Matasek Idioms4

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質問 答え
dojść do słowa (np. w dyskusji)
get a word in edgeways/edgewise
It was such an exciting conversation that I could hardly get a word in edgewise. Mary talks so fast that nobody can get a word in edgeways.
to make an effort to improve your work or behavior because it is not good enough/wziąć się w garść
pull one's socks up
He's going to have to pull his socks up if he wants to stay in the team.
mieć wpływy
carry weight with sb/sth
Your argument does not carry a lot of weight with me. The senator's testimony carried a lot of weight with the council.
wyrzucić coś z siebie, wyżalić się.
get sth off one's chest
You will feel better if you get it off your chest. I have to get this off my chest. I'm tired of your rudeness to me!
to have a strong opinion about something, which you are often trying to persuade other people is correct
have an axe to grind
As a novelist, he has no political axe to grind.
szukać dziury w całym, krytykować coś
pick holes in sth
The lawyer did her best to pick holes in the witness's statement.
trzymać coś na dystans
hold sth at bay
I have to keep the bill collectors at bay until I get my paycheck. The mosquitoes will not remain at bay for very long.
przypominać coś
ring the bell
popełnić gafę, strzelić głupstwo (powiedzieć publicznie coś zawstydzającego)
drop a brick
They really dropped a brick when they told her the cause of her illness.
poruszać niebo i ziemią (próbować na każdy możliwy sposób)
leave no stone unturned
Don't worry. We'll find your stolen car. We'll leave no stone unturned. In searching for a nice place to live, we left no stone unturned.
