質問 |
答え |
draw somebody to something Why are so many people drawn to gardening? 学び始める
przyciągać kogoś do czegoś, zainteresować kogoś czymś
draw somebody to something I was drawn to a charming sound of music. Her blue eyes really drew me to her 学び始める
przyciągać kogoś do czegoś, zainteresować kogoś czymś
Sophie and Neil discover that soil has some surprising qualities and discuss how growing fruit and veg can be therapeutic too. 学び始める
in all weathers (describes something you do) in all types of weather 学び始める
w każdych warunkach pogodowych
communing with nature feeling close to nature and being a part of it 学び始める
creepy-crawly small insect 学び始める
naturalny stan euforyczny (niewywołany środkami odurzającymi)
spożyć, przyjmować pokarm
An act of swallowing. There is a therapy option that does not require the ingestion of drugs. 学び始める
spożywanie, przyjmowanie pokarmu
the act of putting a liquid, especially a drug, into a person's body using a needle and a syringe (= small tube) 学び始める
The action of ingesting, or consuming something orally, whether it be food, drink, medicine, or other substance. It is usually referred to as the first step of digestion. 学び始める
spożywanie, przyjmowanie pokarmu
placebo a substance with no physical effects that is used when testing a drug 学び始める
środek niemający wpływu na funkcjonowanie organizmu podawany jednak jako lek w celach psychoterapeutycznych lub przy badaniach kontrolnych nad działaniami różnych leków
He believes I just gave him a sedative, but it was only a placebo. 学び始める
She was only given a placebo, but she claimed she got better - that's the placebo effect. 学び始める
środek niemający wpływu na funkcjonowanie organizmu
therapeutic used to try and cure an illness 学び始める
General National Vocational Qualification (UK qualification) 学び始める
I did a spot of gardening. 学び始める
a small amount. I felt a few spots of rain. Let's stop for a spot of lunch. I'm having a spot of bother (= some trouble) with one of my back teeth. 学び始める
He wore a grey tie with pink spots. Ah, well spotted! 学び始める
Well, I tried to grow some tomatoes once. And to be honest it made me rather anxious. 学び始める
zaniepokojony, zniecierpliwiony
All the leaves curled up... and then dropped off. 学び始める
Being in the fresh air, in all weathers, communing with nature 学び始める
when I tried communing with nature my hands got all scratched – I got stung by nasty creepy-crawlies – and I got soil up my nose. 学び始める
I got stung by nasty creepy-crawlies – and I got soil up my nose. 学び始める
Multiple stings may be fatal to humans 学び始める
Jim scratched the CD and now it doesn't work. She didn't take her shoes off and scratched our wooden floor. 学び始める
Try wearing protective clothing next time – and maybe a nose plug too! 学び始める
Dr Christopher Lowry conducted an experiment to test whether soil gives us a natural high – meaning to make us happy without taking drugs. 学び始める
naturalny stan euforyczny (niewywołany środkami odurzającymi)
He injected a bacterium commonly found in soil into mice to see what affect this would have on them. 学び始める
Rodents like mice and rats are very good swimmers and it was found many years ago that if you treat animals with antidepressant drugs and then put the animals in just a beaker of water it would cause the animals to swim for longer periods of time. 学び始める
Rodents like mice and rats are very good swimmers and it was found many years ago that if you treat animals with antidepressant drugs and then put the animals in just a beaker of water it would cause the animals to swim for longer periods of time. 学び始める
Bats are sometimes called "flying mice", but they are not rodents. 学び始める
any of various small mammals with large, sharp front teeth, such as mice and rats 学び始める
This cave is inhabited by bats. 学び始める
W tej jaskini żyją nietoperze.
a glass or plastic container used in chemistry 学び始める
These mice that had been injected with bacterium swam during a 6-minute test for a longer period of time than animals that just got a placebo. 学び始める
środek niemający wpływu na funkcjonowanie organizmu
When we dig in soil we ingest – or absorb – the bacterium through our lungs or cuts in our skin. 学び始める
So here one group of mice were injected with the bacterium and another group were injected with the placebo. 学び始める
So Scot Stephenson was expelled from school – he was forced to leave – with no qualifications. 学び始める
wydalać (ucznia ze szkoły, członka z organizacji)
The student was expelled from school. 学び始める
wydalać (ucznia ze szkoły, członka z organizacji)
But with the help of a support group he now has an NVQ – that's a National Vocational Qualification here in Britain – in gardening. 学び始める
providing skills and education that prepare you for a job 学び始める