学び始める
Flu is a life-threatening illness in the elderly. 学び始める
Being offered a free trip to Australia was the chance of a lifetime. 学び始める
An opinion poll showed that 70% of adults were against legalising drugs. 学び始める
badanie opinii publicznej
scientific research into heart disease 学び始める
Many people consider hunting cruel. 学び始める
a vegetarian option | More and more people are becoming vegetarian. 学び始める
More and more people are becoming vegetarians. 学び始める
The letter was very brief. | a brief statement 学び始める
She was diagnosed with breast cancer. 学び始める
Her parents separated last year. 学び始める
Life in London is so hectic. 学び始める
Życie w Londynie jest takie gorączkowe.
Why make life difficult for yourself? 学び始める
Po co sobie utrudniać życie?
All our efforts were wasted, but I guess that's life. 学び始める
Wszystkie nasze wysiłki poszły na marne, ale takie jest życie.