辞書 ポーランド語 - 英語

język polski - English

coś w rodzaju 英語で:

1. sort of

He is sort of strange.
Like any sort of hero turning down to zero
It can sort of prepare people for the weekend.
We both like the same sort of music.
I sort of enjoyed the play.
What sort of dinosaur are you?
Women sort of understand better.
I've sort of finished the report; I just need to print it out, thenI'm done.
sort of
It's a sort of pale orange colour.
The eye sort of exploded
this sort of reality often threatens us

2. bit of

英語 "という言葉coś w rodzaju"(bit of)集合で発生します。

Angielski Tadek u4
across culture

3. sort of thing

4. some kind of something

英語 "という言葉coś w rodzaju"(some kind of something)集合で発生します。

35 Complete English

5. kind of

You're looking kind of fat, Gunter.
What kind of magazines do you read?
It's kind of funny.
We will live in a different country, kind of.
This isn't the kind of book I like
I don't like this kind of situations.
I kind of like swimming.
It's kind of a miracle
I want to talk to you about something kind of big.
I’m kind of glad I didn’t win.
Mom, he is kind of my boyfriend.
when someone's kind of in a deep hole/ He is kind of my boyfriend

6. sort of like