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person who has been ordered not to pay a debt to the creditor but instead to pay to a third party who is the creditor of the creditor 学び始める
to deliberately aviod talking about sth unpleasant (pomijać) 学び始める
a business that is actively trading and is expected to continue doing so 学び始める
fair and open dealing in human interactions 学び始める
things that are produced in order to be sold 学び始める
the good reputation of a business (dobra wola) 学び始める
the law that is used to interpret the contract in case of dispute 学び始める
to agree to give sth to sb (przyznanie) 学び始める
sth that a person complains about due to injury, injustice or wrong (skarga) 学び始める
without deductions (brutto?) 学び始める
legal basis for certain action 学び始める
to make a promise that sth is true, legal document that promises that things you have bought are of good quality (gwarancja) 学び始める
person who will pay the debt if debtor fails to do it (poręczyciel, gwarant) 学び始める
suggestions to how sth should be done (wytyczne) 学び始める
main office of company or organisation (siedziba główna) 学び始める
summary of main points agreed between the parties to a contract 学び始める
a legal proceeding when the case is consiederd by court so that a result can be decided (rozprawa) 学び始める
evidence given by a wintness who did not see or hear anything but heard it from another source (pogłoski, poszlaki) 学び始める
person who receives property after the deceased (dziedic) 学び始める
used to describe a commercial bank that you may found on any typical street in the country 学び始める
a agreement where a person buys sth by making monthly payments until he or she has paid for it completely and owns it outright (zakup na raty) 学び始める
to separate a part of the company so it becomes another company (wydzielić) 学び始める
to make an official decision or legal judgement 学び始める
the company that owns more that half of shares in another company 学び始める
depatment in a company that deals with the employment (zarządzanie zasobami ludzkimi) 学び始める
the rights that all people have to basic freedoms 学び始める
about sth that is against the law 学び始める
to suggest sth but not to say it directly (sugerować) 学び始める
the total amount of money that sb recieves over a period of time (dochód) 学び始める
to become subject to and liable for (ponosić, np. koszty) 学び始める
to promise to pay if loss off damage occurs (zabezpieczenie/ubezpieczenie) 学び始める
remedy ordered by court, party in breach is ordered to stop acting in a way that violates the contract (nakaz sądowy) 学び始める
person who has suffered a loss beacuse of sb’s behaviour 学び始める
making use of confidential information about the company in order to make a profit (spekulacje akcjami przy użyciu poufnych informacji) 学び始める
about sb who has not enough money to pay his debts (niewypłacalny) 学び始める
ceration of human mind that is protected by law (własność intelektualna) 学び始める
to give sth to sb or to send information or a document to sb (m.in. wydawać/wsytawiać) 学び始める