#人々はそれが好きです。 Polub!

katarzynafraugolebiewska katarzynafraugolebiewska

私はそれ以来VocAppを使っています4322日。 VocAppで勉強しています16体系的な0日。 私は作者です26セット。 最後に会えた時2013-07-16 14:45:21。


types of schools
body language
Breathing new life into old Booths
Business English: Skinnygirl sales soar
Business English: To hot to work
Business English: Poland's Booze Boom
Business English: Euro Having a Laugh
Business English: The business of The Scream
[angielski. edu.pl]: Słówka FCE 1
[angielski. edu.pl]: Słówka FCE 2
[angielski. edu.pl]: Słówka FCE 3
[angielski. edu.pl]: Słówka FCE 4
[angielski. edu.pl]: Słówka FCE 5
[angielski. edu.pl]: Słówka FCE 6
[angielski. edu.pl]: Słówka FCE 7
Reading: Text one - The E.U.'s formula for banning ads
Reading: Text two - Bargins
Reading: Text three - 44 TEACH THE WORLD
Reading: Text four - 40 HIGH STREET
Reading five - Loneliness
body - ciało
feelings - uczucia
school objects
clothes and fashion
the education system
