#人々はそれが好きです。 Polub!

olga2016 olga2016

私はそれ以来VocAppを使っています3840日。 VocAppで勉強しています808体系的な0日。 私は作者です38セット。 最後に会えた時2024-01-09 21:28:02。


1.4. An ordinary day
1.2. My family
My friends 1.3
1.5 Three generations under the same roof
1,6 My plans for the future
Il tempo libero/frutta-italiano
La settimana di Stella/il tempo libero-italiano
4.1. The British character
11.1 Alcoholism
11.3 The handicapped
3.1 Leisure
2.3 the daily menu
2.4 a recipe for gingerbread
how to care for one's health
Overweight and dieting
2.4. a recipe for gingerbread
2.3. the daily menu
Moja lekcja
3.4. A visit to the theatre
3.5. Sport
Moja lekcja
3.3 A visit to the cinema
9.3 Traveling in The United States
9.4 Drive in Britain
9.5 On The road -riskily and speedily
9.6 before setting off on a journey by car
9.7 holiday advice on travelling abroad
4.1. Planning a journey
4.2. The Poles - our weak points
5.1. Nell'ambulatorio medico
Leisure - poprawnie
7.1 In a small town
7.2 In a big city
My flat, my room
7.3 Living in the country
7.5 Finding a room
Moja lekcja
