seasons in Lithuanian

This lesson you will find main words about activities that will help you to shape your conversation.

29 フィッシュ vaivasarkaite

This lesson will help you to learn basics of any typical conversation you might need in the future while traveling around Lithuania.

17 フィッシュ vaivasarkaite

48 フィッシュ teachertom

Your beloved childhood fairytales in Lithuanian language. This lesson is perfect way to learn new language for kids

17 フィッシュ vaivasarkaite

Learning new words of foreign language might be challenging sometimes. In this lesson you can discover words that are similar to English and most likely to your mother tongue.

11 フィッシュ vaivasarkaite

Learning basic Romanian with VocApp gives you the opportunity to express yourself in everyday conversations with the natives and enrich your knowledge of Romance languages. This Romanian lesson will teach you how to say the seasons in Romanian and how to speak about the weather. We have many free Romanian lessons and professional Romanian courses developed for you, visit our site and check them out!

10 フィッシュ tania.v

16 フィッシュ uvingrys

10 フィッシュ fiszki_fr

15 フィッシュ uvingrys

74 フィッシュ uvingrys

150 件中 21 から 40 までを表示しています。

無料で語学コースを試す VocApp 若しくは あなた自身のフラッシュカードを作成する
関連: angielski | litewski | 英語 | リトアニア語 | geography | anglu zodziai | kalbu mokymasis