The race was fixed.
You cannot participate in race, it is for professional sportsmen only.
The business of the journalist is to destroy the truth, to lie outright, to pervert, to vilify, to fawn at the feet of Mammon, and to sell his country and his race for his daily bread.
The race developed into a free-for-all but Shinomiya lapped the group and in the final stage steadily piled on points with good timing to achieve victory.
An ardent affection for the human race makes enthusiastic characters eager to produce alteration in laws and governments prematurely.
I found one day in school a boy of medium size ill-treating a smaller boy. I expostulated, but he replied: "The bigs hit me, so I hit the babies; that's fair." In these words he epitomized the history of the human race.
Due to this a lot of time was lost, it's possible that if it wasn't for this accident the final stage of the race would have been better.
For this race, people under the age of 35 (including 35) join the young people's group; people from 36 to 50 years old join the middle-aged group and people 51 or over join the elderly group.
A black race, they had thick lips, flattened noses and frizzy hair resembling, in these ways, the blacks now living on Earth.
Men and women of full age, without any limitation due to race, nationality or religion, have the right to marry and to found a family. They are entitled to equal rights as to marriage, during marriage and at its dissolution.
Far from refuting the thesis that race is to blame for lower IQ score, Lynn's data actually supports it.
Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status.
She won the contest.
Many boys and girls ranging from 12 to 18 entered the contest.
Did you enter the singing contest?
The speech contest took place on the ninth of November.
Let's have a contest. The side to come up with the worst insult wins.
Tom pleaded no contest to a charge of drunken driving.
In the contest he fully displayed what ability he had.
Christopher Columbus once engaged in a debate with the Divine Celt. It would become the only contest that Columbus ever lost.
The last election was such a hot contest that several ex-ministers lost.
The speech contest was held under the auspices of the Ministry of Education.
Getter Jaani is the best singer in the Eurovision Song Contest 2011.
A number of students announced their readiness to engage in the contest.
My father was a contestant in a cooking contest and won first prize.
I entered a singing contest sponsored by a pasta company and I made it to the semifinals.
An oratorical contest will be held next Sunday.
英語 "という言葉比赛"(contest)集合で発生します。
Chinese Exam Revision3.
We have a soccer tournament in May.
Twenty teams entered the tournament.
High school baseball teams competed with one another at the tournament.
The English team beat the Brazilian team in the international soccer tournament.
That athlete won three times in a row in this tournament.
For sure, she'll win the championship in the tournament.
People buy these tickets many months before the tournament starts.
His leg will prevent him from participating in a tennis tournament.
He decided to play it safe and pull out of the tournament due to his injured knee.
The top eight players survived the ninth day of the tournament.
This is my last tournament, no matter what happens. / 2. Arranging that tournament was actually a fabulous idea. / 3. You win the tournament, you win their respect. / 4. Mr. Daytona, we'll see you at the tournament.
They came here for the basketball tournament. (Oni przyjechali tutaj na turniej koszykówki.) The tournament is open to players of both sexes. (Turniej jest otwarty dla zawodników obu płci.)
The tournament took place in London.
Tim got through to the tennis final easily and won the tournament.
It was annoying, as the manager took his team to a near-miss in the tournament.