質問 |
答え |
wydać kogoś (tzn. zdradzić) 学び始める
His false identity papers gave him away.
The cheese had begun to give off a strange smell.
The management has gone back on its promise.
kiedy coś powoli zaczyna ci się podobać 学び始める
I didn't like this song at first but it's slowly growing on me.
nawiazac dobry kontakt, zaczac nadawac na tych samych falach 学び始める
Mark and Sarah really hit it off at the party.
ustanawiać regułę/nowe prawo 学び始める
The company has laid down strict procedures for this kind of situation.
Sorry to let you down, but I can't meet you today.
sprostać, np. oczekiwaniom 学び始める
The game lived up to my expectations.
badać jakąś sprawę, prowadzić dochodzenie 学び始める
The police have promised to look into the problem.
sprawdzić coś, np. w internecie, słowniku 学び始める
I don't know this word, I have to look it up.
I think you made up the whole story.
Our success makes up for all the hard times.
None of the children would own up to breaking the window.
odpłacić komuś (tzn. zemścić się) 学び始める
She paid him back for all his insults.
zwrócić uwagę na jakiś aspekt 学び始める
I pointed out that I would be on holiday the next week.
It was a tricky plan, but we pulled it off.
I can't put up with all this noise.