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A cold, the flu, a chill, pneumonia 学び始める
A disease, malaria, typhoid 学び始める
(lung/breast) cancer, diabetes, AIDS, arthritis, Alzheimer's disease 学び始める
Asthma, hay fever, backache, a congenital defect 学び始める
Asthma, hay fever, diarrhoea, pain 学び始める
(lung/breast) cancer, AIDs, laukaemia, autism 学び始める
(major/minor/serious/head) injuries 学び始める
The time between infection and the appearance of symptoms. 学び始める
The time when the pathogen that has infected an organism is inactive. 学び始める
A short-lived disease with rapid onset and short course. 学び始める
A disease that lasts for a long time, usually an least six months. 学び始める
An onset or recurrence of more severe symptoms. 学び始める
A disease that resists treatment. 学び始める
Choroba oporna na leczenie
A disease that gets worse over the time leading to death, serious disability, or organ failure. 学び始める
Temporary reduction or disappearance of disease symptoms in patients who have a chronic illness that cannot be cured. 学び始める
A recurrence of past medical condition. 学び始める
A restoration of health or functioning. 学び始める
A disease or condition that usually stops or ends without therapy or assistance. 学び始める
Choroba ustępuje samoistnie
A disease that affects only one part of the body. 学び始める
A disease that has spread to other body parts. 学び始める
A disease that affects the entire body. 学び始める