辞書 ポーランド語 - 英語

język polski - English

tak że 英語で:

1. so as so as

She had put her hair up so as to look older.

英語 "という言葉tak że"(so as)集合で発生します。

Michal F - 2015-Fiszki-2
MF, 26.09.2015

2. so so

I slept a little during lunch break because I was so tired.
So what?
You don't want to get wet and catch a cold, so take this umbrella with you.
There's also a great deal of so called behind-the-scenes work.
Pioneer men and women had a hard life, and so did their children.
His essay gave only a superficial analysis of the problem, so it was a real surprise to him when he got the highest grade in the class.
When I ask people what they regret most about high school, they nearly all say the same thing: that they wasted so much time.
After she lost her job, she couldn't afford to feed her dogs, so she gave them away.
Bodybuilding is his hobby so he has a very firm tight body with lots of muscle definition.
It's important to take good care of your teeth so you'll be able to eat properly when you get older.
Could you move over a little? "Oh, sorry. I didn't realize I was taking up so much space."
When I speak to a Westerner, I have to shift mental gears, so to speak.
Can you figure out why the boss is so unfriendly this week?
When it comes to my supervisor, he's very inconsistent, so we never get any work done.
Don't get so irritated. Rushing things will cost you more time in the end.

英語 "という言葉tak że"(so)集合で発生します。

W&K Market Leader UNIT 10

3. so that so that

Dark colours are used so that it makes the product look cool.
She gave me her phone so that I could call my mother.
I save so that I can buy a car.
ki, böylece... Mail the package now so that it will arrive on time.
Due to the storm, the pilot decided to turn back, so that the flight would not be jeopardized.
People pray so that God won't crush them like bugs.
We spent money so that we could have better equipment
I’ll get a map so that we can plan where we’re going.
I used to leave work until the las minute so that I would feel the pressure to get it done.
I studied hard so that I would pass the exam.
I am telling you this so that you will know that we made the right decision.
Read it so that you know how to do it.
I want to do it today so that everybody is happy.
Write a story so that the reader is shocked.
He changed his phone password so that others couldn't access it.

英語 "という言葉tak że"(so that)集合で発生します。

Słówka 1-7.01

4. so that to so that to