lietuvių kalba リトアニア語

20 フィッシュ guest1882067

37 フィッシュ jakubkubs

23 フィッシュ guest1882067

This lesson will help you to learn 32 words about forest animals. Learn animal names in Lithuanian using VocApp flashcards!

32 フィッシュ vaivasarkaite

In this lesson you can find the most useful words about dairy. Learn vocabulary from milk to cheese.

10 フィッシュ vaivasarkaite

This lesson is all about learning types of vegetables in Lithuanian.

32 フィッシュ vaivasarkaite

Learn main fruits and berries in Lithuanian by using this lesson only within a few minutes!

26 フィッシュ vaivasarkaite

In this lesson you will find more Lithuanian words related to sport. Learn how to say those and many other words related to sport in Lithuanian!

10 フィッシュ vaivasarkaite

Ice skates, ball, skateboard only 3 out of 18 sports equipment words you can learn if you try this lesson.

18 フィッシュ vaivasarkaite

Different people like different types of sport and all of them can be found in this lesson.

55 フィッシュ vaivasarkaite

Everything you need to know about Lithuanian sport vocabulary in one lesson!

19 フィッシュ vaivasarkaite

After a few tries, you will be able to name confidently all seven days in a week, because this lesson is all about that.

16 フィッシュ vaivasarkaite

In this lesson you are able to learn months in Lithuanian from January to December.

12 フィッシュ vaivasarkaite

Your beloved childhood fairytales in Lithuanian language. This lesson is perfect way to learn new language for kids

17 フィッシュ vaivasarkaite

One more VocApp lesson to learn colors in foreign language. Here you can find all palette in Lithuanian with examples.

11 フィッシュ vaivasarkaite

In this lesson you can learn basic words regarding weather and temperature.

55 フィッシュ vaivasarkaite

26 フィッシュ lit1day

Mokytis kalbų dar niekada nebuvo taip paprasta! Išmokite 10 vienų naudingiausių anglų kalbos žodžių tam skirdami vos 10 sekundžių Jūsų laiko!

10 フィッシュ vaivasarkaite

143 件中 81 から 100 までを表示しています。
無料で語学コースを試す VocApp 若しくは あなた自身のフラッシュカードを作成する
関連: 英語 | learning languages | Lithuanian language | quick to learn | lithuanian words | lithuanian phrases | learning lithuanian