辞書 ポーランド語 - 英語

język polski - English

Spokój 英語で:

1. Calm Calm

Calm down.
You're pretty calm cool and collected for somebody who has a major presentation tomorrow.
The strike had not been peaceful, however, and Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. begged both sides to be patient and calm.
Calm down. I'll come over as soon as possible.
I glared briefly in the referee's direction but he was putting on a calm face while picking his nose. "Dammit, the fight's a fixup!?"
At the same time, he didn't hide his fears and doubts, but tried hard to keep his calm and rationality in facing every difficulty.
I don't lose my appetite when I get stressed, rather I can't calm down unless I eat something.
The sea ice is highly variable - frozen solid during cold, calm weather and broken up in large areas of open water during storms.
In contrast to his frightening looks, his voice was kind and calm.
It's much easier to deal with difficulties if you are calm.
Ann is very calm person. She doesn't easily get excited, nervous or upset.
the night was clear and calm / she had to keep calm at all costs / the city was reported to be calm, but army patrols remained / his voice was calm / a dead calm sea
Blue is a particularly calming colour and ideal in counterbalancing high levels of stress.
I’m sorry I didn’t wait for a completely calm day to take you out on your first boat ride.
But, knowing precisely sadness and love and death, and that they are vain images when we observe them from the calm space where we should shut ourselves in, he kept on weeping, and desiring love, and fearing death.

英語 "という言葉Spokój"(Calm)集合で発生します。

SŁOWNICTWO 25.08.2020
dodatkowe słowa
english file intermediate 1

2. Peace Peace

They made peace.
Is world peace made possible by friendship?
His utter failure at the last peace conference has taught him to arm himself to the teeth with new tricks and tactics.
For world peace, therefore, we must develop the consciousness that we are all one people of planet Earth through continual international cultural and economic exchange.
I am also proud to carry with me the goodwill of the American people, and a greeting of peace from Muslim communities in my country: assalaamu alaykum.
Although the phrase "world peace" sounds attractive, the road to world peace is very long and full of troubles.
After countless burials of the hatchet, we always dig it up again. There doesn't seem to be any sign of an ever-lasting peace.

英語 "という言葉Spokój"(Peace)集合で発生します。

Lesson 08.04.20