辞書 ポーランド語 - 英語

język polski - English

tak jakby 英語で:

1. sort of sort of

He is sort of strange.
Like any sort of hero turning down to zero
It can sort of prepare people for the weekend.
We both like the same sort of music.
I sort of enjoyed the play.
What sort of dinosaur are you?
Women sort of understand better.
I've sort of finished the report; I just need to print it out, thenI'm done.
sort of
It's a sort of pale orange colour.
The eye sort of exploded
this sort of reality often threatens us

英語 "という言葉tak jakby"(sort of)集合で発生します。

1. Mums and daughters but we could be sisters
2. Pierwsze spotkania. Gdzie mieszkasz? - miasto i...
UNIT 4 4.3 - SCIENCE (komunikacja)
Letter of complaint - UNIT 9
Getting to know each other

2. kind off kind off

英語 "という言葉tak jakby"(kind off)集合で発生します。

Webtoon 1 ang->pl

3. as if as if

He looked as if he had seen every crime imaginable.
It sounds as if it's raining.
He's 20 years old but looks as if he was 40.
You look as if you were (are) Martian.
He's behaving as if nothing happened.
словно он уже был там|as if he had already been there

英語 "という言葉tak jakby"(as if)集合で発生します。

SEW Tuesday 18.02.2014
SEW Tuesday 18.02.2014
one word tranformation

4. as though as though

You look as though you've been running a marathon!
she looks as though
It is almost as though the Commission were tempted to close the deal at any cost.
I’d feel as though I couldn’t breathe