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idiom He was going nowhere with the new book he was writing. 学び始める
to have no success, or to make no progress - nie robić postępów, nie posuwać się do przodu
have mixed feelings about idiom We had mixed feelings about moving so far away. 学び始める
to have feelings of happiness and sadness at the same time - mieć mieszane uczucia co
idiom My mother told me to always look on the bright side of life. 学び始める
to think of the good things about a situation - patrzeć na sprawy optymistycznie, dostrzegać jasną stronę
v. Phil’s really dreading his interview tomorrow. 学び始める
to feel very worried about something that is going to happen - bać się, lękać się
n. She was filled with despair when she thought about her future. 学び始める
a feeling that you have no hope at all - rozpacz, utrata nadziei, zwątpienie
adj. I prefer a film with an upbeat ending. 学び始める
cheerful and making you feel that good things will happen - wesoły, optymistyczny
phr v. I'm so looking forward to my next holiday. 学び始める
to be excited and pleased about something that is going to happen - oczekiwać na coś z niecierpliwością, nie móc się doczekać
idiom Every marriage has its ups and downs. 学び始める
the good and bad things that happen in life, business etc - wzloty i upadki
idiom We'll be there in no time. 学び始める
very soon or quickly - błyskawicznie, w mig, bardzo szybko
idiom They will arrive any time now. 学び始める
very soon - w każdej chwili
idiom She told him time after time that if he didn't stop gambling, she'd leave him. 学び始める
again and again - raz za razem (przez długi czas)
idiom The doctor arrived in the nick of time. 学び始める
at the last moment before it is too late to do something - w samą porę, w ostatniej chwili
idiom There's no need to rush. Take your time. 学び始める
to do something without worrying - nie spieszyć się, robić coś w swoim tempie
idiom He's killing time before his doctor's appointment. 学び始める
spend time doing something unimportant while waiting for something - zabijać czas (sprawiać, żeby szybciej mijał)
idiom The band had to cut short its concert tour. 学び始める
to stop doing something earlier than you had planned - skrócić coś, ukrócić coś (np. dyskusję, czyjąś wypowiedź)
idiom It'll be impossible to make up for lost time. 学び始める
to work more quickly, or at times when you do not usually work, because something has prevented you from doing the work before - nadrabiać zaległości; robić coś, na co wcześniej nie miało się czasu
idiom We expected the company to drag its heels. 学び始める
to delay doing something - zwlekać z czymś, ociągać się