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np. prosty 学び始める
Making one feel very happy, animated, or elated; thrilling. radosna dwugodzinna przygoda raftingowa 学び始める
an exhilarating two-hour rafting experience
2; A particular way of approaching or considering an issue or problem. Zawsze ma świeże spojrzenie na życie. 学び始める
He always had a fresh angle on life.
Unlikely and unconvincing. Teoria brzmiała na dziwaczną i naciąganą. 学び始める
The theory sounded bizarre and far-fetched.
podekscytowany beztroski trajkot 学び始める
excited, lighthearted chatter
Showing a lack of originality; based on frequently repeated phrases or opinions. Banalnemu opowiadaniu brakuje iskry życia. 学び始める
The clichéd storytelling lacks that vital spark.
Having a smooth, curved shape. 学び始める
well-rounded quartz pebbles
(of a person) having a personality that is fully developed in all aspects. 学び始める
The leading character or one of the major characters in a play, film, novel, etc. 学び始める
Investigate, report on, or show pictures of (an event) Kanał 4. relacjonuje mecz. 学び始める
Channel 4 are covering the match.
Contribute extra features to (someone or something) in such a way as to improve or emphasize their qualities. 学び始める
2 学び始める
nie zrozumieć o co chodzi 学び始める
bohater książki/filmu akcji 学び始める
The chief male character in a book, play, or film, who is typically identified with good qualities, and with whom the reader is expected to sympathize. 学び始める
The chief female character in a book, play, or film, who is typically identified with good qualities, and with whom the reader is expected to sympathize. 学び始める
A person in a novel, play, or film. 学び始める
rola pierwszoplanowa/główna 3 学び始める
leading role/leading part/lead
A person's assistant or close associate, especially one who has less authority than that person. Watson, mamroczący pod nosem pomocnik Sherlock'a Holmes'a. 学び始める
Sherlock Holmes' bumbling sidekick Watson.
phrasal Chciała, by impreza koncentrowała się wokół niej. 学び始める
She wanted the party to revolve around her.
Fabuła obraca się wokół... 学び始める
The plot revolves around...
In the course of the film...
An unexpected development of events. 学び始める
The way in which something progresses or develops. 学び始める