質問 |
答え |
Are you feeling hungry right now? 学び始める
Have you ever traveled outside of your country? 学び始める
Yes, i have. No, i haven't
Do you enjoy watching movies? 学び始める
Is English your first language? 学び始める
Have you ever tried sushi? 学び始める
Yes, i have. No, i haven't
Do you prefer coffee over tea? 学び始める
Have you ever ridden a bicycle? 学び始める
Yes, i have. No, i haven't
Are you a morning person? 学び始める
Did you have a pet when you were a child? 学び始める
Yes, I did. No, i didn't.
Do you like reading books? 学び始める
Yes, She is. No, she isn't.
Were they on vacation last month? 学び始める
Yes, They were. No, They weren't.
Did She ride a roller coaster last summer? 学び始める
Yes, She did. No, She didn't.
Was he at home when you visited? 学び始める
Yes, He was. No, He wasn't.
Yes, She is. No, She isn't.
Did they go fishing last weekend? 学び始める
Yes, they did. No, they didn't.
Have you tried camel riding before? 学び始める
Yes, i Have. No, I haven't.
Yes, She is. No, She isn't.
Yes, they are. No, they aren't.
Was she your friend in high school? 学び始める
Yes, She was. No, She wasn't
Do you like attending fashion shows? 学び始める
Have you visited a national park recently? 学び始める
Yes, i Have. No, I haven't.
Were you hungry an hour ago? 学び始める
Were they from Spain before moving here? 学び始める
Yes, they were. No, they weren't.
Did he attend a live sports event last month? 学び始める
Yes, he did. No, he didn't.
Is English your first language? 学び始める