質問 |
答え |
oddziaływać na / wpływać na 学び始める
wolny strzelec, niezależny, pracujący na własny rachunek 学び始める
I'm a freelance translator.
to massage, to give sb a massage
to adore something / someone Betty adores her grandchildren.
strzyknięcie w plecach / szyi 学び始める
a crick in your back/neck
treat somebody like/as something
Kiedyś chodziłam do kina raz w tygodniu. 学び始める
I used to go to the movies once a week. I would go to the cinema once a week.
Jestem pewna, że ona wygra ten konkurs. 学び始める
I bet she'll win this competition.
Założę się, że ona nie przyjdzie. 学び始める
I bet you she won't come.
"Boże, byłam taka zła". "Wyobrażam sobie". 学び始める
'God, I was so angry.' 'I bet you were.' used to show that you understand or can imagine the situation that someone has just told you about
"Tym razem na pewno rzucam palenie". "Tak, jasne!". 学び始める
'I'm definitely going to give up smoking this time.' 'Yeah, I bet!' used to show that you do not believe what someone has just told you
"Wybierasz się na imprezę?". "Jasne!" 学び始める
'Going to the party on Saturday?' ' YOU BET!' used to emphasize that you agree with someone or are keen to do what they suggest
a book with separate spaces for each day of the year, in which you write down the meetings, events etc that are planned for each day [= calendar American English Did you put the meeting date in your diary?