feeilings and emotions

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質問 答え
być w siódmym niebie
be thrilled to bits
Martha was thrilled to bits when she was accepted by an outstanding university
być bladym jak ściana
to be as white as a sheet
He was as white as a sheet when thruth came out. He knew he would lose all credibility
Litować się nad kimś
To take pity on
Rzucić się komuś do gardła
to jump down my throat
When I said I throught he was doing it wrong, he to jump down my throat accusing me of causing problems
Stracić panowanie nad sobą
to lose his temper
Tom to lose his temper, hurled abuse at them and left slamming the door behind him.
być wniebowziętym
to float on air
The athlete to flo on air after winning a gold medal in the 800 meters
Przyprawiać o dreszcze
to send shivers down your spine
Lisen to this song. It will to send shivers down your spine
Zaczerwienić się
To turn beetroot red
Meg to turned beetroot red with embarrassment and mumbled apologies
Być zielonym z gniewu
Be green with envy
She has green with envy when she heard that i got a dream promotion and a raise
Mieć handrę
To feel down
Gegorge has been feeling down since the spilit with his girlfiend
Uronić łzy
To shed tears
Joanna to shed tears over her best friend's misfortune
Nie okazywać emocji
To keep stiff upper lip
Paul knows how to contain his emotions. He To keep stiff upper lip
