質問 |
答え |
un - stable, able, professional 学び始める
nestabilní, schopný, profesionální
in - competent, mature, sensitive 学び始める
ne - kompetentní, zralý, citlivý
ne - racionální, souhlasný
un - affected, ordinary, done, intelligent 学び始める
ne - dotčený, obyčejný, hotový, inteligentní
in - convenient, compatible 学び始める
ne - pohodlné, kompatibilní
ir - regular, relevant, responsible, resistant 学び始める
ir - pravidelný, relevantní, odpovědný, odolný
dis - honest, quiet, orderly 学び始める
ne - čestný, tichý, spořádaný
a - theist, sexual, symetric, political, social 学び始める
a - teistický, sexuální, symetrický, politický, sociální
counter - attack, act, measure, productive 学び始める
proti - útok, čin, opatření, produktivní
non - conformist, profit, smoking, violent, fiction 学び始める
ne - konformní, ziskový, kuřacký, fikce
de - active, tox, moralising, motivating 学び始める
ne - aktivní, toxický, moralizující,
il - legal, litarate, logical 学び始める
ne - právní, literátský, logický
Traffic will be diverted through the side streets while the main road is resurfaced. 学び始める
pink slip = a document given to a person saying that they do not have a job any more 学び始める
růžový lístek = doklad daný osobě, že už nemá práci
These ridiculous rules and regulations should have been done away with years ago. 学び始める
In no way - at no time/under no circumstences In no way should you smoke in here. 学び始める
V žádném případě – v žádné době/za žádných okolností
That are amongst the most destructive disasters. 学び始める
jealous of someone/sth (synonym is envious) I was bitterly jealous of her. 学び始める
žárlit na někoho (synonymum je závist)
step by step = one step at a time = slowly/gradually 学び始める
krok za krokem = krok za krokem
on the house = idiom for something what is free 学び始める
at any cost = by all means, no matter what 学び始める
za každou cenu = všemi prostředky, ať se děje cokoliv
What unavoiably makes me angry... 学び始める
angry at or with someone / angry about something What unavoiably makes me angry at Frank 学び始める
rozzlobený na někoho nebo na někoho / rozzlobený na něco
in particular, especially His decision led to some arguments with his family, in particular his brother. 学び始める
learn sth by heart, to memorise 学び始める
naučit se něco nazpaměť, zapamatovat si
i was succeasful in memorizing it. 学び始める
She's keen on (playing) tennis 学び始める
trigger off a chain reaction 学び始める
in demand = popular / on demand = available 学び始める
v poptávce = oblíbené / na vyžádání = dostupné
in a way = to some extent, partailly You are right in a way about the need... 学び始める
svým způsobem = do určité míry, částečně
The construction is under way now and is due to be finished by 2023. 学び始める
at the time = particular moment 学び始める
v čase = konkrétní okamžik
the ascent up the mountain is gentle 学び始める
with the exception of sth 学び始める
He came home early in order to see the children before they went to bed. 学び始める
to some extent / to some extent by something 学び始める
do jisté míry / do určité míry něčím
as well as tough competition across the travel sector 学び始める
outlining our main goals today 学び始める
nastínění našich dnešních hlavních cílů
We spend a heaps of money 学び始める
nearly/almost/virtually = usually comes with every 学び始める
téměř/téměř/prakticky = obvykle přichází s každým
the other = the last or the second (just in case they are two of them) 学び始める
druhý = poslední nebo druhý (jen v případě, že jsou dva)
each and every one = every single 学び始める
každý a každý = každý jednotlivý
either ... or... = parallel structure She either loves or hates you. Its all or nothing for her. 学び始める
buď ... nebo... = paralelní struktura
we have to save money one way or another. 学び始める
few and far between = scarce Jobs are few and far between. 学び始める
everyday - adjective / every day - adverb 学び始める
každodenní - přídavné jméno / každý den - příslovce
We’ve embarked on an exciting new project. 学び始める
as ambitious as it may sound 学び始める
jakkoli ambiciózní to může znít
To see what he describes as the beauty within people. 学び始める
Suffice it to say that... = It is save to say that... 学び始める
Stačí říci, že... = Je třeba říci, že...
less - uncountable / fewer - countable 学び始める
méně - nepočitatelné / méně - spočítatelné
confidantional information 学び始める
a drawback = a disadvantage 学び始める
in contrast to / unlike to 学び始める
na rozdíl od / na rozdíl od
something along those lines (of) 学び始める
nuances of meaning = small differences in meaning 学び始める
významové nuance = malé rozdíly ve významu
better you than me (expression of compassion, understanding) 学び始める
lepší ty než já (vyjádření soucitu, porozumění)
t-křižovatka = křižovatka
disguise SO by ST / as SO He disguised himself by wearing a false beard. 学び始める
přestrojit SO od ST/ jako SO
We booked the trip on a whim. 学び始める
He sent me some flowers by way of an apology. 学び始める
Please refrain from talking during the lecture 学び始める
active; doing the things you usually do: The doctor says she's making a good recovery, and she should be out and about in a few days' time. 学び始める
good to see you up and about feeling well enough to get out of bed and move around 学び始める
rád tě vidím nahoře (kdyz vidis nekoho po dlouhe dobe po nemoci napr.)
If you lose your bearings, you do not know where you are. They lost their bearings in the dark. At one point, we misread the map and lost our bearings. I was worried that if I turned back, I would lose my bearings. New York is a city where it's easy to lose your bearings. 学び始める
i hope it is not a rough crossing 学び始める
doufám, že to není drsný přechod
doing more than 200 kilometres per hour 学び始める
rychlostí více než 200 kilometrů za hodinu
let’s pull into a lay-by in a minute and have a picnic 学び始める
pojďme za chvíli zastavit a udělat si piknik
he gets behind the wheels 学び始める
How’s it going? - No too shabby / Yeah... getting there. 学び始める
Jak to jde? - Ne příliš ošuntělý / Jo... dostat se tam.
give or take = approximately 学び始める
dát nebo vzít = přibližně
Fat chance! = Not gonna happen! 学び始める
Velká šance! = To se nestane!
I haven’t the foggiest! = I have no idea! 学び始める
Nemám nejmlhavější! = Nemám tušení!
peer-to-peer network = involving sharing files or other resources between computers connected through a network, rather than using a central server (= a central computer that stores files): 学び始める
propojená síť = zahrnuje sdílení souborů nebo jiných zdrojů mezi počítači připojenými prostřednictvím sítě namísto použití centrálního serveru (= centrálního počítače, který ukládá soubory):
This watch may be a counterfeit, but it looks just like the original. 学び始める
to get money, food, etc. from other people, especially in order to live without working 学び始める
This time I can not bail you out. 学び始める
to spend part of a supply of money that you have been keeping or saving I had to dip into my savings to pay for the repairs. 学び始める
If you pay your way, you have or earn enough money to pay for what you need, without needing other people to give or lend you money. I went to college anyway, as a part-time student, paying my own way. 学び始める
They are much more likely to... 学び始める
Je u nich mnohem pravděpodobnější, že...
Loot at the offer and weigh up, what is best for you. 学び始める
Some of them charge fees but offer benefits in return. 学び始める
When you can spend more money than you have on your account. 学び始める
come down to = to have a particular thing as the most important matter: It all comes down to money in the end. 学び始める
přijít na to = mít konkrétní věc jako nejdůležitější:
from poverty to wealth I am fascinated by rags to riches stories... 学び始める
spend more than you can afford 学び始める
splashes out on something it could be either possitive or negative 学び始める
utrácet penize bez premýsleni
born with a silver spoon in your mouth 学び始める
narodil se v bohaté rodině
burn the hole in you pocket 学び始める
extravagant holiday/party 学び始める
drahá/luxusní dovolená/party
IDIOM = Take care of you penny and the dollar will take care of itself. 学び始める
Fork out on/ splash out on/ lash out on something spend a huge money on ST expensive 学び始める
to throw moeny out of the window / spend money like a water 学び始める
vyhodit peníze z okna / utratit peníze jako vodu
nakupovaní pro lepší náladu
Struggle to make ends meet... 学び始める
Make sure that everything is prepared 学び始める
to have an intention of something 学び始める
I do not mind = It is all the same to me 学び始める
Nevadí mi = Pro mě je to jedno
is nowhere near as good as something 学び始める
není ani zdaleka tak dobrý jako něco
you can only make something “enjoyable” if... 学び始める
něco „příjemného“ můžete udělat jen tehdy, když...
expand rapidly 学び始める
slang - catfish (not as advertised) 学び始める
slang - sumec (ne tak, jak je inzerováno)
adverb I hear what you say and I wholeheartedly agree. 学び始める
As a baby he was abandoned by his mother. 学び始める
what is your origin/heritage? 学び始める
jaký je váš původ/dědictví
inconclusive/circumstatial evidence 学び始める
neprůkazné/nepřímé důkazy
one of the solitary reason 学び始める
shledat to + adj (+ udělat)
there is no point in doing sth no point/no sense/no use in 学び始める
small childreb are full of mischief 学び始める
up to all sorts of something children get up to all sorts of something 学び始める
it was not untill I visited her that I realized how ill she was 学び始める
až když jsem ji navštívil, uvědomil jsem si, jak je nemocná
care for = Do you care for coffe? 学び始める
mít rád = Máte rádi kávu?
"ITV" is the abbreviation for "Independent Television". 学び始める
= tolerate 学び始める
struck up (a conversation/friendship) 学び始める
navázal (rozhovor/přátelství)
Peak AT = after verb we should use “AT” / Peak OF = after noun we should use “OF” 学び始める
Vrchol AT = za slovesem bychom měli použít „AT“ / Vrchol OF = za podstatným jménem bychom měli použít „OF“
rewilding = the process of protecting an environment and returning it to its natural state, for example by bringing back wild animals that used to live there: Rewilding runs directly counter to human attempts to control and cultivate nature. 学び始める
rewilding = proces ochrany životního prostředí a jeho navrácení do jeho přirozeného stavu, například přivedením divokých zvířat, která v něm dříve žila:
is proximity to (close to) 学び始める
Not all tigers have a mane... 学び始める
The ceiling was embellished with flowers and leaves. 学び始める
extremely unpleasant and causing you to feel shock and anger 学び始める
the cutting edge of “technology” brand-new/state of the art/modern/advanced 学び始める
hedging (showing uncertainty) may is the more common verb for hedging. 学び始める
zajištění (ukazuje nejistotu)
churned out (informal) = produced (formal) 学び始める
chrlit (neformální) = vyrobený (formální)
put together (informal) = compiled (formal) 学び始める
dát dohromady (neformální) = sestavený (formální)
wipe out (informal) = eliminate (formal) 学び始める
vymazat (neformální) = odstranit (formální)
bring about (informal) = create (formal) 学び始める
přinést (neformální) = vytvořit (formální)
show off (informal) = describe (formal) 学び始める
předvést (neformální) = popsat (formální)
flagged up (informal) = demonstrate (formal) 学び始める
označené (neformální) = demonstrovat (formální)
went public with (informal) = publicised (formal) 学び始める
vyšel na veřejnost s (neformální) = zveřejněný (formální)
figure out (informal) = conclude (formal) 学び始める
vymyslet (neformální) = uzavřít (formální)
back up (informal) = support (formal) 学び始める
záloha (neformální) = podpora (formální)
hint (informal) = suggest (formal) 学び始める
nápověda (neformální) = navrhnout (formální)
prior to = before Check your to do list on daily basis prior to finishing work. 学び始める
in my opinion 学び始める
have no option but to do sth 学び始める
nemají jinou možnost, než udělat něco
I have not made up my mind yet... 学び始める
Ještě jsem se nerozhodl...
trustworthy/roadworthy/noteworthy/newsworthy 学び始める
desparate/despair/desparation 学び始める
having 2 glass layers 学び始める
extended - made it longer usually come with time 学び始める
extensive - detailed/thorough An extensive investigation. 学び始める
rozsáhlé - podrobné/důkladné
have not done something 学び始める
yet to be done, only one thing remains 学び始める
zbývá ještě udělat jediné
look at someone in romantic way 学び始める
look quickly 学び始める
see - accidentally, watch - on purpose 学び始める
vidět - náhodně, sledovat - schválně
nejpozoruhodnější vlastnost
from all walks of life / from every walk of life 学び始める
ze všech oblastí života / ze všech oblastí života
vyzvat sb, aby udělal něco
parade - group of people walking publicly 学び始める
průvod - skupina lidí chodících veřejně
what is more - in addition 学び始める
to do research on sth - to do research into sth 学び始める
dělat výzkum čeho - dělat výzkum čeho
conduct research / experiment 学び始める
provádět výzkum / experiment
tread mills - for cardio in gym 学び始める
oenology - the study of wine 学び始める
The system was in existence all over the country. 学び始める
being used Is the washing machine in use right now? 学び始める
to disagree strongly I took issue with him over his interpretation of the instructions. 学び始める
in teh best interest of something 学び始める
block to/stop to/restriction on/ban on 学び始める
blokovat do/zastavovat do/omezení zapnuto/zakázat
to cause someone to have a particular feeling: It's a subject that has aroused a lot of interest. 学び始める
awaken (something) in someone If a wish, interest, or emotion awakens or is awakened in you, you notice it for the first time. My holiday in Paris awakened a passion for French food in me. 学び始める
It looks as though... It seems as though 学び始める
Vypadá to, jako by... Zdá se, jako by
And thats what infuriates us the most... 学び始める
A to nás rozčiluje nejvíc
to exist or continue for a particular length of time Tennis has a history spanning several centuries. 学び始める
plain ice cream with thin lines of other flavours in it 学び始める
able to be seen or understood Her unhappiness was apparent to everyone. 学び始める
= a meal that consists of food brought by the people who come to the meal 学び始める
swivels to something The sunflower swivels to the sun. 学び始める
something that deters people from doing something. Some people say that capital punishment acts as a deterrent. 学び始める
to show or find the difference between things that are compared We do not differentiate between our employees on the basis of their race, religion, or national origin. 学び始める
re-assess 学び始める
live up to someone's expectations 学び始める
blame sb for sth / blame sth on sb 学び始める
obviňovat koho z čeho / obviňovat koho z čeho
apeal to somebody = attract 学び始める
apelovat na někoho = přitahovat
appeal for help = publicly ask for help 学び始める
prosit o pomoc = veřejně požádat o pomoc
put forward a proposal/the idea 学び始める
ensure=make sure/ascertain 学び始める
zajistit = zajistit/zjistit
complaining structure - be+always/forever/constantly+doing 学び始める
struktura stížností - být+vždy/navždy/neustále+dělat
It is about/just about/high time SO did ST It is high time turned up on time. 学び始める
Je asi/právě asi/nejvyšší čas, aby ST
If a fact dawns on you, you understand it after a period of not understanding it I was about to pay for the shopping when it suddenly dawned on me that I'd left my wallet at home. 学び始める
undermined = make less important 学び始める
podkopaný = učinit méně důležitým
shake someone/something up If an unpleasant experience shakes someone up, it makes them feel shocked and upset I think she was pretty shaken up by the accident. 学び始める
in a way that is careful and uses a lot of effort He worked diligently to prepare himself for this three-week tournament. 学び始める
I am up to my armpits in nappies and bottles very busy 学び始める
Jsem až po podpaží v plenkách a lahvičkách
it is gone walkabout = it is lost 学び始める
je pryč walkabout = je ztraceno
the call of nature - peeing 学び始める
blinked - without purpose, winked - on purpose 学び始める
mrkl - bez účelu, mrkl - schválně
wink at somebody = in romantic way 学び始める
childish - behaving / childlike - appearence 学び始める
dětinský - chovající se / dětský - app
There is a rumour going around, that... 学び始める
SO is rumoured to + do St/have done 学び始める
SO se říká, že + do St/have done
shadow - follows you / shade - non changing (place) 学び始める
stín - následuje tě / stín - neměnný (místo
morals (principle) - morale (confidence) 学び始める
morálka (princip) - morálka (důvěra
convinient (distance) /comfortable (place) 学び始める
pohodlné (vzdálenost) / pohodlné (místo)
on the contrary = just the opposite however 学び始める
she nailed it / she aced it /she owned it 学び始める
ona to přibila / porazila to / vlastnila to
crashed out = fall asleep 学び始める
disciplinarian/disciplinary/disciplined 学び始める
saddled with something - to be given a task or responsibility that ia not wanted 学び始める
osedlaný něčím – dostat úkol nebo odpovědnost, kterou jsem nechtěl
devotion/devotee/devotedly 学び始める
After a hard day at work I regularly nod off in front of the TV in the evening. 学び始める
I don't want to cast doubt on his ability but are we sure he's the best person for the job? 学び始める
to make an effort to do something = summon up I've decided I'm going to summon up the courage and ask for a pay rise. 学び始める
namáhat se něco udělat = přivolat
If you are under the hawklike watch of a boss... 学び始める
Pokud jste pod jestřábím dohledem šéfa...
Short deadlines to force immediate action while ignoring minutiae. 学び始める
an allotted time to do something 学び始める
vyhrazený čas něco udělat
Notwithstanding, millions of new mother do it all the time. 学び始める
simplicity requires ruthlessness 学び始める
salacious stories or gossip 学び始める
extremly interesting 学び始める
Its not about that I am aloof or unsociable 学び始める
to lose strength or purpose and stop, or almost stop: The dinner party conversation faltered for a moment. Her friends never faltered in their belief in her. Nickie's voice faltered and he stopped speaking. 学び始める
to speak or say something with unusual pauses or repeated sounds, either because of speech problems or because of fear or nervousness: "Wh-when can we g-go?" she stammered. 学び始める
If something that is valuable is at stake, it is in a situation where it might be lost: Thousands of lives will be at stake if emergency aid does not arrive in the city soon. 学び始める
to support something/someone (physically, often by leaning it against something else or putting something under it) 学び始める
something that gives only the main meaning or the most important parts of something, or the action of reducing something to its main meaning or most important parts: The report is a distillation of hundreds of past studies on the subject. 学び始める
in bad condition and therefore weak and likely to break: She slowly climbed the rickety wooden steps. 学び始める
to try very hard to do something or to make something happen, especially for a long time or against difficulties: 学び始める
a complicated or mysterious problem that can only be solved or explained by connecting several pieces of information: a picture stuck onto wood or cardboard and cut into pieces of different shapes that must be joined together correctly to form the picture again: 学び始める
a moment when you suddenly feel that you understand, or suddenly become conscious of, something that is very important to you 学び始める
to go directly and quickly towards someone or something: AS everyone else made a beeline for the coffee. 学び始める
real and not imaginary; able to be shown, touched, or experienced: a little bit more tangible 学び始める
retrieve them nugget by nugget to find and bring back something: We taught our dog to retrieve a ball. 学び始める
získat je kousek po kousku
to travel by getting free rides in someone else's vehicle: I would never hitchhike on my own. I hitchhike to Paris. 学び始める
surprising and sometimes worrying: He made some startling admissions about his past. 学び始める
language that sounds important and official but is difficult to understand: This computer manual is gobbledygook. 学び始める
to agree to do something, often in a formal situation The two political parties have entered into an agreement not to compete in the same parts of the country. 学び始める
sweetly/sweetener/sweeteness 学び始める
The team suffered a narrow defeat, losing 1-0. 学び始める
= to accept and deal with a difficult situation He really needs to start facing up to the fact that he's a father with responsibilities. 学び始める
1. impassable 2. passable 3. passer 学び始める
1. neprůchodný 2. sjízdný 3. procházející
to keep talking about an unpleasant memory that someone would prefer to forget I don't think Shirley wants you to rake over the break up of her marriage 学び始める
1. procession 2. processor 3. processing I had a whole procession of people in and out of my office today asking for a pay rise. I nearly bought a food processor in town today. She works in data processing for a large company in the city 学び始める
1. průvod 2. zpracovatel 3. zpracování
We had an introductory lesson today on astronomy and the solar ........ 2. If I were you I'd let him travel the world so that he can get it out of his ........ 3. The British legal ........ differs in several fundamental ways from that in America. 学び始める
Social media users can become desensitized to current events and trending topics quickly because of the fast-paced nature of the news cycle. 学び始める
to make cloth by repeatedly crossing a single thread through two sets of long threads on a loom (= special frame): 学び始める
jot something down (=write down) to write something quickly on a piece of paper so that you remember it: 学び始める
= central or important what has been a pivotal moment in your life, one when you relized nothing would never be the same? 学び始める
(of an idea or an opinion) formed too early, especially without enough thought or knowledge preconceived ideas about... 学び始める
to remove something that is inside something else (with a spoon) I scooped out all the money I had in my pocket. 学び始める
They had been pilling up from all the tips I get at work. 学び始める
nahromadit se/hromadit se
to cause a dangerous, excited, or angry situation to begin 1. The proposed restrictions have ignited a storm of protest. 2. His imagination was ignited, and he was motivated to do more with his life. 学び始める
(of beliefs) so firmly held that they are not likely to change: Which was ingrained in me at home. 学び始める
bravery and strength of character: 学び始める
to indicate you are ready for someone to speak If anyone has any questions, please fire away. 学び始める
secrecy around something/secretly filming/secretive person 学び始める
mlčenlivost kolem něčeho/tajně natáčející/utajená osoba
to think of a problem or solution 学び始める
to send someone off somewhere in a hurry Her mother bundled her off to school and then enjoyed a few hours of peace at home. 学び始める
1differentiate 2. differentiation 3. differentials 学び始める
1diferenciovat 2. diferenciaci 3. diferenciály
We focus on teaming up in way... 学び始める
to make something complete or perfect; if you start sth, finish it 学び始める
to push or move something somewhere, often with a lot of force: 1. of propelling people forward 2. The Kon-Tiki sailed across the Pacific Ocean propelled by wind power. 学び始める
an advantage that comes from a difficult or unpleasant situation: When things look black, there's always a silver lining. The injury had a silver lining: it enabled Blake to spend his father's last weeks with him. 学び始める
Stříbrná podšívka (=idiom)
= to live or exist, or to stay energetic and determined, longer than another person or thing: Build sth that will outlast every one of us. 学び始める
= based on chance rather than being planned or based on reason: Did you have a reason for choosing your destination or was it arbitrary? 学び始める
= to grow, develop, or be successful: His business thrived in the years before the war. She seems to thrive on stress. 学び始める
= an arrangement in which two or more things are not positioned correctly in a straight line or parallel to each other: The problem is happening because the wheels are out of alignment. As you get older, one or more vertebrae may get out of alignment. The doctor had to reset his elbow: it had healed out of alignment after the accident. 学び始める
a large tube-like container 学び始める
a new idea that bucks tradition 学び始める
nový nápad, který se vyhýbá tradici
= a person who works in an office, dealing with records or performing general office duties; A clerk is also a person who deals with customers in a store or hotel: 学び始める
Take your list of themes and cross out the one you channeled into your “Why”. 学び始める
= a situation in which someone loses their job because their employer does not need them: The economic downturn has meant 10,000 redundancies in the Northeast. 学び始める
= to take care of sb, usually for a limited time 学び始める
= honesty If these discussions are to succeed, we'll need openness from/on both sides. 学び始める
= to say a piece of writing aloud from memory, or to publicly say a list of things: While you can recite your... 学び始める
= the action of spreading in many directions: Modern communications make the diffusion of ideas extremely rapid. 学び始める
= the act of making something, especially a product or service, available for the first time: The improved product is scheduled for rollout in June. 学び始める
= used to refer to a situation in which decisions are made by a few people in authority rather than by the people who are affected by the decisions: Staff were not happy with the top-down approach to managment of the new CEO. The attempt to impose top-down decisions was resisted at every level. This report follows a top-down model in its assessment of the problems we face. 学び始める
tuck in/tuck into something to start eating something eagerly: Judging by the way they tucked into their dinner, they must have been very hungry. There's plenty of food, so please tuck in. There are some question to tuck in your back pocket. 学び始める
zastrčit/zastrčit do něčeho
eager /eagerly; eager to/eager for = wanting very much to do or have something, especially something interesting or enjoyable: She sounded very eager to meet you. They crowded around the spokesperson, eager for any news. 学び始める
dychtivě / dychtivě; dychtivý po / dychtivý po
= the process of doing something again and again, usually to improve it, or one of the times you do it: the repetition and iteration that goes on in designing something. The software is on its fifth iteration. 学び始める
= to refuse to give something or to keep back something To withhold information/support. During the trial, the prosecution was accused of withholding crucial evidence from the defence. 学び始める
= to make sth happen/ to make SO decide to say or do sth What prompted you to say that? The bishop's speech has prompted an angry response from both political parties. Recent worries over the president's health have prompted speculation over his political future. 学び始める
constraint of / constraint on = something that controls what you do by keeping you within particular limits: 1. The constraints of politeness wouldn't allow her to say what she really thought about his cooking. 2. Financial constraints on the company are preventing them from employing new staff. 3. The idea has been dropped due to financial constraints. 学び始める
to have an amount of money to buy things Since she lost her job she's had to get used to living on much less money each month. 学び始める
1. removal 2. movement 3. remover We've hired this ........ company to take all our furniture to our new house. 2. She has been a leading member of the women's ........ for many years. 3. I need to go to the shops to buy some paint ........ 学び始める
1. odstranění 2. pohyb 3. odstraňovač
brushing up (the main points) = to practise I've got my exam tomorrow. I think I'll spend the evening brushing up the main points. 学び始める
1. observation 2. observers 3. observant 1. We're keeping her in hospital under close ........ to see how she reacts to the medication. 2. Several United Nations ........ were sent to the region. 3. You're not very ........ are you? Didn't you see that car coming round the corner? 学び始める
1. pozorování 2. pozorovatelé 3. pozorující
to give priority to something f I were you I'd give priority to improving your pronunciation. 学び始める
coax somebody into something = to encourage somone to do something We've been trying to ........ our son into taking up evening classes. He shows such a talent for drawing. 学び始める
1. momentary 2. momentous 3. momentarily 1. She showed a ........ lapse in concentration which cost her the game. 2. It was a ........ decision that had wide-ranging consequences for all concerned. 3. He took me by surprise and ........ I wasn't sure what to say. 学び始める
1. momentální 2. momentální 3. momentalně
They ........ the occasion by holding a party in her honour. 2. The children ........ the carpet with their paints. 3. His retirement from the game ........ the end of an era. 学び始める
bank on somebody/something = rely on 学び始める
spolehněte se na někoho/něco
1. heartless 2. hearty 3. disheartening 1. I thought he showed a ........ disregard towards the suffering of those in need. 2. We ate a ........ breakfast before setting off. 3. It's very ........ to make the same mistake again and again. 学び始める
1. bezcitný 2. srdečný 3. skličující
to be as good as people expect something to be The film was OK but it didn't really ........ up to all the hype. 学び始める
to use more resources or money than was expected The amount of expenses being paid out to employees is eating into company expenses. 学び始める
1. ineffectively 2. ineffective 3. effectively 1. The shareholders claimed the management team were working ...... 2. Many people feel the Government have been completely ........ in dealing with the serious problems facing the economy. 3. The injury ........ ruled him out of the next game. 学び始める
1. neúčinně 2. neúčinně 3. účinně
1. Immediate family 2. immediate effect 3. immediate benefits 学び始める
its one of the most popular bogeyman 学び始める
to stop something So we do this. We stall our ideas before we even get started. 学び始める
on or towards the inside; inside your mind and not expressed to other people The idea here is to get the team looking inward. 学び始める
to try to persuade other people to have particular beliefs or behave in particular ways: We must practice what we preach. 学び始める
The more they talk about it, the more it strats to take hold. 学び始める
not clear or not easily heard, seen or understand 学び始める
So the results can be measured on two axes. 学び始める
Výsledky lze tedy měřit na dvou osách.
This kind of money-based manipulation can work in the short term but inevitably fails in the long term. 学び始める
The recent economic crisis has led to masssive layoffs. 学び始める
to rub or be rubbed away gradually: The cliffs are eroding several feet a year. 学び始める
= to give a weak form of a disease to a person or animal, usually by injection, as a protection against that disease: to inoculate themselves againts it. 学び始める
= always paying a lot of attention and trying to notice possible dangers, often more than is reasonable: I'm beginning to relax; I'm no longer always looking behind me, being hypervigilant. 学び始める
to bring someone or something back to life or wake someone or something: Her heart had stopped, but the doctors successfully resuscitated her. 学び始める
= not receiving enough care or attention: She was distressed at how neglected the children looked. At no time did I neglected my duty. 学び始める
= the act or process of getting rid of something, especially by throwing it away; something that is sold by a company, such an asset, property, or part of its business, or the act of doing this 学び始める
= short or quick: It may give us fleeting happiness. This is just a fleeting visit. 学び始める
shove (= synonym to jostle) = to push someone or something forcefully: Just wait your turn - there's no need to shove. Reporters pushed and shoved as they tried to get close to the princess. 学び始める
strčit (= synonymum pro strkání)
1. of a legal technicality 2. technically speaking 3. call the technician 学び始める
1. právní odbornosti 2. technicky vzato 3. zavolejte technika
1. icicles 2. icily 3. icing 1. You could see ........ hanging fron the edge of the roof. 2. My boss at work was ........ polite. 3. The match was the ........ on the cake. 学び始める
1. rampouch 2. ledově 3. námraza
Can you ........ the difference between these two pictures? 学び始める
snap something up; snap up some- thing to buy something quickly This is a real bargain. You should snap it ........ while you have the chance. 学び始める
něco utrhnout; něco ulovit
1. impression 2. impressionable 3. impressive 1. good impression 2. He is very impressionable young man. 3. That was impressive game. 学び始める
1. dojem 2. dojemný 3. působivý
1. unsatisfactory 2. self-satisfied 3. dissatisfaction 学び始める
1. nevyhovující 2. sebeuspokojený 3. nespokojenost
to gradually discover or deduce the truth about something The police are still trying to piece together the sequence of events leading up to the car crash. 学び始める
1. punishing 2. punishments 3. punishable 1. She has a very ........ work routine. 2 The teachers have several different ........ at their disposal. 3. I n some countries acts of this kind are ........ by death. 学び始める
1. trestání 2. tresty 3. trestuhodné
Which one word fits all three sentences? 1. The official book ........ will be in early March but many advance copies have been distributed already. 2. The police will ........ an inquiry into the murder. 3. The Queen is due to ........ the new cruise liner later this month. 学び始める
to be in very short supply The industry is facing severe problems as supplies of raw materials have almost dried up. 学び始める
1. unrepresentative 2. representation 3. representative 1. You can't really draw any conclusions with such an ........ sample of people. 2. The painting is said to be a ........ of jealousy. 3. A ........ of our company will call round today to show you some of our products. 学び始める
1. nereprezentativní 2. zastoupení 3. zástupce
Could you ........ the curtains please? The sun's shining in my eyes. 学び始める
brimming over (with) something to be full of emotion or feeling My parents were brimming ........ with pride when they watched me receive my certificate. 学び始める
1. appearances 2. reappear 3. reappearance 3. Helen is now making a ........ on stage this weekend in her own production. 1. Since he lost his job I feel they're just keeping up ........ when in reality they're struggling. 2I could clearly see this bright object which would vanish and then ........ brighter than ever. 3. 学び始める
1. zdání 2. znovu se objevit 3. znovu se objevit
Which one word fits all the sentences? 3. It's all a bit hit and ........ really. Nobody really knows whether the project will be successful or not. 1. When you drive down our road you can't ........ our house. It's got a red front door. 2. The tutor has such a quiet voice. I always ........ half of what she says. 学び始める
You won't take offence if I don't go out with you this weekend, will you? I've made other plans. 学び始める
to think or speak about a subject a great deal He couldn't help but dwell on the death of his mother. 学び始める
rozhovořit se o/hodně se zabývat něčím
Which one word fits all three sentences? 3. I couldn't believe it when the defender managed to ........ the ball into the back of the net during the last few seconds of the football match. 1. It's freezing cold out here. Don't you think it's time to ....... back home? 2. The new police chief is to ........ an investigation into corruption amongst his officers. 学び始める
to investigate = to be looking into 学び始める
to talk sence = to speak in a reasonable way You can't be serious! Come on, talk sense. He's got no chance of passing the exam. 学び始める
mluvit smysl = mluvit rozumným způsobem
to make a firm commitment 学び始める
to hide a difficulty or a mistake The Government tried to paper over the fact that there was a lot of disunity in the Party. 学び始める
1. underground 2. groundless 3. grounding 1. He was told to go ........ until the police had stopped looking for him. 2. The criticisms levelled at the minister are totally ........ and without justification. 3. During his training he was given a good ........ in the skills he needed as a chef. 学び始める
1. podzemní 2. bezdůvodný 3. uzemnění
His outstanding performance in the Olympics is a prime example of how hard work and dedication can bring success. 学び始める
to examine something carefully, usually because you need to organise it or find something out The new computer has the capability to sift trough a huge number of files in seconds. 学び始める
1. accusations 2. accused 3. accusingly I don't know why you're making these ........ against me. I've done nothing wrong. 2. The ........ was in court for the trial and she was asked to give evidence. 3. "Who's eaten the last chocolate biscuit?" she asked ........ 学び始める
1. obvinění 2. obviněný 3. obviňující
Which one word fits all three sentences? 1. We're planning to ........ a party to celebrate John's retirement. 2. Sometimes it's best to ........ caution to the wind and do what you think might work. 3. A good public speaker is able to ........ their voice in order to be heard clearly. 学び始める
take in by something/somebody I was really taken ........ by his story about being poor and in need of some money. 学び始める
The house was tastefully decorated. 学び始める
I hate talking about politics. Can we just drop the subject please? 学び始める
to be successful in a test but with a low grade He was lucky to ........ through the Proficiency exam considering that he didn't do much preparation for it. 学び始める
I distrust most politicians. Most of them appear to be ........ and always acting in their own interests. 学び始める
to criticize someone The boss really ........ into me about not getting that report finished in time. 学び始める
1. disobedient 2. obedience 3. obediently 1. Don't be so ........ Do as you're told and put your toys away. 2. One of the things you must insist on in the army is ........ 3. He called the dog and it came running up to him ........ 学び始める
1. neposlušný 2. poslušnost 3. poslušně
to restrict someone's freedom She swears she's never going to have children because she doesn't want them to tie her down. 学び始める
1. zoologist 2. zoological 3. zoology 学び始める
1. zoolog 2. zoologický 3. zoologie
The printer's not working again. It looks as though the paper has got ........ again. 学び始める
to pretend You always hate going to visit my parents. Don't ........ out it's a pleasure for you when it isn't. 学び始める
to tell someone to go away His mum told him to ........ off when he asked to borrow the car. She didn't trust him with it. 学び始める
1. wilderness 2. wildest 3. wildfire 1. The disgraced sportsperson spent a lot of time in the ........ 2. Winning the competition seemed beyond my ........ dreams. 3. News of the terrrorist attack spread like ........ 学び始める
1. divočina 2. nejdivočejší 3. lesní požár
to save money for a special purpose We've ........ aside a little money for a holiday this year. 学び始める
What shall we do to ........ their 40th wedding anniversary? It needs to be something special. 学び始める
1. speculation 2. speculative 3. speculator 1. There was a lot of press ........ about how the pop star had died. 2. There are rumours that the band are going to split up, although this is only ........ 3. My cousin works as a ........ in the finance industry. 学び始める
1. spekulace 2. spekulativní 3. spekulant
See if you can do this puzzle. Look at these four drawings. Which one is the odd out? 学び始める
to embarrass someone by your behaviour You really ........ me up at that meeting. Did you have to stand up and start shouting at everyone? 学び始める
1. originate 2. originally 3. original 1. Where does this sculpture ........ from? 2. Well, ........ we'd planned to go to France for our holiday but then we realised our passports were out of date. 3. Is this an ........ piece of work or have you copied it from somewhere? 学び始める
1. vzniknout 2. původně 3. původní
The sun shining on the trees ........ a shadow across the field. 学び始める
to fall to the ground, usually by fainting; to fall over suddenly The old lady was taken ill while she was shopping. She just ........ over and fainted in a supermarket aisle. 学び始める
Wchich one word fits all three sentences? 3. Brazil have taken the ........ with just 3 minutes to go before the end of the match. 1. The police have just announced that they are following up a new ........ from a member of the public. 2. Have you seen that film in which Hugh Grant plays the ........? 学び始める
a series of lessons that teach you a lot of basic facts or skills in a very short time: I'm taking an intensive 2 day ........ course in computing. 学び始める
1. westerners 2. westernisation 3. westward 3. He travelled ........ in search of a better life. 1. There were very few ........ in the country and he stood out when walking down the streets. 2. A great deal of ........ has taken place as a consequence of the process of globalisation. 学び始める
1. zápaďáci 2. westernizace 3. na západ
to regain consciousness The boxer was knocked out in the 3rd round and only came round when his trainer splashed his face with water. 学び始める
1. housing 2. housewarming 3. housework 1. The council are building a new ........ estate on the other side of town. 2. We've recently moved into a new place and are thinking of having a ........ party. 3. I really hate doing ........, especially ironing and dusting. 学び始める
1. bydlení 2. kolaudace 3. domácí práce
to reach an agreement after a long or difficult discussion After a long and difficult meeting the two sides managed to ........ out an agreement. 学び始める
1. untimely 2. timeless 3. overtime 1. His premature death was ........ and took everyone by surprise. 2. Some clothes never seem to go out of fashion and are almost ........ 3. He has been doing a great deal of ........ at weekends to earn some extra money. 学び始める
1. předčasný 2. nadčasový 3. přesčas
to walk away angirly 学び始める
to quickly put on an item of clothing I'm just going to ........ into something more comfortable for dinner. 学び始める
1. spectators 2. spectacular 3. spectacularly 1. The ........ were treated to a wonderful game of football. 2. It was a ........ performance and the audience gave the players a standing ovation. 3. The gymnast failed ........ to regain his title by falling off the high bars. 学び始める
1. diváci 2. spektakulární 3. spektakulárně
It was this painting that bridge the gap between his early abstract work and his later move towards realism. 学び始める
to squared up to each other to face a person in a way that is threatening The two boxers ........ up to each other at the start of the fight. 学び始める
1. usage 2. reusable 3. usefully 1. Instructions for ........ appear inside the packaging. 2. The good thing about plastic bags is that they are ........ time and time again. 3. It's time my layabout cousin was ........ employed. 学び始める
1. použití 2. opakovaně použitelné 3. užitečně
Which one word fits all three sentences? 3... The politician made a racist remark which was in very poor ........ and it caused offence to many people. 1. I like most art forms but I'm afraid opera isn't to my ........ 2. Visiting the United States last year gave me my first ........ of American culture. 学び始める
to relax after doing something strenuous or difficult After a busy day in the office I like to wind down with a good book in front of the fire. 学び始める
1. persuasive 2. persuasion 3. persuasiveness 1. You need to be quite ........ if you want to work in sales. 2. Despite all his powers of ........, I refused to take him up on his offer. 3. They bought the product mainly due to the ........ of the advert. 学び始める
1. přesvědčivost 2. přesvědčivost 3. přesvědčivost
to walk or move more slowly than another person The group set off walking at a fairly brisk pace, but before long three of them were ........ behind and we had to wait for them to catch up. 学び始める
1. rulers 2. unruly 3. overruled 1. The ........ of the country are not interested in democracy. 2. I wish parents would tell their children off when they behave in an ........ way. 3. At the end of the appeal the judge ........ the jury's decision. 学び始める
1. vládci 2. neukázněný 3. přemožený
you make them gradually weaker or less determined until they eventually do what you want The children kept asking their parents for sweets until in the end they wore them down and got what they wanted. 学び始める
to slow down or limit the development of someone or something: She didn't want a husband who would be a drag on her career. 学び始める
when the hours of daylight become less It's a sure sign that winter is coming. It's getting darker and darker as the days begin to close in 学び始める
One of the neighbours reised the alarm when she noticed the back door was wide open. 学び始める
to give more information or detail in order to make something complete I've got a draft version of my dissertation, which is basically a collection of notes. I'll flesh it out when I have done further research. 学び始める
regard/disregard/regardless/regards 学び始める
ohled/neúcta/bez ohledu/respektuje
In my dealings with him, he has always been honest and above the board. 学び始める
what conclusion do you draw from the fact that... 学び始める
to ask someone questions to find out their views Why don't you speak to the boss and sound her ........ about the possibility of promotion. 学び始める
Your ........ is someone who shares the same name as you. 2. This was the reason for the new policy; ........ to win more votes. 3. A friend, who shall remain ........, tells me you're thinking of getting married. 学び始める
the system is weighted in favour of those 学び始める
systém je vážen ve prospěch těchto
exceptional/exceptionally/exception 学び始める
focus attention on something 学び始める
zaměřit pozornost na něco
to put an end to something 学び始める